Wondering if the 2GB hack can be extended

Sebaz wrote on 8/7/2009, 6:30 AM
So far we have enabled a few files in 8.0c to go above 2 GB with the hack from B3T (http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/forums/ShowMessage.asp?ForumID=4&MessageID=648152)

I was wondering if anybody else tried the hack on other files. My main reason for asking is that I would like to be able to do RAM previews in 8.0c with more than 3712 MB (My computer has 8 GB). In 8.1 I can set it to 7166. In 8.0c, with the hack applied and the RAM preview limit in the internal preferences set to 8192, I still get a max of 3712 when I close 8.0c and open it again. I wonder if there's another file that the hack can be applied to to get more RAM preview.


blink3times wrote on 8/7/2009, 7:42 AM
I've gone through and tried a few more files in my moments of boredom, but it's a long grind applying the hack to a file... testing, then applying to another file. I quit at the point when Vegas started doing weird things after I applied the hack to one file (can't off hand remember which one though).

I suspect though that the answer may still be in internal setting somewhere though. My guess is that there are some associated settings in there that need to be tweaked in order to SERIOUSLY crank the preview ram
Former user wrote on 8/7/2009, 7:58 AM
Doubt it. SInce 8.0c is a 32 bit executable - the rules of mathematics will prevent you from ever exceeding 3.7GB...and if you are getting that much - that's is awesome.

64 bit is the only way past 4GB...but you cannot do that with 8.0c...only 8.1


Sebaz wrote on 8/7/2009, 9:17 PM
Doubt it. SInce 8.0c is a 32 bit executable - the rules of mathematics will prevent you from ever exceeding 3.7GB...and if you are getting that much - that's is awesome.

Now that I think about it, you're right, the hack may allow the program to access more than 2 GB, but the 32 bit restriction is still there, even with a 64 bit OS, because it has to use the 32 bit mode for it.

64 bit is the only way past 4GB...but you cannot do that with 8.0c...only 8.1

Yea, I just wish 8.1 wasn't a piece of crap that crashes when you start playing with the trimmer, or that suddenly goes blind and tells you the source files are gone when they are still there.

But well, at least with 3712 MB I still get over a minute of preview if I use a 1/2 size preview, which still looks decent enough for many things.