I asked a freelancer editor to do the first cut of a TV ad and I am supposed to finish it in Vegas Pro. He used Adobe Premiere Pro and sent me all project files.
Any idea how to open the Premiere Pro project in Vegas Pro 16? I tried the Import Premiere/After Effect *.prproj files but it doesn't seem to work and all I get is an Export Log File that contains the following information:
Exception Message: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.
Parameter name: startIndex
Stack Trace: at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
at VegasScripts.VegasCommon.GetImportMediaPath(String pathInImportedFile, List`1 mediaLocations)
at VegasScripts.AEImporter.ReadChildren(XmlElement elt, MediaBin parent)
at VegasScripts.AEImporter.ReadChildren(XmlElement elt, MediaBin parent)
at VegasScripts.AEImporter.Import(String fileName, Vegas vegas, Project project, LogCallback log, Action createUndoBlock, Action disposeUndoBlock)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeImporter.HandleInvokedInternal(String openDialogName, String openDialogExt, String undoBlockName, IImporter importer)
Any idea what is going on and how to solve this problem?