
riredale wrote on 9/30/2015, 9:09 AM
Digital repeating artifact.

Not to say that the atmosphere can do similar things. I'm sure everyone has seen footage of a jet taking off in front of the sun or moon and the heated exhaust from the engines creates visible distortions.
DrLumen wrote on 9/30/2015, 10:28 AM
I think the 'pulsing' is just heat waves or moisture in the air. The same thing that causes star to twinkle more on some night than others. The moon was 'twinkling'.
He said it was starting to rain so there was a lot of moisture in an unstable atmosphere.

As to the waves, I have no idea.

Chem trails and not clouds. No conspiracy theorist there.:)

intel i-4790k / Asus Z97 Pro / 32GB Crucial RAM / Nvidia GTX 560Ti / 500GB Samsung SSD / 256 GB Samsung SSD / 2-WDC 4TB Black HDD's / 2-WDC 1TB HDD's / 2-HP 23" Monitors / Various MIDI gear, controllers and audio interfaces

Red Prince wrote on 9/30/2015, 12:48 PM
You can see the level of his sophistication in the title of that video. He thinks a digital camera captures things on film.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

PeterDuke wrote on 9/30/2015, 7:36 PM
If you have time, listen to the interview. He believes that the moon is just light and not solid. He doesn't believe in the lunar landing or the space lab. He probably believes in a flat earth too.

And the moon does not have a gravitational effect on the earth, such as tides.

Or he is faking the whole thing. He doesn't even give his real name on the interview.

The video is now progressive, but the camera shown shoots interlaced. It is a stock photo from the internet, not one he has taken, so may not be the identical camera.
DrLumen wrote on 10/1/2015, 1:12 PM
There is one flat Earther that professes that the moon is a hologram. How it's been a hologram since the dawn of time is fascinating to me.

intel i-4790k / Asus Z97 Pro / 32GB Crucial RAM / Nvidia GTX 560Ti / 500GB Samsung SSD / 256 GB Samsung SSD / 2-WDC 4TB Black HDD's / 2-WDC 1TB HDD's / 2-HP 23" Monitors / Various MIDI gear, controllers and audio interfaces

GeeBax wrote on 10/1/2015, 5:12 PM
How dare you apply logic to the issue!
PeterDuke wrote on 10/1/2015, 6:58 PM
I wonder how he explains eclipses of the sun and the moon. NASA conspiracy?
ushere wrote on 10/1/2015, 8:52 PM
he should be running for president with the gop....
FilmingPhotoGuy wrote on 10/1/2015, 11:40 PM
The wave seems too digital and uniform to be a type of heat distortion. If it were a projected image how come I don't capture the lunar wave on my camera.
PeterDuke wrote on 10/2/2015, 2:12 AM
Artifacts can creep in, in all sorts of ways.

What processing was done on the video? It is not original, as I pointed out earlier.

What visual distortions can occur due to atmospheric effects such as a warm or cool front passing through?
DrLumen wrote on 10/2/2015, 6:36 AM
Peter, the eclipses are explained by a magical disk that circles around in the same orbit as the sun and moon. Yes, that is what they believe.

(putting on tinfoil thinking cap)
The waves are the product of the chemicals seeded by the chem trails being acted on by the HARP array to send compression waves through the atmosphere, on behalf of the illuminati, for weather and mind control.
(taking off thinking cap)

I really hope one of them doesn't start using that...

intel i-4790k / Asus Z97 Pro / 32GB Crucial RAM / Nvidia GTX 560Ti / 500GB Samsung SSD / 256 GB Samsung SSD / 2-WDC 4TB Black HDD's / 2-WDC 1TB HDD's / 2-HP 23" Monitors / Various MIDI gear, controllers and audio interfaces