
PSPattison wrote on 1/25/2000, 11:51 AM
Someone had asked me to evaluate VP for their possible use
on a new project. Looks good, sounds good, and it's
intuitive enough that I never bothered to download the
manual. (I did peek at the helpfile a couple of times).

One thing I never got to try before the demo ran out is
VP's operation with timecode/MTC. I used some
existing .avi's and ran them successfully with a boatload
of tracks and effects, but the system I was demoing on
wasn't set up to lock the project to incoming code--
mandatory for the intended use.

I'd like to hear results from users who are locking to
videotape and/or sequencers. How's the lock? How
gracefully can you swith from lock to 'free' operation?
How well does it deal with new offsets and revisions? Does
it properly recognize various frame rates, DF/NDF code, etc?

In the brave new world of multiple delivery requirements,
VP looks like it packs the power. This is hot!


CDM wrote on 1/27/2000, 12:20 PM
Though I haven't done a lot of locking to code, I have used Vegas as
a slave to my DA-38. I use the Miid Xpress XT and convert SMPTE to
MTC and it works great. Very simple operation. Offsets seem to work,
and it supports all formats of TC. You can toggle MTC sync with a
touch of a key F8 or shift-F8 (like ACID).

Good luck! It IS a great product.

Palmer Pattison wrote:
>>Someone had asked me to evaluate VP for their possible use
>>on a new project. Looks good, sounds good, and it's
>>intuitive enough that I never bothered to download the
>>manual. (I did peek at the helpfile a couple of times).
>>One thing I never got to try before the demo ran out is
>>VP's operation with timecode/MTC. I used some
>>existing .avi's and ran them successfully with a boatload
>>of tracks and effects, but the system I was demoing on
>>wasn't set up to lock the project to incoming code--
>>mandatory for the intended use.
>>I'd like to hear results from users who are locking to
>>videotape and/or sequencers. How's the lock? How
>>gracefully can you swith from lock to 'free' operation?
>>How well does it deal with new offsets and revisions? Does
>>it properly recognize various frame rates, DF/NDF code, etc?
>>In the brave new world of multiple delivery requirements,
>>VP looks like it packs the power. This is hot!