Yipeee! Got My 1st HD Cam (HV30) -- Thanks :o)

Soniclight wrote on 12/27/2008, 4:11 PM
Just hit "complete transaction" at B&H.

I've been bugging some of you over the last couple of years on this common recurring question of "What should I get since I'm on pauper-ish budget?" Many of you here as well as my own rather neurotic online research, i.e. CamcorderInfo, etc. finally helped me decide.

And, OK... so did the steep holiday price reduction ($800 down to $539.95).

So thanks for your help.

Now I'm finally in the "big boys and girls league" :o) (Well, not really - one Pentium D computer, one NLE in a one-bedroom apartment doeseth not a pro studio make).

But hey, it's progress and I'm freakin' woo-woo jazzed.
Or to put in Austin Powers-ese...

"Oh, yeah, baby! That's groovy, baby."


daryl wrote on 12/27/2008, 4:18 PM
Congrats Soniclight! Excellent choice, you'll get a lot of good video with that camera.
Seth wrote on 12/27/2008, 4:25 PM
Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Remember to join the HV20/30 forum at www.hv20.com There are a metric tonne of Vegas Pro users over there to get you up to speed on things like pull-down removal, achieving a good look for your projects, etc.
richard-amirault wrote on 12/27/2008, 4:40 PM
Now I'm finally in the "big boys and girls league"

Hmmm .. so my $2000 Canon GL2 is not in the "big boys league" because it's not HD?

Actually .. I don't think it is ... it takes a *lot* more than just HD or a 2 grand 3 chip camera to be in the "big boys league"

PS I hope you got an extra battery or two with that camera .. then there's a decent tripod ... external mic ...and ??
Yoyodyne wrote on 12/27/2008, 4:59 PM
Congrats soniclight. Be warned though, an HD camera is no friend to your wallet :)
Soniclight wrote on 12/27/2008, 5:26 PM
Thanks, y'all.

Brighterside said, "Hmmm .. so my $2000 Canon GL2 is not in the "big boys league" because it's not HD?"

Not an issue of HD -- more of a personal situation comment:

--- All I have (until UPS arrives :o) is a basic 2001 consumer model JVC SD floor model I bought new for USD $120 back in '03. Just getting a "real" camera with which I can do some nice looking work is big-league to me.

My JVC is a sweet and good looking camera, but it's more of a webcam with muscle. But lousy in low-light which is my specialty.
And it's been good to me, too, but time to move on, cuz...

Up to now, the only way I could explore what I would do with a decent camera was working with good resolution stills + ParticleIllusion + WorldWind (NASA).

I need to shoot some freakin' footage too - lol.
farss wrote on 12/27/2008, 5:45 PM
Making a decision is always the hardest part.

Now go buy some daylight CFLs and start collecting discarded light fixtures. Add a roll of Cinefoil and some C47s (aka pegs) and you're good to go. All up that'll cost you another $100. It'll make a HUGE difference to your image quality.

Earl_J wrote on 12/27/2008, 6:32 PM
Congratulations, SL. . .
I'm happy for you, and the progress you've made by going to HD.
Disregard all the poo-poo comments and enjoy the moment.
If you've been at it a while, you probably have the stuff you'll need to make better movies ... lights, sound equipment, etc.

I think you made a good choice with the Canon.

Enjoy. . . bring some highlights over to viddler and share them with us... HD video is supposed to look better at SD resolution also. . .

Until that time. . . Earl J.
ushere wrote on 12/27/2008, 7:30 PM
enjoy - but remember, the more you shoot, the more you have to review to edit ;-)
Soniclight wrote on 12/27/2008, 7:41 PM
Bob, ye sayeth onto me...

"Now go buy some daylight CFLs and start collecting discarded light fixtures. Add a roll of Cinefoil and some C47s (aka pegs) and you're good to go. All up that'll cost you another $100. It'll make a HUGE difference to your image quality.

CFLs, and a couple light fixtures -- and a $30 500w halogen Home Depot stand lamp and assorted other color floods, I got. But...

-- Cinefoil: Just had to Google to find out what that was. Good idea. My thrift bought black cloth stuff is OK but not ideal.

-- Pegs, well, I'll have to look into that too, though I use duct tape too.

Now as far as anyone raining on my Yipeee! parade with caveats and such, sorry, but it's been a looo-oong time coming to this decision.

I am enjoying it and I won't anyone poop on it :o)

I'll have plenty of time to run into issues and ask pertinent questions later. That's what this Vegas board is about.
Learning from the most helpful vid folk I know.
Seth wrote on 12/27/2008, 8:22 PM
A crazy DIYer just shot an entire feature on the camera you just bought (though he used the BlackMagic Intensity for direct capture, NOT HDV tape :) . As was hinted at before, the key to using ANY camera is knowing how to light for the medium. The HV20/30 just happens to be a fairly forgiving consumer camcorder, so you'll have more 'happy accidents' than not.

BTW, the link to the feature can be found here:
bjtap wrote on 12/27/2008, 8:26 PM
This brings up a question I have wanted to ask for a long time.
I have the 3CCD Canon GL1 DV camcorder. Will the HV30 with it's single CCD give a better picture?
Thanks for your opinions.
Terry Esslinger wrote on 12/27/2008, 8:45 PM
With good light - YES.
farss wrote on 12/27/2008, 9:07 PM
Cinefoil is a must have. It'll hold its shape and will not burn.
You use it around your 'found' lights as barn doors or snoots. I've even seen it used to fashion a matte box with a bit of gaffe tape to hold it onto the camera.
Do not buy cheap gaffe tape, the friggin gum stays on whatever it gets stuck to, big mess that's hard to get rid of.
Avoid those cheap halogen work lights. You're working in a confined space. The risk of fire and overheated talent and crew (you) makes them a bad idea. Plus you will blow the lamps if you don't let them cool down before moving them.
Stick with daylight light sources, the cheapest being CFLs. They're cooler, cheaper to run, last a long time and your camera will perform better. Plus if you also have daylight shining into the room you don't have to worry about gelling the lights. I make good use of the mirror backed 15W CFLs, I guess you can get them in the USA. I have some really cheap lamp holders to go with them but you could find something on cleanup day with a stand that'd work just as well.

One caution about Cinefoil, it does conduct electricity.

Soniclight wrote on 12/28/2008, 12:12 AM
Thanks, Bob. As usual, informative.

As to halogens, I bought those on advice from someone here in one of my months-ago postings. I thought I was going to shoot outside at night, hence why I got them.

I may still do so some day, so I ain't tossin' them.
They're bought and paid for :o)
Coursedesign wrote on 12/28/2008, 12:23 AM
Westcott has a new 50W CFL with a 93+ CRI for $39.90 at B&H.

This baby outputs more light than a 200W hotlight, and the 93+ CRI means that especially skin looks truly fabulous. Skin is the first thing to go with crappy CFLs or any other kind of light with CRI 90 or below.

Home Depot has long daylight tubes from Philips ("Natural Sunlight"™) with a 92 CRI, cost about $8 for a T12 40W last time I bought them, and they also sell 2-tube fixtures with high frequency electronic ballasts for about $40.

Just for comparison: Kino-Flo TruMatch tubes cost about $20, but that's for CRI 95 and 75W per tube. Unfortunately their fixtures are very much part of what gave them a technical Oscar for best lighting, and those will set you back about twice what your camera cost, so Home Depot will be a better bet right now.