Your opinion of Spicemaster/AE etc

cheroxy wrote on 4/22/2005, 5:22 AM
I was going to post this in the other spicemaster thread just started, but I wanted people to see I had a question about the product and others.

Although I think the upgrades to Vegas are pretty good (lots of HD stuff, lots of things to make the workflow go faster, a few things to make it more respectable in the broadcast/professional community). I don't use HD yet and as a regular home user that likes to use vegas there was nothing to make my videos look better (ie-bezier in the last upgrade). Because of that I am considering buying this addon to add a little "spice" to my videos. I don't like to go trasition crazy, but I am getting a little tired of the few that are available in vegas.

Let me know if do or don't like them or if you think there is a better option out there. Along those same lines I do have another titler/3d program that I use to bring different items into vegas. I don't have AE and probably won't drop the money on that. Are there other programs that people use to take their productions to the next level?



zcus wrote on 4/22/2005, 5:58 AM
I think SpiceMaster 2.5 pro is well worth the money. Gives you lots of interesting organic FX and track motion with soft borders and shadows within an event - to do this in Vegas it needs to be on its on track.

Magic Bullet Editors for Vegas does VERY NICE things to your video but is almost to slow to recommend

My 2cents
jeff_12_7 wrote on 4/22/2005, 6:28 AM
I, too, second the motion about Pixelan Spicemaster 2.5. It has a LOT of presets and you can individualize each one in any number of ways.

Also, it seems to work just fine in V6.

daryl wrote on 4/22/2005, 8:08 AM
I've been using Spicemaster for quite a while, the software is superb, but just as important, I've had great success with their support, WAY above average!

jlafferty wrote on 4/22/2005, 8:24 AM
Are there any new Spice Filters out? Honestly, I've got SpiceMaster 2 and I rarely use the "spices" -- the filters, I think there's four, I use all the time -- they're great!
David_Kuznicki wrote on 4/22/2005, 9:13 AM
It's a shame that you're discounting AE.

Yes, it's expensive.
Yes, the learning curve is steep.
Yes, a ton of the effects that you see (*cough* NBC *cough*) are achieved through 3rd party plug-ins that have to be bought separately.

But I personally swear by it.

cheroxy wrote on 4/22/2005, 9:37 AM
I just checked AE and they have a really good deal for the nonprofessinal version. How does anybody feel about the two different versions with vegas? I know you can do a lot more with AE than spicemaster, but is there anything you can't do with AE that you can do with SM?
cheroxy wrote on 4/22/2005, 9:53 AM
Marquat - I did get some C3D's. I really like that program for its simplicity and price, but there ins't much out there. I love how sundance has the veggie sharing. It seems like doing that with C3D your files just get way too big. Anyway, I can't seem to find the project files for that program on spots site anymore. Do you know where that or others might be?
Harold Brown wrote on 4/23/2005, 2:56 PM
I just bought PI. I have gone to the proDad site but never did I get the idea that Adorage would give me the special effects I was looking for. Gun shot flashes, smoke, dust and explosions for example. I was hoping to see them demo their products at NAB but they did not have a booth. I am looking for a 3rd part title program. Have you tried Heroglyph? I have the demo but I have not loaded it yet.
DGrob wrote on 4/23/2005, 4:37 PM
"3rd party title" Have a look at Bluff: BluffTitler

Spot|DSE wrote on 4/23/2005, 7:12 PM
The Cool 3D files are still there, we just chose not to waste space by putting them in the dropdowns. Search for Cool 3D in the search function, you'll find them all.

Carson, one thing I can say...I can't do much without my SpiceMaster and SpiceFilter tools. I love em.!