Zoom to 4 Frames (Using Hot Keys?)

crown2020 wrote on 12/22/2022, 3:10 PM

Hey guys,

I'd like to know if a way exists, to use a hot key sequence, that would return my zooming in and out of the time line, back to scrubbing exactly 4 frames, (when I use Alt+right or left arrow keys). I always end up trying to find this sweet spot for my scrubbing. Scrubbing at anything more than 4 frames seems to always cause the missing of captured jump cuts, (and other nuances), I generally edit out.

Thanks to all in advance for your time. I look forward to a solution, if one is out there.


jetdv wrote on 12/22/2022, 3:38 PM

@crown2020, take a look at this script (specifically starting around the 6:00 point). It will show you how to zoom into the timeline to whatever distance you want using a script - it uses 5 seconds as an example. You can then assign that script to a keypress.

crown2020 wrote on 12/22/2022, 5:30 PM

@jetdv, Thanks for your reply. I found the video interesting. Zooming in is not my issue. My issue is zooming out, to a very specific place, that would allow using the right arrow key, when pressed once, to move 4 frames per each press. For example, if my curser is at 00:55:15;00 and I run a script via a "keypress", at that point, pressing the right arrow key once would give me a new time of 00:55:16;04. This is about four frames. If I hold down the right key, (no Alt+Right Arrow Key), the courser will scrub only 4 frames, no matter how rapid it may appear to the eye. The possibility, or lack thereof, is unclear to this non-script writer.

Feel free to PM me @jetdv should you feel it better to take this conversation "offline". I look forward to your response.

jetdv wrote on 12/22/2022, 5:41 PM

@crown2020 I don't know what size on your timeline does that. However, once YOU know the size, just change the timecode in that script to be that size. And then you can easily zoom to that size at the touch of a key. On my system, about 3:50:00 allows the left and right arrows to move 4 frames. So in the script where it says "00:00:05:00", I would change that to "00:03:50:00".

You could even modify the script so that it would be centered around the area where the cursor is currently located (if that makes sense depending on where the cursor is located).

DMT3 wrote on 12/22/2022, 5:51 PM

If you have a device like the Shuttle Contour, you could program it to do this. Probably as a Macro.

crown2020 wrote on 12/22/2022, 6:36 PM

@jetdv, Where do I get the script?

"However, once YOU know the size," I guess I am confusing zoom in and out, (percentages in my mind), with the time code of the current cursor position. In my case, maybe they are one in the same?

"So in the script where it says "00:00:05:00", I would change that to "00:03:50:00".

Would I have to change this value on every new video I work on?

"You could even modify the script so that it would be centered around the area where the cursor is currently located (if that makes sense depending on where the cursor is located)." I would not even began to know how to do this. Is this something you could assist with? I saw on your site that you do custom script work.

@DMT3, Thanks for the suggestion. If I can avoid another "thing" on my desk, I'm for the software solution.

DMT3 wrote on 12/22/2022, 6:39 PM

@crown2020 Ha, I wouldn't be able to function without my Shuttle. But I know what you mean, it can get crowded.

jetdv wrote on 12/22/2022, 6:46 PM

@jetdv, Where do I get the script?

Everything you need is in that video. You might want to also look at the first couple of videos here:

Would I have to change this value on every new video I work on?

No. It should be the same every time.

I would not even began to know how to do this. Is this something you could assist with? I saw on your site that you do custom script work.

Yes, I could create a new tutorial that shows how to do that.

crown2020 wrote on 12/22/2022, 7:26 PM

@DMT3, I wonder if my MX Master can create these macro's you speak of? I'm guessing the answer is no. I see nothing that says it can here:


crown2020 wrote on 12/22/2022, 7:36 PM

@jetdv, Is there a place I can go to download this script? The videos you have posted do not address this, or did I miss something?

jetdv wrote on 12/22/2022, 8:32 PM

The videos show how to enter the script and save it yourself. Everything needed is in the first couple of videos in the playlist then using the specific code from the first video I posted. However, here's the copy/paste version:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Xml;
using ScriptPortal.Vegas;

namespace Test_Script
    public class Class1
        public Vegas myVegas;

        public void Main(Vegas vegas)
            myVegas = vegas;

            Timecode cursorPos = myVegas.Transport.CursorPosition;

            myVegas.Transport.LoopRegionStart = cursorPos;
            myVegas.Transport.LoopRegionLength = new Timecode("00:03:50:00");


public class EntryPoint
    public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas)
        Test_Script.Class1 test = new Test_Script.Class1();

Copy everything in the gray area above. Paste that into Notepad. And then save it as "ZoomTimeline.cs" in the [My Documents]\Vegas Script Menu folder.

Next time you start Vegas (or you go to Tools - Scripting - Rescan Script Menu) you will then see the ZoomTimeline option under Tools - Scripting - ZoomTimeline.

Then you might also want to take a look at these two tutorials as well: