Error during software registration and activation



  • . Registration & activation

Please review the points below if you are trying to activate and register Samplitude:

1. Why isn't my activation working?

If you upgraded to a full version of Samplitude during a recent upgrade offer, you should have received a full version serial number. The full version (not the upgrade version) of Samplitude Pro X3 Suite needs to be installed in order for your serial number to be accepted. To ensure you have the full version installed, follow these steps:

  1. Start by making sure you have the Suite version of Samplitude Pro X3 installed or else your Suite serial number won't work.
  2. Next, open the Samplitude Pro X3 Suite program directory and run MxInstallHelper.exe.
  3. In the helper tool, select "Samplitude Pro X3 Suite", select the option "Re-install as Full Version" under "Select Function" and click "Process". This step is necessary since you have a full version serial number, but may have an upgrade version installed on your computer. This process only takes a few seconds.
  4. Then open the Samplitude Pro X3 Suite program directory and run MxInstallHelper.exe.

2. Why isn't my registration working?

There are two MAGIX Service Centers on our website with independent login areas. All consumer products are registered in the MAGIX Service Center. The professional audio products Samplitude, Sequoia and Spectral Layers Pro 4 are registered in the Pro Audio Service Center. 

Use this link to go to the MAGIX Service Center:

Use this link to go to the Pro Audio Service Center:

To register Samplitude, you will either need to enter your login information for the Pro Audio Service Center or select that you do not have an account yet.

You can use the same email address and password for both Service Centers.

3. Where is the Melodyne installer?

Once you've successfully activated and registered your copy of Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, go to "Help" > "Download sounds & instruments" to download and install Melodyne.