Basic Color Correction and Rendering in Vegas Pro 21 (June 2024)

karma17 wrote on 6/15/2024, 3:14 PM

Given all the changes in Vegas, I decided to do an updated video on basic color correction and rendering. This tutorial gives basic tips, tricks, and provides an overview of the overall workflow. Vegas Pro 21 is perhaps the best Vegas yet and has come so far in a relatively short time!!



Ronald-Guthrie wrote on 7/7/2024, 10:44 AM

@karma17, nice video! I'm still very new to Vegas Pro, having come over from being a long time user of Ulead's/Corel's VideoStudio, so this is a great introduction for me!! It would have been a nice extra to see the "before and after color correction " in the final part of your video where you show the final render. But either way, great information; keep making tutorials!


Janusz-Bus wrote on 7/9/2024, 12:46 AM

A Great tutorial use to follow even I have been using Vegas for some time it is good to see how others use it as I always learn something especially from your tutorials. Keep up good work!


Troy-Madden wrote on 10/16/2024, 5:37 PM

Nice Video !!!