
larry-spisak wrote on 5/18/2017, 11:32 AM

A really clear explanation of some of the features. Wish there were way more of them. And one should cover setting the basic Preferences.Good job on those done though.

Vidguy wrote on 9/15/2017, 6:17 AM

Good job on the tutorials!

azita wrote on 3/2/2018, 12:14 PM

Am tentatively very happy for this video series, I really need some assistance in getting started, which is why I am wondering: will these videos also work for Movie Maker 15? I am downloading a trial version of Movie Maker 14, but on the Vegas website they now sell Movie Maker 15, so I am assuming I will have to buy that version when I purchase (sometimes there are some radical changes when the update comes)?


griffrat wrote on 3/10/2018, 8:59 AM

Thanks for putting these tutorials together. They're are a great overview of the entire system...again thank you!