Aargh!!? Vegas is rebuilding all my sfk files


blacker wrote on 12/3/2003, 9:34 AM
Sorry to dredge this up, but I've had this problem (and posted here before with no response) for quite some time. Acid and Vegas both do this. I'm scoring a documentary series, and each video file is 45-48 minutes long (about 1.3GB). I switch between Vegas, Acid and Logic Audio while I'm working and it gets really irritating when Acid or Vegas decides to start building .sfk files that I *know* are already built...I usually use Vegas to lay out my cues on two stems (a "master" if you will) and it rebuilds all those files too! I've tried putting the movie files on different drives on the system (I have a seperate drive for video files) to no avail. It doesn't take *too* long to build, but it's enough to interrupt workflow, and definitely shouldn't be happening. Any Sony people care to comment?
blacker wrote on 12/3/2003, 9:59 AM
OK - I haven't tested this theory out fully yet, but it seems to have worked so far. In "Preferences", under the "general" tab you can specify the temp folder used by Vegas or Acid. It was on the default in my setup, but I chaged it to the folder where I'm actually saving all my working Vegas and Acid files. Now it seems to be working OK - i.e. it isn't re-building the peak files every single time I open the app - at least so far....
Rogueone wrote on 12/3/2003, 10:21 AM
The only instance I've had Vegas rebuild my files is if I go to the directory they are stored at and deleted them. Not sure about the time zone changing; I live in Ohio and nothing happened when it all rolled over.

Rogue One
Liam_Vegas wrote on 12/3/2003, 10:58 AM
In my case (and I think this is what was discovered / confirmed before)... it is <only> .sfk files that you have <not> accessed since the daylight savings time change the other month. It does not (for me at least) continually re-build the same files... it just re-builds them once (which is bad enough).
blacker wrote on 12/3/2003, 5:48 PM
Nothing to do with time-change here - it does it to all files, even those created within the last three days. Extremely irritating. (My attempt at changing the temp directory didn't work either...) Oh well. Seems like a bug then.
riredale wrote on 12/3/2003, 6:33 PM
That may be, but in my case, Vegas has never seen the need to re-create the files except for that one occasion right around the daylight-saving-time change. Since then, everything behaves normally.