Acid 4.0 has Rewire.....yeah!!:)

Arnar wrote on 6/2/2003, 8:53 PM
PLease ...please ...Make this available for Vegas as well.

"ACID is now a ReWire mixer (host) application. Use the ReWire Devices tab in the Preferences dialog to set up the ReWire panel applications you want to make available in ACID. When you add a Soft Synth control to the ACID mixer, you can route that control to a ReWire panel. During playback, ACID will send song position data to the ReWire panel, and the panel will send its audio data back to ACID for playback through the Soft Synth control. With ReWire 2.0 panels, you can also route MIDI tracks to synths in the ReWire panel."


klyon wrote on 6/2/2003, 10:27 PM
This is very good news. And it works.

Get it in Vegas too and thank you thank you thank you.
Mincer wrote on 6/2/2003, 11:15 PM
Another vote for putting it in Vegas!!!
stakeoutstudios wrote on 6/3/2003, 3:57 AM
they *have* to hook up Vegas now! Pretty much the whole big deal of rewire in ACID is so that we can hook it up to Vegas!

woo hoo! finally, some true integration. I'm quite excited. And very impressed it made it before V5!
waynegee wrote on 6/3/2003, 9:41 AM
works like a dream too, you guys. I got Sonar, NUENDO, SX and Tractktion...better and more intuitive than all the others. Her's hoping as well.
bgc wrote on 6/3/2003, 2:21 PM
Since Vegas doesn't have MIDI recording, how would you guys plan on using ReWire in Vegas? I can understand how ReWire would be very useful in Acid. I use Vegas exclusively for audio recording and mixing (I record synth parts directly to track) and would like to learn more how you all invision ReWire and Vegas teaming up.
Thanks in advance!
SHTUNOT wrote on 6/3/2003, 4:05 PM
For me it would boil down to having acid+vegas synced up so that acid=slave,vegas=master. I would then be able to "route" my audio outputs from acid TO vegas via busses/assignable fx so that I could mix eveything down in vegas. I have the best of both worlds right at my fingertips. If I needed to multitrack something or just general voice over work=vegas[much better in imho],midi/loops/vsti+rewired devices=acid= ;)

This way both apps don't need to change toooooo the intuitiveness stays+bugs are minimized. As acid won't need a audio engine upgrade to make it a "multitrack" and vegas can stay simpley a media editor/etc....

Mincer wrote on 6/3/2003, 5:46 PM
Vegas could use ReWire by just taking a VSTi, and routing the audio to Vegas. No midi track would be recorded obviously, just the Softsynth's outputs would show up as inputs in Vegas. You could use a program like Reason, or Project5, and build a rack full of processors and synths, and route the audio to Vegas.
I *love* Vegas, and will never use SONAR again if I can use VSTi's in Vegas.
PeterWright wrote on 6/3/2003, 7:57 PM
Probably whistling in the wind, but I still wish Vegas would add proper midi recording - Acid is not a "real" midi multitracker and is not claimed to be.

I've heard all sorts of reasons why not, but my reasoning is:

I want to put a song together. I want to use Vegas as my multi track audio recorder, as it is superb for this. To complete my backing, however, I have to use another program - in my case Logic, which gives me Audio Instruments - software synths plus software samples - and unlimited midi tracks to give me access to all the sounds in my sound module.
Logic can also do audio tracks, of course, but I prefer Vegas for this.

So it's as simple as that - why should Vegas stop at only providing SOME of the tools for music recording?

- steps off soapbox treading carefully between leads, resumes masterpiece ....
Mincer wrote on 6/3/2003, 8:04 PM
Ack! One reason I like Vegas is that it doesn't clutter it up with midi. I record all my hardware synths as audio, and i would just like to control Softsynths and record the audio as well. Seems like the next logical step, now that ACID has it.
klyon wrote on 6/3/2003, 8:14 PM
This is the point. It has always been the point. With Rewire there's no need to screw up Vegas with MIDI. In fact, with Rewire there would have been no reason to clutter Acid with MIDI, but that's another story and a done deal and it's all good. A bit of a shame in terms of resources and timing, but at this point it's fine.
Vegas would (will?) make the unltimate Rewire host, able to work with any midi sequencer and any soft synth program. The only possible problem is that Acid is not set up as a client, which it would need to be to function correctly with Vegas in this scenario.
pwppch wrote on 6/3/2003, 9:45 PM
The problem I have with ReWire in Vegas - or any ReWire host - is there are two different time lines. That is, you have Vegas with your audio and/or video.

You can work visually as well as audibly.

Now you connect this ReWire thing into Vegas. It follows the Vegas time line, but they are in physically different UIs. You can't look at both the Host and the Device's time line. You can't "line things up" visually.

To me, ReWire is a better sync mechanism that MTC or MIDI Clock. It still has the limitations of working with multiple devices/sources of material since they cannot be worked in the same context.

I am not saying ReWire hosting wont be in Vegas, but this issue bothers me.

I want to get other's opinions on this.


SHTUNOT wrote on 6/3/2003, 11:44 PM
---Now you connect this ReWire thing into Vegas. It follows the Vegas time line, but they are in physically different UIs. You can't look at both the Host and the Device's time line. You can't "line things up" visually---

With 2 21" monitors with acid in one and vegas in another you can!!!!!! ;)

Remember early on in acid 4.0c's beta stage all we had was 1.0. Well it meant that I had to set things up in one then swing over to the other then play my parts in reason. Then listen back and tweak. Not the worst way of working but I'm happy with what I got in the end though. ;)

I don't understand what you mean by "line things up visually". Measure 9 in vegas WILL be measure 9 in acid. Setting up a looped recording/playback region in vegas will be playing back the same area in acid so there is no problems there. Both playbak cursors are ofcourse locked into the same position. If you make sure that markers/regions are carried/connected to either app as well then you'll have a visual reference too. ie: I can add a marker/region in either app and it shows/added automatically WITH any label attached to it in the other app.

I can't think of any reason why someone would want to have the same video open in both acid and vegas for scoring purposes. Though with a new dual cpu daw I can't see why not. Maybe have the video tab of both be linked to show the same video but you won't need a timeline representation atop acid because you already had it in vegas? Since you went to acid to just tweak a loop/midi/vsti/rewired device in acid it would have been cued up in vegas prior. Go to acid,see the video tab for reference/inspiration then compose. Go back to vegas and tweak your video and so on and so on...

Also I would like to add one more thing to what I said prior. I would like to route audio from acid to vegas from either busses,assignable effects OR each audio track [MONO or stereo]. If I have a MONO loop/one shot I would like it to be sent to a MONO fader in vegas's mixer view for tweaking. Being able to route it to other busses or assignable fx as well.

I'm assuming that in acid 5 vsti's will be able to route more than just a stereo output pair to acid. Being able to just route them each to vegas would be a BIG plus instead of having to tweak it all in acid first then routing it.

Actually can't we just bypass acids "mixer section" all together and just deal with it all "routed" in vegas. No need to even have the tab visible. Just like not even using reason's mixer since I'm doing all my fx in acid. Unless thats what you want to do since some of the fx in reason are pretty cool.

Though it would be a good idea to have acids "mainouts" linked with vegas's. So that say if you go back to acid and adjust anything you'll have a visual representation of anything peaking vegas. Am I making sense?

Anybody else?

Weevil wrote on 6/4/2003, 1:51 AM
I agree; I don’t understand the “line things up visually” argument at all.

Don’t the Rewire pros overwhelmingly outweigh the perceived cons?

Am I missing something?
stakeoutstudios wrote on 6/4/2003, 3:05 AM
The multiple monitor solution would be the ideal, but really - Alt-Tab is a usable alternative.

Literally as long as you look up which bar you want your soft synth to start - and can hear Vegas's output as you program it, I don't see the problem :o)

My only slight confusion is that ACID 4 has some kind of master track, where you can change the time signature and tempo? Wouldn't Vegas need this also to correctly sync up to ACID.

A couple of small improvements to Vegas would be very useful when using rewire:

Time Signature and Tempo clearly displayed on the main Vegas page.
KeyFrame Master Track tempo and Time Signature Changes, such as in ACID 4.

I'm very excited about this whole concept!

JoeD wrote on 6/4/2003, 3:45 AM
Rewire in Acid? As well as Vegas?

So an even narrower set of key features set these two apart now?

It looks like it's inching there, but why still no super app (acid is vegas, vegas is acid)? Seems like the best route to me.

**I'll ask this over and over in hopes that SF might do the right thing.

stakeoutstudios wrote on 6/4/2003, 4:02 AM
to be honest Joe, I personally prefer the rewire route - I don't need softsynths that often, but when I do... or if I need to knock up something creative and new, I'd much rather use ACID, rewire to Vegas and multitrack over it.

Vegas and ACID are quite substantially different apps to use, and you'd lose functionality putting them in the same box.

Plus, Rewire opens the door to a whole raft of other options - Reason etc. it can only be a good thing!
Arnar wrote on 6/4/2003, 5:30 AM
I dont see any problems with using the two apps at the same time.?
Obviously i would still love just one app that can do everything but as it seems that SF doesnt want to go that way i will settle for Rewire.
pwppch wrote on 6/4/2003, 8:45 AM
>>Actually can't we just bypass acids "mixer section" all together and just deal with it all "routed" in vegas. No need to even have the tab visible. Just like not even using reason's mixer since I'm doing all my fx in acid. Unless thats what you want to do since some of the fx in reason are pretty cool.
Nope. ReWire defines a FIXED number of "audio connections". It has the ability to dynamically allocated MIDI ports, but not audio "buses".
pwppch wrote on 6/4/2003, 8:49 AM
>>My only slight confusion is that ACID 4 has some kind of master track, where you can change the time signature and tempo? Wouldn't Vegas need this also to correctly sync up to ACID.
This is also a limitation of ReWire. The host/Master typically controls the tempo map. It is possible for the device to send tempo/key change notifications, but I have not seen a host implement this support.
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/4/2003, 11:27 AM
Arnar, if rewire MUST still use an audio buss in Acid, then we are going to have some nasty problems when Acid and Vegas try to open the same devices at the same time. I try this already ( I have 52 physical I/O's in my PC) and it is sketchy

Peter, I think it is time for us to be able to change the tempo in vegas, even if only for display purposes

Also, due to bands getting crappier and crappier, and knowing less and less about how to hit their drums, or even tune them, triggers are becomming more and more necessary lately. We really are ging to need a way to record midi somehow. Im a HUGE Drumagog freak, but many of these performances are getting so bad, that just audio triggereing wont be enough
klyon wrote on 6/4/2003, 1:20 PM
Peter, I understand the considerations and your concerns. But really, if lining up for editing is necessary (and it would be a little difficult to go back to, say, Reason, and edit midi data in the sequencer) it would be simple enough to render the rewire buses to tracks and work on them from there, much easier than rendering them in Reason and bringing them into Vegas (for some reason -- no pun intended -- they always come in a little different in length and the process is annoying).
As far as different timelines, mixing consoles have no timelines or concept of what time signature is being played on audio coming in. Even though that's a crude level at which to visualize a sophisticated tool, Vegas can function like that alone and still be far better than working without Rewire.
Arnar wrote on 6/4/2003, 1:54 PM
Pipe...on a sidenote.

Drumagog to me always ends up with a fixed delay of say..4 ms.!?

Maybe its the drum samples that arent properly truncated but i cant seem to get a convincing replacement from that app,?
Arnar wrote on 6/4/2003, 1:56 PM
Im not too sure how all this rewire stuff works.

What i would like it to do though is ....

Port all the instruments in Reason straight to tracks in Vegas and record.

Port all the tracks from ACID into Vegas and record.

thats about it....
stakeoutstudios wrote on 6/4/2003, 4:04 PM
<<"This is also a limitation of ReWire. The host/Master typically controls the tempo map. It is possible for the device to send tempo/key change notifications, but I have not seen a host implement this support.">>

So essentially, You'd have to make ACID have an option as it were, to be 'host' or 'slave'! must be a pain to implement! Essentially I think for what we want, we'd want Vegas to be the host, and control ACID?

In a fixed tempo project, it would be easy to rewire if I get this right - just set both applications to the same tempo and the grid to 'measures and beats'

however in a multi-tempo ACID project, if we wanted a metronome, we'd either have to somehow use ACID's or we'd be screwed?

Theoretically if Vegas is ignorant to tempo change, we could rewire ACID to do it for us, and multitrack live parts over it in Vegas?

Personally I'd really like Vegas to become tempo and time-signature aware.

it's one of those features... I get asked to do it a lot. I would say the subase users were laughing... but I think their master track sucks in terms of how intuitive it is compared to ACID.