Sorry if this is a dumb question but while Vegas is running I cannot get any sound out of other programs (soundforge, WMP etc.). Does anyone know how to resolve this?
I'm on Windows XP SP2 and my soundcard is a Terratec DMX6 Fire.
When running vegas, I open sound forge to do a bit of editing.
When finished and I go back to Vegas, my output from vegas to my sound card is routed to a different pair...from 1/2 to 3/4. Took me a while to figure out where my sound went....but I finally caught on.
I used to run a Sound Blaster for monitoring Sound forge, and only used my Layla card for vegas. You don't get that problem when using dual cards.
Audio in Vegas is actually not so important to me during most of my editing because I make underwater videos. When I am doing a long editing session I like to listen to MP3's in Musicmatch Jukebox, or streaming music in Realplayer (free version). That's what I used to do when I was using Premiere anyway.
Thanks to your advice I've now managed to route Musicmatch Jukebox the Soundmax audio controller onboard my Asus motherboard. However I can't find a setting to route Realplayer through that card. It just chooses my Terratec card, so when Vegas is running I get no Realplayer audio.
OK, I got it now. Managed to set the Soundmax as my default sound card in XP control panel and then set the ones where sound quality really matters (Vegas and Reason) to the Terratec within the programs themselves. Cheers