another look at software steadicams


shogo wrote on 8/5/2003, 10:52 PM
email it to me too please.
jboy wrote on 8/6/2003, 12:46 AM
Re: the Icarus file-This sounds like a valid legitimate application for one of the PtoP file sharing services, like Kazaa or Limewire,etc. Most e-mail accounts wont accept files bigger that a few mb's., so you'll probably have to do it this way anyway, unless you can host your own site. If you use any of these services,maybe you could include this file in your shared files, and let forum members know what hours you'll be plugged in..
rllagas wrote on 8/6/2003, 1:09 AM
cant find the download.

please share it with me as well

cacher wrote on 8/6/2003, 1:10 PM
Can someone put up a page for download? I want it too but my email capacity is only 10 megs. Can it be sliced in two?
musicvid10 wrote on 8/6/2003, 1:59 PM
Email is not a practical way of sharing 19 MB files.
I have the last public release 2.09_lite.exe and will upload it if someone here has the FTP space to hold it. It froze on my ftp site because it was over disk quota. I also have the sample movies (45MB) if someone is interested in hosting these as well. Let me know. marky_8[at]
boomanbb wrote on 8/6/2003, 6:46 PM
I am going to try placing version 2.07 on a website this weekend. Will post later if I am successful.
Flack wrote on 8/6/2003, 7:04 PM

Thanks a lot bud will look forward to it.

boomanbb wrote on 8/6/2003, 7:54 PM
Found version 2.09 on my laptop today. Also found a free program at to split the file into bite size pieces.

I will leave it on this site for a week starting tonight. I do not have unlimited disk transfer so please only download it once. You must get all 4 files and place them in the same folder, then run Create_icarus-2.09-lite.exe on your computer to combine the other 3 files back together.

Post back here if you chose to download. Have fun!

shogo wrote on 8/6/2003, 8:06 PM
If you email it to me I will put it on my website tonight I have no email size limit, well 100mg I should say. I will post you guys the link once I get it uploaded.
boomanbb wrote on 8/6/2003, 8:32 PM
Cool. Grab it from my ftp in the previous post.
shogo wrote on 8/6/2003, 9:32 PM
Ok all here is the file

Go easy on it since I have limited bandwidth so please only download once.
mcgeedo wrote on 8/7/2003, 9:34 AM
shogo, your efforts are very much appreciated by all of us. You too, boomanbb, Flack, and the others who are trying to help us here.

Unfortunately, I downloaded the file and it won't run. It is somehow corrupted. Following your instructions to only download once, I didn't try again. I thought I'd wait to see if others were successful, first.

Thanks and regards,
shogo wrote on 8/7/2003, 11:12 AM
Sorry mcgeedo I tried too and it is corupt. I will have to reupload it and test tonight , My website has tools for uploading files and latley it has been corupting files. I will use WS_FTP tonight test and let you know. sorry
filmy wrote on 8/7/2003, 2:03 PM
FYI - the location works fine and it installed fine. Thanks for putting up this great free software,
mcgeedo wrote on 8/7/2003, 2:11 PM
No apology needed, my friend. Your efforts are appreciated, and s******t happens, doesn't it?
Flack wrote on 8/7/2003, 3:11 PM
I grabbed it and its fine...

Try this with a ftp prog

user markey

pass video


port 21123

you should be able to grab it from me there....

Frenchy wrote on 8/7/2003, 3:46 PM
I just did a google search, and found this site, as well:

it's in a foreign (to me) language, but it downloads fine

Maybe take a little pressure off of y'alls bandwith...
filmy wrote on 8/7/2003, 7:40 PM
Now all of this is fine and well but I see now that this is not the full least it doesn't appear to be. The tutorial projects are all there but the files needed to see them/use them are not. (Other than the still images of the PC monitor to go with that tutorial) So does anyone also have, or have they found, the tutorial files that go with the download?

So far though in my playing I can say this is impressive and ti does seem to be a cpu/memory hog, plus hit one wrong button and all your work goes buh-bye. But hey - the program is free and it rocks so far.
shogo wrote on 8/7/2003, 10:33 PM
Ok I reuploaded it and tested it out this time you should be able to download it now
musicvid10 wrote on 8/8/2003, 2:22 AM
lnetzel wrote on 8/8/2003, 7:02 AM
I would like these files...
filmy wrote on 8/8/2003, 10:47 AM
>>>I have the movie files for the tutorials...<<<

Tha would be what I was asking about. How big are the files? If you zip 'em up you could put them at Just label the file like or something obvious.

Also - has anyone else gotten "out of memory" messages when running the Calibration? I can't find any place to set a location for a temp file and I have plenty of memory and plenty of temp space I have no idea. i was just chugging along and suddenly this pop up about being out of memory happened and I clicked ok and the program closed. I did notice at the bottom left corner it said something like "Cache 63/64 megs" but I have no idea of where the location of that was.
musicvid10 wrote on 8/8/2003, 12:52 PM
filmy wrote on 8/8/2003, 12:54 PM
>>> The "movies" folder is 32MB zipped. I can upload overnight if you like.<<<

Yes please do. Thanks!

8/10/03 - any word on the tutorial files?

8/13/03 - still no upload on the FTP. At least nothing I see called "" or anything named Icarus.

8/15/03 - ok, so I guess it is a no go for any tut files than. What happened?