As expected, Vegas 12 is not stable...

VanLazarus wrote on 10/2/2012, 9:24 PM
Although excited about the new features, I've been tentative about using Vegas 12. Vegas has been on a downward spiral towards unreliability and all efforts to get SCS to change their 'quality assurance' methods has fallen on deaf ears.

Regardless, I decided to give Vegas 12 a spin... and I crashed it within 15 seconds! All I had to do was load a simple project and try to preview it. Within 15 seconds the preview window went all red, the mouse icon went 'busy', and eventually Vegas went that light gray I know so well these days... signifying death.

I recorded the 2nd attempt to do the same thing and got exactly the same result. Watch the attached video.

I feel like an idiot, doing the same thing over and over again (paying for a new version of Vegas) and expecting a different result.


edenilson wrote on 10/2/2012, 9:33 PM
so in your opinion. because here is very stable .... yes since I bought the 12 pro until now had not nehum crash.
Perfect in my system.
You're generalizing because you had no luck in a good system.
edenilson wrote on 10/2/2012, 9:34 PM
and another if not satisfied ta, start editing video in other editors, there are several on the market
VanLazarus wrote on 10/2/2012, 9:48 PM
Yes, there are several editors on the market, and I am learning Premiere, but Vegas will always have a special place for me. It has a great interface when it's not crashing.

I'm happy that Vegas is solid for you. I really wish it was the same for me.

For software to be labeled 'stable', it needs to run without crashing for at least 99% of the people using it. I don't have numbers, but I would guess the number of people using Vegas extensively that don't experience crashes is in the minority. Or maybe I'm wrong and I'm the only one. It's unfortunate that SCS was unwilling/unable to fix any of my recreatable bugs with Vegas 11.... maybe they fixed some of my issues with build 700... I haven't had time to test their product for them.

Anyone else using Vegas 12 for at least 4 hours a day that are not experiencing issues? Anyone editing Canon XF100 or Red Scarlet footage with Vegas 12?
Duncan H wrote on 10/2/2012, 10:22 PM
Hi Van Lazarus,

Thanks for your honesty re experiences. I am one of those who leapt into VP 11 so enthusiastically, only to have my hopes dashed. I'm like you, very keen to work with Vegas, but immensely disappointed by stability issues. I tried downloading the trial of VP12 and immediately experienced crash on the most basic of projects and simply assume that my (i7 but recognised not-top-of-the-line) Sony laptop is a bit undernourished. For the moment, mainly back to VP9e. Hope that VP11 ver 700 might offer some respite and pretty gun shy about VP12 , watching with interest, but unless get widespread praise for stability across this forum, unlikely to get any further cash from me.
VanLazarus wrote on 10/2/2012, 10:51 PM
Hi Duncan,

Keep in mind, a lesser powered computer like your laptop (still an i7) should run software written for it's installed operating system just fine. Slower, but without crashing. Apologists for Sony keep on pointing to complainers not having state of the art hardware. My PC is not brand new, but hardly a slouch... i7 920 with 16gb of RAM. Vegas should run well, and most importantly, not be crashing.

I knew Vegas 12 wasn't going to be solid, but even I was surprised that I crashed it within 15 seconds by just previewing a project!
John_Cline wrote on 10/2/2012, 11:37 PM
Turn off GPU acceleration and see what happens.
Former user wrote on 10/3/2012, 12:00 AM
Laz...two things:

1) yes, it sucks that VP12 (367) crashed pretty much the same way for me.
2) At least you live in Vancouver...I'm in Edmonton...think about that.
3) I'm finding VP11 (701) actually respectably solid. So much so that I managed an entire 22 minute program, and didn't have any headaches at all. That's a serious bonus.

Last year when the Vegas guys called asked about my experiences with VP11, I was frustrated by the randomness of the crashes. I said, "If I had something I could tell you about the crashes, if they weren't random, if they didn't happen so unexpectedly, I'd be happier." The only thing reliable was that my EX1 footage wouldn't render to an MP4 without dropped or coloured frames.

Anyway, if you're ever in Edmonton, drop a line and I'll take you for a coffee. We can compare notes.

Ultimately, I'm tentative, but hopeful, about VP12. But hope doesn't the bills. VP11 is, for now.

That said, I've picked up a copy of "Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book" because I fear there will come a day when I can't rely on Vegas. I use PPRO when clients require me to use it. I need to get better/more comfortable with it (I really do hate the interface - it's unnecessarily complex).
silliusmillius53 wrote on 10/3/2012, 12:13 AM
I have had similar experiences. During Beta testing of Vegas 12, I couldn't load any of our adverts without the system falling over. These are adverts which we put up in our local supermarket. Comprised of Graphics & events. The most adventurous part being at the beginning where I have two elements of the background fly in, one from behind "camera" and one from infinity. Not rocket science. Last night I decided that maybe the problem was with the project file, so I started to re-create the project from scratch in Vegas 12. As soon as I had three video timelines established and put graphics & images on them, the system crashed. This was immediately when I put the NewBlu Title package icon on the timeline. (I don't know if this is indicative).

The other issue I have, which I have notified Sony about, is the system doesn't recognise the P2 timecode. Every clip defaults to 0:00 at the beginning and runs 4:55:04 (The clips are recorded as FAT32 files and have limited duration). If I take the same material and look at it in Vegas 9 - 11 where I used the DV Film codec, the timecode displays (and reads) fine. In loking at VanLazarus' clip below I noticed that he similarly had two graphics timelines on the workspace, and I wonder if this isn't where the problems are occuring?

The one thing I have found is the preview display is much improved.
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 10/3/2012, 12:26 AM
"This was immediately when I put the NewBlu Title package icon on the timeline."
- BLAMO - 9 times out of 10 I would be willing to bet this was your problem, particularly if it was Version 1.

fordie wrote on 10/3/2012, 12:27 AM
Can I ask what nvidia driver you are using?
The reason I ask is because i have just had to go back to 296.10 as the latest driver
Prevented Tmpgec authoring 5 from working. Having uninstalled and then installed the older drivers Tmpgenc now works ( confirmed by other users) I now find vegas 12 also well behaved.
Newblue titler now doesnt crash and everything seams snappier in use.
This may be a red herring but maybe worth a try. Perhaps.nvidia may be partly to blame?
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 10/3/2012, 12:32 AM
Red Frame often indicates memory and/or media problems, have you tried putting the Dynamic RAM Preview to 0? If this seems to resolve most of the issues, then you might want to try a memtest. Leave it run overnight from a boot CD so that it can test all the memory. I haven't seen a red Frame as of yet on the preview in Vegas 12 yet. But often times it's some sort of corrupting in the way the Vegas is seeing the file ( Either RAM or file ).

VanLazarus wrote on 10/3/2012, 12:50 AM
Hi Dave, Thanks for the suggestions. I used to have memory problems when I had OCZ memory, but have since upgraded to Corsair Dominator RAM... their highest quality. I haven't performed a memtest in some time... I guess I could do it again.

But I suspect the problem lies with the GPU acceleration. It's never worked reliably for me. I'll disable it and see... whenever I have some more time to waste being QA for Sony. :)

BTW, changing DRP from the default of 200 always has weird consequences for me. In Vegas 11 b701, I get slow preview and renders that slow down more and more as they near completion... So I can never use RAM preview to render transitions for preview.
JHendrix2 wrote on 10/3/2012, 2:44 AM
OK now im paranoid, just bought then saw this post....should i install this thing?? (i never installed 11 !!)

"The other issue I have, which I have notified Sony about, is the system doesn't recognise the P2 timecode. "

if i install 12 will P2 work?

if i install 12 will it effect my V10 with Raylight install?
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 10/3/2012, 2:50 AM
It certainly could be GPU based, does the problem go away when you disable and re-start?

Grazie wrote on 10/3/2012, 3:04 AM
Van, is your video card: ATI/AMD 5700 series: one of the listed ones on the SCS site?

deusx wrote on 10/3/2012, 3:30 AM
I haven't bought version 12 yet, but 11 has been perfect on both of my machines, so was 10 ( on 3 machines that it had been used )

So, needles to say, I expect exactly the opposite; that version 12 will work flawlessly, just like all the other versions from 1 to 11 have worked.

I'd look into hardware and plugins problems if I were you.
Ros wrote on 10/3/2012, 7:41 AM
I ran V12 as trial several days ago and it crashed seconds after I hit the space bar to play a simple project. And it crashed to many times as I tested it.

So I decided to turn GPU OFF and to my surprise, V12 is stable, runs slower on previews, but it doesn't crash. NBTP 2 also worked well so far and V12 has not crashed even when I had 4 instances of V12 running side by side with some fx intensive sessions and mixed media. And no glitches in the preview. I did test it for 2 consecutive nights and was impressed by it's stability GPU OFF.

I prefer stability over GPU acceleration and if this proves to be right, either my graphic card is not suited for V12 or V12 just isn't ready for stable GPU.

But GPU seems to be the cause while with V11, I could never use it because the color curves fx settings would not show up, GPU ON or OFF. This has been fixed in V11 701 and in V12, so this issue might not have been related to GPU while I was thinking maybe my computer might of been the problem.

I have an ASUS NVIDIA GTS 450 with driver: 306.23-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-64bit-english-whql.exe on an i7 2600, 16 gb ram.
JHendrix2 wrote on 10/3/2012, 8:20 AM
install 12 > crash.....same old story
frank-frank wrote on 10/3/2012, 8:57 AM

I installed VP12 on a Win-8 (release preview) (64bit) notebook with a Nvidia GT 400M series card. Latest driver 306.23.

Immediate crashes and lots of 'hangs' after install when I opened existing VP11 projects. After some tests I am thinking that there are 2 main problem areas:
GPU acceleration (turned ON) and NewBluesTitler Pro (v1). Both areas also might have to do with the graphics driver since some crashes occur in a NVidia dll.

If I turn OFF GPU accel and do NOT use NewBlues Titler PRo then VP12 seems to be (more or less) stable. Haven't spent too much time on testing though.

BTW, NewBluesTitlerPro had been reinstalled and it did not help at all. Whenever I add a TitlerPRO to the timeline VP12 either crashes in the TitlerPro.ofx OR VP12 will later experience an AppHang while playing back the project in preview. No matter whether I have GPU accel turned on or off.
Anyhow, GPU accel turned ON means definitely more crashes in other kind of random situations.

First I thought it is in conjunction with Win8 but reading that others have the same issues on Win7 it can be ruled out.

VP11 runs extremely stable on (my) Win8 installation.
Overall I hope SCS comes up with a VP12 solution soon -- I like the Vegas Pro product very much because of its UI and especially its resource handling seems superior compared with Adobe's product line (...that's certainly just my experience with e.g. AfterEffects and others might have different opinions...).
JHendrix2 wrote on 10/3/2012, 9:23 AM
maybe i should try 11 on my other box since 12 is not offering me anything new + is crashing.

re: TitlerPRO.... i ceased installing any 3rd party stuff on any vegas system (even waves) ...for just too unstable and 3rd p makes it worse.

update: based on the post, i installed 11 and it is rock least 1 of 3 works :)
Zeitgeist wrote on 10/3/2012, 1:37 PM
V12 is working on my 4 year old laptop with no problems. Install the v12. It is fantastic. Since it passed my laptop test I am now ready to try my main machines. Despite what others write don't uninstall previous versions of Vegas when installing v12. I never do & I never have problems.
JJKizak wrote on 10/3/2012, 2:27 PM
It's funny how Windows 7 doesn't get blamed for anything. Why not? Maybe when Vegas pro starts to push it hard it crumbles. So far I have no problems with Vista. Remember that Win7 hates old drivers and old hardware.
VanLazarus wrote on 10/3/2012, 2:29 PM
Grazie, sorry that was old specs. I now have an Nvidia GTX560 card.

I'll try disabling GPU later today when I have time and report back.

This is still very disappointing. Was Vegas 12 tested with a NVidia GTX560 with drivers available before Vegas 12's release? This is not an obscure card! How can Sony claim GPU support when I've had nothing but problems with GPU use for the last 12 months? My previous card was a ATI HD5700 series, which Sony claimed was compatible for GPU support as well, but it never worked!
VanLazarus wrote on 10/3/2012, 2:36 PM
JJKizak, sorry but I have to disagree with your logic. I have dozens of applications running on my PC at any one time. Vegas is the ONLY one that crashes daily (hourly?).

I'm no Sherlock, but logic would lead me to Vegas as having faulty code.

I realize that a NLE is a complicated piece of software, relying on many other components. All the more reason to complete competant and thorough quality assurance before releasing software. I've said it many times and I'll say it again: SCS seems to release software based on dates on a calendar, not based on when they are complete!