Assigning audio edit points

Webster-Struthers wrote on 1/22/2024, 5:30 PM

Hello Vegas Editors,

After switching from Vegas 6 to Vegas 21, I cannot add edit points on a volume envelope to save my life. I swear it used to be a simple right click to add an audio point, and I cannot figure out how to get a point on there to safe my life. It must be something simple. Can anyone help ? Thanks.


john_dennis wrote on 1/22/2024, 6:01 PM


Have you tried double-clickin' on the blue line?

Webster-Struthers wrote on 1/22/2024, 6:48 PM

Yep. Turns the blue line white.

Webster-Struthers wrote on 1/22/2024, 6:50 PM

Ah hah. I had the FX 1 button activated on the envelope. I have no idea why. Thank you, John.