Better Chroma key

fjannotta wrote on 7/11/2014, 2:36 PM

Currently using MS 12 Suite. Am currently doing a project requiring a lot of chroma key, and would like to upgrade my software to improve chroma key abilities.
Am I better off upgrading to MS 13 Suite in order to have Boris Fx Key and Blend?
Or better off with another 3rd party plugin like New Blue Chroma Key Pro?
I'm willing to spend up to $100.
Thanks for your advice.


Roberto65 wrote on 7/16/2014, 1:53 PM
Both NewBlueFX and Boris Chroma Keys plug-ins work fine.
NBewBlueFX ChromaKey is packed with other effects.
Boris is packed with a new VMS version (which many disliked because of the bigger buttons and controls in the UI).

In my opinion, Boris Chroma Keys seems more complete, because it comes with many different variety of Chroma effects and re-touching tools... but not very easy to be used because the documentation is almost non-existing...
Moreover, Boris Chroma effects have something to me very important: the possibility to select the video geometrical region where you want the chroma to be applied. This is quite useful to correct/delete elements in part f the video frame without affecting other part of the frame.

Hope this helps to let you decide...

fjannotta wrote on 7/17/2014, 7:16 AM
I think I will go ahead and upgrade to MS 13 and use Boris. I understand that the Boris Fx will work in MS 12 too, so I can still use the preferred UI of 12.
Thanks for your input.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 7/19/2014, 7:44 AM
> "but not very easy to be used because the documentation is almost non-existing..."

Have you seen my Boris Continuum Complete training for Sony Vegas on Boris TV? If not here is a link to the Chroma Key episode:

You might also want to sign up for my Boris FX webniar this Thursday which has an in-depth section on the new Chroma Key Studio:

Here is the signup web page: BCC 9 OFX New Features Round-Up


John Rofrano
Sundance Media Group / VASST
fjannotta wrote on 7/20/2014, 11:16 AM
Nice Tutorial John. Am I correct that Light Wrap is not included in the movie studio version?
JohnnyRoy wrote on 7/20/2014, 6:36 PM
> "Am I correct that Light Wrap is not included in the movie studio version?"

I believe you are correct. Light Wrap requires you to use the Custom track compositing mode which Movie Studio doesn't have. :(

Roberto65 wrote on 7/22/2014, 3:43 AM
Thanks John,

I missed it. I will check at home.


Roberto65 wrote on 7/22/2014, 1:22 PM
Hi John,

actually I had already watched it: great tutorial and I immediately started to use the technique to use the chroma blur to smooth out the edges.

But now I come to the point: the Boris chroma suite is quite rich, with many different plug-ins, some of them containing so many controls.
What I feel is it missing is a detailed documentation, with examples, about how to use all of them.
I feel this as a gap between the product itself (absolutely great) and the user documentation (IMO, not at the level of the product).


JohnnyRoy wrote on 7/27/2014, 1:42 PM
> "What I feel is it missing is a detailed documentation, with examples, about how to use all of them. I feel this as a gap between the product itself (absolutely great) and the user documentation (IMO, not at the level of the product)."

Yea, but sometimes it's really hard to show you how to do something as "visual" as video editing and special fx with just a printed page. This is why Boris has invested in Boris TV. The current documentation is more of a Reference Guide while you would like more of a User's Guide. I get it. If you have ideas for future Boris TV episodes just let me know. I can be reached via this forum by clicking on my name and sending me an email.


John Rofrano
Sundance Media Group / VASST
DocSatori wrote on 7/28/2014, 9:31 AM
Great tutorial video! Only problem is you're using Vegas Pro 10 and those composite mode choices don't exist in Studio 13. So, I don't see that using Boris yields any advantage over just using the FX already available in Movie Studio.

After using only MS - not Pro - I've found the biggest way to ensure the best chroma results, other than all the usual things like lighting your chromascreen well and similar, is to record your subject with the highest resoltion possible.

Roberto65 wrote on 7/30/2014, 3:53 PM
Hi John,

thanks for your answer.
First, I have to say that I found more detailed information on Boris website, so, now I have to correct a bit my original statement about the documentation.
Then, coming back to your request, it would be great to have some more detailed description about how to concatenate the various Chroma plug-ins in Movie Studio, where the Track compositing options are more limited than in Vegas Pro.
Also, it would be nice to get some additional difficult examples using more Chroma plug-ins. ONe that I had to work out was how to remove an object that stands within the subject area, but is supposed to not be there. For example, I got some shoots of me sitting in front of the green screen, but I did not want to paint the white stool used by my wife for her make-up sessions with a fancy green colour (I guess she wouldn't be that happy...) so, I have this piece of white stool popping out. How to remove it ?