Boris Continuum Complete 7 for Vegas 10!

Coursedesign wrote on 10/11/2010, 2:55 PM
Boris Continuum Complete 7 for Vegas 10

Special intro price of $595.00 through Nov. 19, then the usual $995.00 (same as on other platforms).

This is a good toolbox that makes Vegas 10 much more competitive.

I expect there will be many more plug-ins now that Vegas has the OFX API that is in a different league from ye olde VfW interface it had before.

Upgraded Vegas 10 today, great deal and looking forward to using it.


malowz wrote on 10/11/2010, 3:44 PM



i hope they enhance boris red also for the new API, so we can have proper integration with plugins... no more "sony vegas architecture limitation" in every boris upgrade...
stevengotts wrote on 10/11/2010, 10:47 PM
The ability to use Boris Plugins on the Vegas Timeline is Huge. no more time wasted rendering to and from After Effects in order to use the fastest most efficient nle on earth. I loved using BCC in Final Cut and Premiere. But Vegas is hands down more intuitive yet lacked the ability to use the Boris Tool set in real time on the timeline. Check out what you can do at
erikd wrote on 10/12/2010, 12:51 AM
Is this for 64bit only? The trial download exe file says 64bit and there is no other option that I can see.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 10/12/2010, 3:49 AM
This is a game changer. You will now be able to do Motion Tracking right within Vegas Pro 10. You also have access to the Boris FX Chroma Key and Matte tools. It's like having After Effects right inside Vegas Pro 10. That alone should be reason to upgrade.

ingvarai wrote on 10/12/2010, 4:07 AM
I have Red Giant Key Correct Pro, does this mean that those After Effects plugins expose an API so that they can be used in vegas 10 as is?
What existing FX out there now suddenly become avaliable in Vegas 10? Or do they still have to be especially written for Vegas? When it comes to sound FX (VST) I already use a lot of thos universal plugins in Vegas, although not especially written for Vegas.
ingvarai wrote on 10/12/2010, 6:46 AM
> It's like having After Effects right inside Vegas Pro 10.
Could be. But I do not understand this Boris company. I tried to file a support request, but I always bail out with the message that I did not fill in the form correctly, but I did my best. This form stops at Windows Vista in their list of the OS I am running, no mentioning of Windows 7. Not very comvincing..

And the Light Wrap FX is not there after installing BCC7, even if it is described on their web site when presenting BCC for Vegas. As for motion tracking, it only becomes interesting to me when I will be able to apply tracking data to another video track in Vegas, and I doubt I can. Correct me if I am wrong.

The chroma key seems to be superior to everything else I have tried. But I miss the light wrap, and also a color matcher (match the colors of one video track to the colors in another video track). Without these two, I must resort to After Effects after all, even if it takes ages to do it there, compared to Vegas.

Where is the Light Wrap FX???

JohnnyRoy wrote on 10/12/2010, 8:50 AM
> I have Red Giant Key Correct Pro, does this mean that those After Effects plugins expose an API so that they can be used in vegas 10 as i

No, they have to be ported to the OpenFX API that Vegas Pro 10 uses. This is what Boris is doing.

> What existing FX out there now suddenly become avaliable in Vegas 10? Or do they still have to be especially written for Vegas?

It is my understanding that they still have to be recompiled for Vegas to be able to use them but I could be wrong.

ingvarai wrote on 10/12/2010, 9:14 AM
Ok, thanks.

I understand you have BCC7 in Vegas 10? If you have, can you see the BCC Light Wrap FX? This is the only issue that holds me back purchasing the product immediately. I can't see this FX.

Dirk from BorisFX wrote on 10/12/2010, 1:20 PM
Light Wrap is what's called a "2 to 1 Transform" in Vegas - which basically means it needs to be applied on a per track basis as a custom composite mode (this is how Vegas allows for alternate video layers as an input to an effect)

So if you click on the popup menu where you set the track's composite mode (the track where the chromakey effect is applied) and choose "Custom" you should be able to choose it from the selector window that comes up

ingvarai wrote on 10/12/2010, 1:42 PM
>Light Wrap is what's called a "2 to 1 Transform" in Vegas - which basically means it needs to be applied on a per track basis as a custom composite mode (this is how Vegas allows for alternate video layers as an input to an effect)

Thanks! It works like magic. You can count your customers +1 after this. The Boris Chroma keyer is the best I have seen, and I have the latest After Effects CS 5.

Ros wrote on 10/12/2010, 2:45 PM
I wish there would be more video tutorials and specifically made for Vegas.

I have been trying to get BCC WitnessProtection or Lens Flare to work with Motion Tracker but no success. The online help I found either relates to AE or Final Cut. Even the .pdf help within the module relates to AE and not Vegas.

This is my second time trying out Boris products. I remember getting Graffiti bundled with Vegas several years ago, but somehow I did not find Graffiti intuitive and gave up on it while it my be a great application.


ingvarai wrote on 10/12/2010, 3:06 PM
Vegas will never become After Effects, so maybe use the right tool for the right job. Spending a lot of time trying to learn Boris is frustrating. I do not know if I ever will make the motion tracking work, i tried, but gave up. A short video could have explained everything.

For me the most important advantage is that I now can make real professional green-screen work inside Vegas, using Vegas 10 and Boris FX. It is a big time saver, indeed.
Dirk from BorisFX wrote on 10/12/2010, 3:37 PM

Date: 10/12/2010 6:06:24 PM, ingvarai wrote ;
> I do not know if I ever will make the motion tracking work, i tried, but gave up. A short video could have explained everything.

There will be a video tutorial on it soon (and the Help file will be updated). The motion tracking is not so hard to use once you have the basic idea of it and it's useful
Former user wrote on 10/12/2010, 3:49 PM
I was just going to say, I need tutorials. I've been using AE for so long that the possibility of doing some colour and "in camera" work on the timeline is very appealing (should be able to save a lot of time, which saves clients money, which means I have more time for more get the idea).

I've got the upgrade price in my budget (I'll just have to bump the purchase date up a little bit to take advantage of it).

And yes, /bump /agree /nod nod nod ---> new API is a game-changer for Vegas.
jrazz wrote on 10/12/2010, 4:06 PM
I believe the addition of tutorial videos (coming soon) just made me interested enough to download the trial and give it a whirl as it sounds pretty powerful... but I can only use it in as much as I understand it.

Looking forward to those tut's geard to Vegas!

j razz
ingvarai wrote on 10/12/2010, 4:25 PM
Currently I miss only one thing in BCC for Vegas 10:
An equivalent to Red Giant Key Correct Pro's Matte Feather, and/or Edge Blur. These two effects have become obligatory tools for me when doing green-screen work in After Effects.

I hope I am overlooking smt in Boris, but I haven't found anything yet. The Boris Chroma Keyer is just superb. If I only had an "Edge Blur" equivalent. The documentation mentions "edge softening" but so far I cannot find anything. The Matte choker is not the proper tool it seems..
As it is now, the talent stands out too crisp over the background to look realistic.

It is close to perfect, but not there yet.

jrazz wrote on 10/12/2010, 5:57 PM
Anyone familiar with motion tracking using BCC, I keep getting a dialogue that says I need to clear the render cache when tracking motion. I assume I need to bump up the amount of cache I have set aside for this, but I don't know where to find such an adjustment.

Basically once it tracks through the event about 3-5 seconds it gives me an overlay on the preview window that tells me to clear the render cache. I just need to know how to adjust the cache size.

j razz
JohnnyRoy wrote on 10/12/2010, 10:10 PM
For those of you who are trying to figure out how to use Motion Tracking with BCC7 in Vegas Pro 10, I just put up a new YouTube video that covers the topic.

The tutorial shows you how to use the Motion Tracker and Pixel Chooser in Boris Continuum Complete (BCC) 7 with Vegas Pro 10 to map the Sparks effect to a moving object and to blur part of a moving object (e.g., good for blurring a logo on a t-shirt)

Hope this helps,

jrazz wrote on 10/12/2010, 10:18 PM
Thanks JR! You make it look easy... Which, I guess, after you know how to do it, it is easy. Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

j razz
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 10/12/2010, 11:19 PM
If I knew that more of the Boris Continuum Complete tools were going to be coming to Vegas, I'd be more inclined to it, but comparing the BCC7 for Vegas to the BCC for AE, I see a lot more tools, in AE's. I know AE has additional functionalities, but some I would think would be possible in Vegas Pro.

Anyone know if more will be coming as time progresses?

rsp wrote on 10/13/2010, 12:15 AM
Thanks for showing this tutorial !

Really a Huge step forward compared to the old workflow with Boris/Vegas: seems nomore switching to Boris interface and realtime previews!

Now looking forward to the new Boris Red 5 even more!

HyperMedia wrote on 10/13/2010, 12:36 AM
Yes...we all are waiting. This is what I predicted. The Boris Team will have tutorial videos come out so fast. Your skills will increase tenfold. With Boris Red around the corner. You will see 3 D animation, multilevel alpha composting and professional keying tutorials. I receive a video tutorial from the Boris Team almost every week.

Now I don’t have to keep bringing up Cool 3D Studio as a great addition to Vegas.
Boris Red 5 would replace mostly everything C3DS can do!!!
ingvarai wrote on 10/13/2010, 2:48 AM
>The Boris Team will have tutorial videos come out so fast

Thanks for the video, Johnny! The best example on how a video can save lots of time studying help files and manuals.
Vegas has now become a real super video NLE. I will still (always) need After Effects, but do much more in Vegas.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 10/13/2010, 3:35 AM
You are all welcome. I'm glad this was helpful. I'm a "visual" learner myself and I'd rather be shown how to do something than have to read a manual so I thought I'd pass on what I had gleaned from the reading the help file.

These are very exciting times for Vegas Pro 10 users.
