I am shooting HD video with a Canon 5DMarkIII and in the past I have converted the original camera clips to Cineform avi files. Now that I have a higher performance computer and the clips play fine on the timeline I am wondering if there is still any point in using Cineform. I will still use it if I render out sections of a project but otherwise, unless I hear differently, I won't convert clips. Thanks in advance for any advice.
And one other thing, regarding the original Canon clips on the Vegas 13 timeline, I now don't have to use the convert SRGB to CRGB filter to read the clips correctly. On the other hand rendered Cineform clips need that filter to read correctly. So I guess in Vegas 13 there has been a change in how it deals with color space?
And one other thing, regarding the original Canon clips on the Vegas 13 timeline, I now don't have to use the convert SRGB to CRGB filter to read the clips correctly. On the other hand rendered Cineform clips need that filter to read correctly. So I guess in Vegas 13 there has been a change in how it deals with color space?