I have had two instances where editors installed parts of MS Office (Word, Excel and/or Outlook) on an editing machine and on both I had to do a clean OS install to get Vegas stable again. Both were Win7/64 machines and Office 2007 components, so maybe the newer versions aren't a problem, but bottom line is editing systems should contain only editing and ancillary software - period. No email, games, weird codecs, spreadsheets, etc. No Office will be on my editing machines again.
May or may not be on topic but I had bad experience with Logitech's latest Setpoint Software for my mouse and keyboard causing issues in many applications including Vegas. Uninstalling it brought everything back to normal.
1) Win7 64 with just Vegas 8-10 - no Internet
2) Win7 64 with Vegas 8-12 & Office 2007 - no Internet
3) Win7 64 with Vegas 8-12, Office 2007 & 2010, CS6, Internet & other apps
4) Win8 with Vegas 12 for testing...
Currently I boot into #3 and have no problems rendering (2) VEGs in the background & burning a BR ISO all while editing (1) VEG in the foreground with MS Word open to copy & paste titles provided by the client... Some clients also send their titles on an Excel spreadsheet and I sometimes print-out copies of promo material from Publisher.
All boot options have all Windows & Program updates installed as of last month. Everything has been playing together nicely on my system but I am careful to make backups before I install anything new, including Windows updates. If something breaks I immediately go back to an old image of the offending partition and do a re-install of the broken update/new app. If it breaks again, I don't install that app again... In particular, the New Blue Titler broke everything and so I have never re-installed it or attempted to install the latest release...
A GREAT program for fixing things is CCleaner. I regularly run it, including the Registry fixer, and it does wonders. IMO a lot of problems are from bad registry entries and CCleaner has done a good job of fixing them...
[EDIT] I use the Internet sparingly on this machine, do not have Outlook or email setup, and have Kaspersky running in the background. If something fails I can boot into #2 and get the job out until I have a chance to reload the image from a clean backup...
bottom line is editing systems should contain only editing and ancillary software - period. No email, games, weird codecs, spreadsheets, etc
As someone who has had, and still does, a huge variety of software on my PC, along with Vegas, that's about as an old wives tale as you can get with computers. It's right up there with "don't turn your computer on Michelangelo's birthday". Well, maybe it's right up there with "Intel CPU's & motherboards means you have the most stable and best you can get."
Bigger issues are internet (the chances of getting a virus/hacked/etc. are infinitely higher then compared to not having your machine on the net) and (from my experience) Apple products. Both as with most things, mileage will vary.
There's always OpenOffice or LibreOffice, which can edit MS Office documents. I've been using OpenOffice for a decade. LibreOffice seems to be nudging ahead and has an Android app on the way.
I have to use MS Office 2010 at work and hate it. I'm not sure what those MS !d10+$ were doing at their R&D but not having all my buttons on the screen and having to hit a tab for every function is a major step backwards and a royal PITA time waster.