Don't laugh - Which Version of Windows 7 Do I Need

plasmavideo wrote on 12/11/2012, 12:35 PM
SO FAR behind the curve folks. I've been pretty much out of the loop for a while due to a lot of reasons, but I'm getting my editing clothes back on again.

So right now, everything I have at home is XP, and I've been happy and stable forever.

Now, however, with upgrading to Vegas 12, and the fact I inherited a nice HP workstation that I can run 64 bit OS on, I want to at least jump to Windows 7 - 8 perhaps, but 7 seems to be so nice and stable (and drivers for the workstation are available for 7) I at least want to go to 7 on the main editing computer.

Which version is the best for editing? Home, Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate, and whatever other flavor is out there, and does it really matter?

Yeah, I know, 7 is SOOOO yesterday, but my experience with Vista was so discouraging I vowed to stay with XP as long as humanly possible.

Thanks guys.



danv wrote on 12/11/2012, 12:43 PM
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit has worked well for me with Vegas issues except if I turn on GPU accellerattion, sometimes I have crashes....with gpu off, it is rock stable....Well, rock stable in Vegas speak. :-)
teaktart wrote on 12/11/2012, 12:47 PM
I just did a custom build to catch up to date too.
Upgraded to V12 and needed Windows 7-64 bit. Started with the Home version but learned it can't handle much memory so had to return and get the W7Pro-64 instead to maximize memory capability.
At least thats what the builders said....
john_dennis wrote on 12/11/2012, 1:15 PM
This subject was covered in this thread.

Since I wrote my comment about Remote Desktop, I have begun to use it at home. The laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium is useful for the Remote Desktop client, but can not be the host.
plasmavideo wrote on 12/11/2012, 2:39 PM
Thank you gentlemen - and John,I didn't get beyond the processor limitation mentioned in that thread to realize I needed pro. This workstation has 2 4 core 2gig processors (old and slow by today's technology, but 8 total cores - quite a leap from the ancient Pentium 4 hyperthreaded, and a cranky AMD phenom 4 core I've been dealing with for years.)

I see I have a lot of technology to catch up on.
Zelkien69 wrote on 12/11/2012, 2:49 PM
Windows 7 Professional 192 GB
Windows 7 Home Premium 16 GB
Windows 7 Home Basic 8 GB

If you're going over 16GB you need Professional. That's what made the decision in my last build.