before start answer be patient to test and read DV specification and also you must knew that yuv2rgb is decoding of dv.
any of codecs, that exists now will harmful to matherial such this:
THIS IS PAL DV example - SO IF YOU IN NTSC land - you must make your own sample in aproximatelly same view (at middle-end of sunrise, when you see pure orange color of sun [zebra effect will shown on capable cameras over sun])
and don't do any recompressions in middle, don't render to see it - simply show from TIMELINE
try to see this frame on TV and on PC - there is very big difference.
orange is original (on TV) but if matherial will be processed in PC by any prog's which work in RGB you get yellow color instead.
while this material have not processed by any of codecs - all ok - you can see on TV normal orange color - if processed - then orange losses and will be more yellow.
No correct decoding DV matherial (which in YUV) to PC RGB24 - in which works all NLE programms. - this mean if you load matherial into pc and do with them simply operations and then write back to media - colors will be changed to another.
any suggestion applogized.
Russian discussion on this problem can be found on:
any of codecs, that exists now will harmful to matherial such this:
THIS IS PAL DV example - SO IF YOU IN NTSC land - you must make your own sample in aproximatelly same view (at middle-end of sunrise, when you see pure orange color of sun [zebra effect will shown on capable cameras over sun])
and don't do any recompressions in middle, don't render to see it - simply show from TIMELINE
try to see this frame on TV and on PC - there is very big difference.
orange is original (on TV) but if matherial will be processed in PC by any prog's which work in RGB you get yellow color instead.
while this material have not processed by any of codecs - all ok - you can see on TV normal orange color - if processed - then orange losses and will be more yellow.
No correct decoding DV matherial (which in YUV) to PC RGB24 - in which works all NLE programms. - this mean if you load matherial into pc and do with them simply operations and then write back to media - colors will be changed to another.
any suggestion applogized.
Russian discussion on this problem can be found on: