DVD case software

epirb wrote on 1/16/2005, 5:42 PM
What do you guys use for making the DVD case label inserts.
Ive tried the Nero tool and Mediaface by Neato, but am unimpressed by them.
(Spacing/proper size, type fonts all seem unintuitive)
I want some thing for the larger style cases with a front ,back and spline.
Maybe the DVDA forum would be better to ask this but I thought I would hit you guys up here first.


craftech wrote on 1/16/2005, 6:24 PM
I have tried many of them and I don't like any of them. I use Photoshop to alter them afterward or create them using Photoshop from scratch. All a PIA if you ask me. The industry is passing up a golden opportunity by not developing easy to use wizard based software to create quality DVD jacket inserts.

rs170a wrote on 1/16/2005, 6:24 PM
You could try either Avery Wizard for Microsoft Word or Avery Design Pro 5 Limited, Both are free downloads.
You can also create templates in Photoshop. Personally I prefer to use Corel Draw as I feel it gives me the most flexibility & customization.

Flack wrote on 1/16/2005, 7:14 PM
I'am with rs170a I use Corel Draw and make them from scratch, you have infinite control over all aspects using Corel. and I print my covers on Photo Glossy paper.

Once you have made one you just re-use it as the main template for any new ones, then just save with different name.

epirb wrote on 1/16/2005, 7:20 PM
I might just try doing it in PSP thanks for all the suggestions.
does anybody have the template size/dimensions already for those sleeves?
ie: front cover-spline-backcover?
craftech wrote on 1/16/2005, 7:24 PM
I just tried downloading the Avery Design Pro 5 limited software. There is no DVD jacket insert so you can save yourself the effort of downloading it. I plan to uninstall it.

PeterWright wrote on 1/16/2005, 7:36 PM
I created a template in MS Publisher, complete with gude lines for guillotining after printing.
craftech wrote on 1/16/2005, 7:46 PM
774 pixels wide x 513 pixels high.
10.75" wide x 7.125 high
Resolution 72

Vertical Line at 5 an 1/16 inches
Second Vertical line at 5 and 21/32 inches

With printer settings at "maximum" and "centered" it will just fir on 8.5 x 11 photo paper. I like Polaroid paper for my Epson as well as Epson paper.

If you have access to it an A20 template works better.

musman wrote on 1/16/2005, 8:27 PM
By 'PSP' do you mean photoshop? I always abbrev. it as PS, but I could be wrong about that.
Anyway, if you mean photoshop there are templates that are free if you do a search, but I don't care for any of them for many reasons. Think they, like every other software-based template, were really too small. My solution was to make my own and use my epson r200 (which can print borderless) and standard size paper or use A4 paper and my hp printer.
If you want my template, just say the word and I'll email it to you.
PH125 wrote on 1/16/2005, 10:35 PM
It's not the most advanced program, but it gets the job done, and the sizing is nearly perfect when you print out (with cutting of course). I just design my cover in photoshop and import into the program and layout the jacket.

EZ label Xpress lite

farss wrote on 1/17/2005, 12:03 AM
We just use MS Word and a bit of Word Art but mostly are slicks are just full of data for the replicators so they don't have to look fancy, just informative.
To work out dimensions, measure an existing one, duh!

A few things we have bought to make life easier. A good paper cutter (Carl DC-210), that uses a wheel and a magnetic guide and scoring and perforating wheels . A long throat stapler.
A selection of paper, 110gsm and 190 gsm for different purposes, we use NOPA paper, good for 361 dpi at a reasonable price.
Jewel case inserts are the hardest, so we perforate the paper to get a clean fold.
randyvild wrote on 1/17/2005, 12:24 AM
Actually this program is simple and affordable:


DavidMcKnight wrote on 1/17/2005, 4:02 AM
Check out PixelMixer by PixelPops. It's a tad pricey, but man does it do a great job fast. It is basically a Photoshop scripter. You have to have Photoshop installed for it to work but, when you're done, you have a photoshop file that you can continue to modify if you want to. It does both labels and cases. Check it out here -


logiquem wrote on 1/17/2005, 5:23 AM
a couple of ideas:

1. search for "DVDalphapack template" on the net. You will find the Illustrator template file on a replicator website.

2. If you routinely made DVDs with small case design variations (title, description, etc.), try t his:


You build your own database and design your cover template. Very usefull and time saving for archiving.

Otherwise, a vectorial soft like Illustrator, Correl Draw or Freehand is the key for more advanced graphics.
jasonnn wrote on 1/17/2005, 10:50 AM
Try the discus program mentioned earlier in the post. pretty cheap and versitle. it has a lot of the templates already loded for labels and such. I use a epson r 200 and print right on the disc with no adjustments needed.
theceo wrote on 1/17/2005, 11:24 AM
Sure Thing Label Creator works.

I tried a few others but had alignment problems with the meritline glossy dvd insert

Sure Thing is perfectly aligned.

I normally import an image file for the front and use the program to do the spine and back.

Just make sure you spell check the back info in say Word or another word processor.

Fleshpainter wrote on 1/17/2005, 2:20 PM
I have some templates that were given to me by a print shop for all this. They work with PhotoShop and contain the alignment tools which the printers need to align the presses. Even if you print them yourself, at least you'll know that they are accurate.
If anyone needs them...

scdragracing wrote on 1/17/2005, 3:25 PM
i have had to create multiple dvd case inserts for different titles, all based on one original that had to be altered until it could be printed without having to chop off all 4 sides... the fewer sides you have to cut, the better off you are.

the problem is that different printers have different margin/border capability... epson works fine, but the hp print driver can't match what the epson does, so you end up with an insert that has to be customized for every print driver.

just remember to line everything up around the heel(center) and front cover of the insert.
riredale wrote on 1/17/2005, 4:35 PM
One other note: a 2-disk container is slightly fatter than a single-disk one, so you need a different template for it.

As for me, I use a custom template made with Nero Cover designer. I really like the Nero product, as it seems very "Powerpoint-ish" to me. I guess one could also use PowerPoint, for that matter...
Randy Brown wrote on 1/17/2005, 7:24 PM
If you want my template, just say the word and I'll email it to you.
Hey thanks Musman, please send to g_randybrown at yahoo dot com.
Thanks again,
snicholshms wrote on 1/17/2005, 7:27 PM
Get PixelMixer from PixelPops...it works with Photoshop and you can do DVD or VHS case labels. You can resize photos, add photos, change just about anything. They look great, too.
jsteehl wrote on 1/17/2005, 7:48 PM
No to be rude (really) but PixelPops? If you already have PS (and if you spent that much $$$ for it I assume you know the basics) you can do what Pixelpop does in about 4-5 minutes.

Take a look at their flash example and the final output. A couple layers, some text on a G Blurred background! :) Use Layer comps and/or layers for text/pics and you can create a generic template PSD the can be reused.

Go to the Adobe Studio Exhange site and get free actions, scripts, text effects and go crazy... here 2972 text effects...


BTW, great place for other created Video ideas (just using PS).

If you need detailed instructions to make a DVD case in Photoshop try this...


PixelPops :) don't get me wrong, I should have put together some actions with a VB front end and charged more :)

richard-courtney wrote on 1/17/2005, 9:03 PM
I use JASC Paintshop Pro and the printer driver supplied by the
replication house. They will want to make a CMYK (Cyan Magenta
Yellow blacK) separation film. Your house will provide registration marks
and other requirements for printing the inserts.

For small runs I print on matte paper using my Epson R200.
(Glossy sometimes causes the clear plastic to stick to the paper)

I print a little larger area than the die cut paper (bleading) so not to get
white edges due to paper shifting.
DavidMcKnight wrote on 1/17/2005, 9:03 PM
>> PixelPops :) don't get me wrong, I should have put together some actions with a VB front end and charged more :)

Maybe you should've.

I happily paid for and use PixelMixer. There is a big difference between being able to edit and produce decent video and being artistic in photoshop. My video work is fine, but everything I do in graphics looks like bloated stick figures.

For me, you have it backwards. Using PixelMixer I can have dvd covers and labels done in about 5 minutes. Otherwise, it would take me hours to get the same results without PM.

For anyone who's interested, download the fully functional trial and see for yourself...
jsteehl wrote on 1/17/2005, 9:21 PM
"For me, you have it backwards."

So you bought PS (at a considerable cost) just to use PM at $150 because you don't know how to use PS (" it would take me hours to get the same results without PM")? I guess I do have it backwards :)

I assumed 2 things in my statement 1) you have PS 2) you know the basics. An the basics are all you really need to pull off what PM is doing. Heck do it in PSP and pocket the rest (especially PSP 9!).

The PM designs contain the following elements in various combinations.

- Blurred, zoomed main picture
- Titles in various fonts
- Thumbnails in various effects (photographic border, inset etc).
- Straight lines with gradiants.
- The PixelMixer advertisment on the back (I hope that is optional).

Yes it is push button out of the box, I'll give you that. Different strokes I guess.

BTW, I really disagree with "There is a big difference between being able to edit and produce decent video and being artistic in photoshop." (I'm equally mediocre. in both :). Once you know the tool at hand... resolution, color correction, sampling, layers, effects, levels, contrast, rendering, scripting, timing, shadows, highlights (should I go on) are really the same thing. But that is a whoooole nother thread :)
