When attempting to update to Version 5.0, my PC, and I'm the only user, tells me to make sure I have local system administrator privileges on this system - and cancels the installation.
Never had that before - how do I change this, please?
edit - just checked under Control Panel / User Accounts, and my normal log in is as Computer administrator. Any idea why DVDA 5 doesn't know this?
So far, DVDA v5 is a bust. I have tried a number of Blu-ray compliant MPEG2 files in DVDA v5 and it insists on recompressing all of them. Each one of these files has been happily ingested into Adobe Encore where Blu-ray discs have been made successfully without recompressing. I've been doing this for over a year in Encore and have authored about a hundred projects with no problems.
The files match the project's properties and they're about half the maximum size of a Blu-ray disc. The file's bitrate don't exceed the bitrate I've set for the project. I've tried both elementary streams and program streams. I wonder what I'm missing?
That fololed me, too. So I visited the My Software area, and clicked Download. The software I downloaded is certainly NOT a trial version. It recognised that DVDA 4.5 was installed, and in 30 seconds had upgraded it to 5.
The recompression takes place only, if the footage is not in line with the material required for the Blu Ray. The project settings are not so much the relevant criteria.
The Ulead Moviefactory does not care so much, if the footage is in line with Blu Ray specs. The recompression in the moviefactory can be avoided, by bringing in line the project settings with the footage. But does that mean, that the footage is compatible to Blu Ray? Maybe not.
The footage is as Blu-ray compliant as I know how to make it, but apparently, I'm missing something. I wish DVDA would say exactly what parameter is out of spec instead of just saying that it is.
"The Ulead Moviefactory does not care so much, if the footage is in line with Blu Ray specs."
Hey.... for $65... you won't hear me complaining. I figure the operator SHOULD have a good fix on the BD spec anyway. If not then that's his/her problem.
I suspect that it is probably a Vegas Pro 8c update to the rendering profiles. Now where is that?
I did read in the DVD Architect Pro 5 Manual:
"The AVC, MainConcept MPEG-2, AC-3, and Wave/Wave64 encoders in Vegas Pro provide templates that, if used without any modifications, result in files that do not require recompression (unless the file size is too large to fit on a disc)."
At least, now we know that the price of the Filmbrennerei is $65 - fine.
Serious spoken, the recompression of non-compliant footage was also done by the DVD4 - so, nothing has changed here. If you wish to see something different, I would recommend that you writte Sony.
What I have seen for the DVDA5: when you feed the DVDA5 with compliant fooltage rendered by Vegas Pro 8, you will not see any recompression. Compliant are a lot of templates from the mainconcept mpeg2 encoder - so 720p with 23.976p, 24p and 50p (I think also 60p is fine, but I have not tested that). For 1080i 24p and 50i/60i are fine. All generated with the Blu Ray templates or modifiered Blu Ray templates. For the Sony AVC encoder the Blu Ray templates 1440x1080 50i/60i are fine. For the Mainconcept AVC encoder the footate will be recompressed always, since the DVDA does not support mp4 footage. More, also SD footage will not be recompressed, even if that is prepared to a BD.
I THINK he meant to use Vegas, there is an option under "tools" to render for a BR disc. I am assuming that the "render image only" would produce a file for DVDA? Interesting.
In Vegas Pro 8, go to Tools > Burn disc > Blu-ray disc. Here, you can select Render Image Only, then choose from several BD-compliant render templates. This should give you an output that doesn't need to be recompressed in DVDA 5.
John - I notice that in the "Properties" window for a BD project there is a box for bitrate which seems to default to 18MBPS, Bitrate didn't appear in DVDA 4.5 properties, as I recall. I'm assuming you rendered at 25 MBPS using the Vegas template. Did you adjust the bitrate in DVDA5 project properties?
So you are talking about the output for BD from the timeline of Vegas? Yes, such a file is DVDA5 compliant, and will not recompressed at all - but you have to extract it from the iso-file.
The 18 mbps are used as default value only, an adjustment can be done, if you wish to do so.
DVDA-5 is much more fussy about frame rates than is Vegas. I have been happily burning 1280x720 30P BDs from the Vegas timeline for months. I had been rendering with a custom MainConncept MPEG-2 template at 29.97 fps, 18Mbps. These DVDs played fine in my PC and my Sony BDP-S300. Now I find that I must render at 59.94 fps progressive to be compliant with DVDA-5. All other parameters remain the same. The results are indistinguishable from those produced before except that the render time is now 1.89 times as long. I guess this is the price of menus.
So, is anyone else having re-rendering problems with DVDA5? I've been stockpiling rendered projects (using the 1440x1080 60i template, which applies smart rendering to my m2t assets) in anticipation of authoring with 5. It would not be good if DVDA5 wants to re-render everything.