We edit a lot of music videos that contain several tracks. Normally I use the multi camera features and it works out pretty well. I now have a project that I have to stick with multi tracks due to timing changes to the tracks and different effects.
In the past I have always used composite envelopes to bring in and out the take I want. With 4 or 5 tracks this is OK, but this current project has 20+.
With most of the tracks being full length it’s a real pain to adjust the envelopes for all the tracks above.
I’m trying to decide if I want to tackle this project with envelopes or split everything up into clips.
One issue I have ran into using Vegas – Most NLEs / DAWs I have used will allow you to – Select Multiple clips/Events then trim them all at the same time or apply fades. Vegas only seems to allow this if you group them. You then are faced with either keeping track of a bunch of groups, or removing the group after each edit of multi clips. Is there an easy way to do this in Vegas I have overlooked?