Yet another program for video quality metrics visualization -- FFMetrics. It is a FFMpeg GUI, so all calculations are done by FFMpeg.
The program allow you to select analysed files without dealing with command line and calculate metrics in one go. Well, and build shiny graphs of course.
- PSNR, SSIM, VMAF visual quality metrics
- Easy to use UI: drag & drop files from Explorer onto Reference field and Files list or use file choosers
- Processing up to 12 files in one go
- Brief media info for reference and distorted files
- Thumbnail for reference file
- No limitations on frame size for PSNR/SSIM, Full HD/4K for VMAF
- “Bad” frames can be extracted and saved as PNG images for further analisys
- Only parts of video files can be analyzed
- Frames graphs can be zoomed in/out with mouse wheel (try it over graph or graph's axes), panned with right mouse button and saved as PNG
- Frames metrics can be saved as tab-delimited csv files and then opened in Excel
- FFMpeg commands can be saved to log (FFMetrics.log)
- Average metrics, frames statistics, frame size, bitrate, date/time and file name can be saved to tab-delimited csv file (appended) and then opened in Excel
- VMAF model selected automatically based on reference media info, but can be changed using UI
- Supported VMAF models type (pkl or json) detected automatically
- .NET Framework 4.7.2 Runtime. Program should notify if you need to install it. The framework is already included since Windows 10 1803, but if you use Windows 7 or earlier versions of Windows 10, you may be asked to download and install it;
- FFMpeg.exe. You have to download it from official web site;
- VMAF metric require special FFMpeg's build. It is supported since FFMpeg version 4.3 (stable). VMAF model files must be in sub-folder "vmaf-models". The most common models are included in archive.
How to use:
- Unpack into a folder;
- Put FFMpeg.exe into the program folder or make it available in system %PATH% (The easiest way is to download static build and put ffmpeg.exe directly into the program folder. The best way would be to download shared 64-bit build, unpack it into C:\Program Files\FFMpeg and adjust system %PATH%);
- Run the program;
- Use UI to add reference file and at least one distorted file (you can drag & drop them from Explorer or use file choosers);
- Select metrics you'd like to calculate;
- Click "Start" button.