Flac audio bug

Laurence wrote on 5/16/2014, 6:06 PM
I've done this with a few different flac files so I am pretty sure about this one.

I often use flac instead of wav for my music bed and voiceover audio because of it's lossless compression. I was working on a project today and noticed that all my flac audio files would play until just slightly over the ten second mark then abruptly stop making sound. You can see the waveform on the timeline at that point, you just can't hear it.

Can somebody confirm this?


PeterDuke wrote on 5/16/2014, 6:39 PM
Is it only in Vegas that this happens?

What version?
john_dennis wrote on 5/16/2014, 8:07 PM
In Vegas Pro 12-770 it worked properly for me with 48 kHz 16 bit FLAC rendered previously.

I added it to a timeline with 1920x1080-24p AVC in .MOV with 48 kHz-16 bit PCM muted.

I was equally successful on two machines with version 12.
ChristoC wrote on 5/16/2014, 11:23 PM
No problems here in VP13(b310) or VP12; playing FLACs generated by SoundForgePro10 & 11.
PeterDuke wrote on 5/16/2014, 11:43 PM
I just tried Vegas 13 290 and 310 with various flac files, some up to an hour long, with no problems.


I just dragged a flac file to the timeline and arbitrarily played from random points. Do you have to play continuously for 10 secs or more before the audio cuts out?
Laurence wrote on 5/17/2014, 2:07 AM
This was with flac files in Vegas 13 that I rendered myself from SoundForge Pro 11. Six approximately 1 second voiceovers. All of them suddenly when quite at just over the ten second mark. Rerendered to wav and they were fine. Very strange that only I am having this problem. No big deal really, I'll just use wavs.

I am so enjoying the stability of V13. With V11 and V12 I used to get multiple crashes every day. V13 has a few minor issues, but I am just so thrilled with the stability that they really don't bother me.

I wonder what the problem is? Maybe it's a SoundForge 11 issue.
Laurence wrote on 5/17/2014, 2:08 AM
>Do you have to play continuously for 10 secs or more before the audio cuts out?

No, the silence is always at the same place regardless of where I start playback.
ChrisDolan (SCS) wrote on 5/21/2014, 10:00 AM
I can't reproduce either. I just saved a new .flac file from SF11 (44.1kHz, 16-bit) and played it in Vegas 13 with no issues. Can you share your problem FLAC file?
Laurence wrote on 5/21/2014, 1:52 PM
I'm getting this problem in the latest version of Sound Forge as well, both with flac files that are sent to me as well as with ones I render myself from either Sound Forge or Vegas.
videoITguy wrote on 5/21/2014, 1:56 PM
Recall the USB external drive interference with audio? Are you alternately connecting USB 2/3 external drives of very large capacity to your PC hardware. Your problem is described as local.
Laurence wrote on 5/21/2014, 3:46 PM
Yes, I am working with large USB3 drives. That may well be the problem. It's only on flac audio though. Wav is fine. So is video.
MissingTheFOUNDRY wrote on 6/9/2015, 10:26 AM

I realize I'm late to the party, but just for others benefit:

On two separate computers, the SAME EXPERIENCE. I am using only Sound Forge 11.0.299, but the flac I/O plugin is absolutely broken. Not EVERY flac file will corrupt, but most will IF YOU APPLY A TOOL/PROCESS/FX to it (which is probably why you're using Sound Forge, right?)

The flac file will be fine, but do a simple volume boost - blam! Audio program material is missing at the end and now you have pure silence.

I can replicate the problem in different setups with ease. For Sony to say Sound Forge can edit flac is currently complete bull; it can OPEN flac, and it can SAVE AS flac - but editing flac is a disaster.
john_dennis wrote on 6/9/2015, 12:12 PM
May not be just FLAC.

See this.