
john_dennis wrote on 7/29/2010, 2:39 PM
One day late for me. I just split one yesterday. It's great news, though.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 7/29/2010, 2:45 PM

From what I've seen on YouTube, this doubling the length of videos hardly seems to be... how can I put this...? "Good news."

richard-amirault wrote on 7/29/2010, 5:56 PM
It's not "double" .. it's a 50% increase (not 100%) For a long time the max (for most folks) was 10 min.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 7/29/2010, 7:11 PM

My bad, I thought it was seven.

Still, bad videos don't get any better being longer.

ushere wrote on 7/29/2010, 8:02 PM
well put jay ;-)
Earl_J wrote on 7/29/2010, 8:16 PM
I think YT is the home of the foreign-language mentality ...
Some people think that if someone does not understand their language, speaking louder will help them comprehend ... (wink)
So, perhaps the correlation applies - if people don't understand one's videos, just double one's efforts and make the videos longer ... (grin)

Until that time... Earl J.
i c e wrote on 7/29/2010, 8:32 PM
This is like my worst case senario. My only hope was that they had to at least be "only" ten minutes. Now I have no reason to go do that last major edit. :) I'm doomed.

John_Cline wrote on 7/29/2010, 10:49 PM
Admittedly the overwhelming majority of the stuff on YouTube is just plain awful. However, I have also seen some real gems there, too, and a lot of it can only been seen on YouTube.
farss wrote on 7/30/2010, 12:38 AM
This'll be quite a plus for me at least. A lot of the concertos etc that one of my clients insists on being on Youtube run just over 10 minutes.

Jay Gladwell wrote on 7/30/2010, 4:21 AM

John, you are absolutely correct. There are indeed some "real gems" to be seen. You couldn't have used a better analogy--it's like mining for diamonds, trying to find find something of value on YouTube.

I should add, it's just not YT alone.

UlfLaursen wrote on 7/30/2010, 5:43 AM
Thanks for sharing this, Hohn - good to know.

farss wrote on 7/30/2010, 6:03 AM
"it's like mining for diamonds, trying to find find something of value on YouTube."

Amen to that! Worse, Youtube seem to go out of their way to make it as difficult as possible, how is it I find the exact same piles of trash no matter which category I choose.
Perhaps on the other hand one has to bow to some extent to the wisdom of the masses, there's got to be something we here are missing when a baby barfing gets over 100 million views :(

Jay Gladwell wrote on 7/30/2010, 6:45 AM

"... there's got to be something we here are missing when a baby barfing gets over 100 million views :(

LOL -- so true!

jrazz wrote on 7/30/2010, 7:20 AM
Some "gems" are amazing in quality while others are just "jaw dropping" in their oddity. Here is an example of the latter.

j razz
john_dennis wrote on 7/30/2010, 8:08 AM
"there's got to be something we here are missing when a baby barfing gets over 100 million views :("

No one is more perplexed than I am by what motivates millions of people to watch something that doesn't appeal to me. I am optimistic, however, about the youtube phenomenon. I've noticed that those businesses that I allow to spam me often deliver their content via youtube links. To me that is more efficient than having every IT organization create some means to streaming video or "rich content". I've watched Vegas tutorials on youtube and other streaming sites. I've used it to communicate the activities of my department to the rest of our organization. I'm embracing rich media and encouraging others to do the same instead of staring at that monochrome ascii console all day. Hopefully, over a long time certain aspects of it will improve the efficiency of our work and home lives.
One thing I rarely do is take the the most popular links from the youtube start page.

On the subject of the time limit increase: I do so much want my fifteen minutes of fame to be contiguous.

baysidebas wrote on 7/30/2010, 10:34 AM
"it's like mining for diamonds, trying to find find something of value on YouTube."

Slight amendment to that statement: "it's like mining for diamonds in a cesspool"
John_Cline wrote on 7/30/2010, 10:57 AM
"it's like mining for diamonds in a cesspool"

Oh, please! YouTube is what it is. It's an open forum for all to post video content. Since not everyone produces video content for a living, I don't expect the vast majority of it to be any good. It's a free content distribution network to distribute content to a world-wide audience that would otherwise never be seen on broadcast, cable or satellite TV.

For example, I posted a clip of my friend, Stevie Ray Vaughan, that I shot 30 years ago using a portable camera and 3/4" VCR. It's not a technical or cinematic masterpiece, but it is the earliest known video of him and to the SRV fans that stumble across it on YouTube, it's like finding the Holy Grail. I have my commercial stuff that I sell to make a living and I have my YouTube stuff that a very small audience may find interesting and won't see anywhere else.
john_dennis wrote on 7/30/2010, 11:28 AM

How many guitar players does it take to cover a Stevie Ray Vaughn song?

Answer: All of them.

Ecquillii wrote on 7/30/2010, 2:24 PM
Sturgeon's Revelation (aka Sturgeon's Law): Yes, 90% of science fiction is crud, but so is 90% of anything else.

What astounds me is not that 90% of all genres of books in the bookstore are crud, but that this is out of those which have already gone through a selection process.

Of course—and what astounds me even more—my best friend disagrees with me about which books should be listed in the coveted 10%. (And of course in the interests of disambiguity when I say books I mean YouTube videos, except to mention that the analogy doesn't hold because they haven't gone through an editorial selection process.)

Tim Robertson

Desktop:ASUS M32CD

Version of Vegas: VEGAS Pro Version 20.0 (Build 370)
Windows Version: Windows 10 Home (x64) Version 21H2 (build 19044.2846)
Cameras: Canon T2i (MOV), Sony HDR-CX405 (MP4), Lumia 950XL, Samsung A8, Panasonic HC-V785 (MP4)
Delivery Destination: YouTube, USB Drive, DVD/BD

Processor: 3.40 gigahertz Intel Core i7-6700
RAM: 16 Gigabytes
Graphics Card 1: AMD Radeon R9 370; Driver Version: 15.200.1065.0
Graphics Card 2: Intel HD Graphics 530; Driver Version:
GPU acceleration of video processing: Optimal - AMD Radeon R9 370
Enable Hardware Decoding for supported formats: 'Enable legacy AVC' is off; 'Enable legacy HEVC' is on
Hardware Decoder to Use: Auto (Off)

Tim L wrote on 7/30/2010, 3:18 PM
It's a free content distribution network to distribute content to a world-wide audience that would otherwise never be seen on broadcast, cable or satellite TV.

Agreed! Where else are you going to find things like these (which I love, by the way).

I can't remember if these videos have been linked here before, but I've listened to them enough now that I can no longer imagine that the original words were simply spoken, not sung...

altarvic wrote on 8/26/2010, 2:14 AM
Video4YouTube - Free plugin for Sony Vegas Pro that helps to create YouTube clips.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 8/26/2010, 8:49 AM

Wow, this one only took three attempts...

Anyway, nice little tool. Thanks for posting!

goodtimej wrote on 8/29/2010, 7:20 PM
Seems like a gaggle of haters in this thread. Youtube has changed the world, it really has, and if you can't see that, you are holding your hands in front of your face. I cant even count the amount of things I have learned and benefitted from on youtube for FREE. And I can see barfing, nutshots and double rainbows anytime I feel like it!
Not everyone can be as cool as you guys. Stop hating.
Soniclight wrote on 8/31/2010, 11:37 PM
YoutTube Confession

I recognize and applaud what YT has contributed to the democratization of video (from upload of Green protests in Iran last year to, yeah, the huge amount of crapiola that is there too). But here is one problem I have with it and this is because I'm so damn old-school about copyrights:

Say I want to see some video of some meditation or yoga teacher or other some music or other not-made-in-my-bedroom teenybopper video.

Well, so-oooo much of it is ripped off of DVDs and uploaded.
And people seem to think that's just hunky dorry.

Real Life Example:

Ken Wilber is a somewhat well respected figure in the Zen/Non-Duality and such circles. He's a bit out there for some, but he's a decent guy who surely lives by and teaches the Golden Rule. I.e. don't steal.

Well, some guy uploaded an obviously ripped-from-DVD segment of Ken giving a lecture. The title had the word "Truth" in it somewhere as I recall. Being in one of my not-minding-my-own-business spaces, I left a comment about how publishing content from Ken Wilber without his permission contradicted the spirituality, ethics of it all.

Well, the guy not only didn't agree, he went on and on saying that everything should be free, because that's what Ken would say.

Well, Ken has never promoted copyright violation.
And doubt he would.

And of course, said uploader hadn't asked for Ken's permission either.

The confession part of this is that...

I sometimes DO watch videos that are obviously not published by the original author. Rarely and it just feels wrong somehow, but temptation strikes one in a while. I.e. I want to buy a song online but can only hear the 30 second version, so I try to find the full version at YouTube to can make my final decision.

My bad, but I do it.

So, fine, I don't upload any content that violates rights.
But it's just too damn easy to watch some of it...

(This guilt/temptation circle must be my ex-Catholic upbringing and being over 50 :)