Hotkey For Toggling Audio Envelopes?

StealthStarSwag wrote on 9/26/2024, 11:49 PM

Would anyone happen to know if there is a hotkey for toggling between audio envelopes? I am using both volume and pan envelopes on the same audio source. Sometimes, one channel is disproportionately louder than the other, in which case, I adjust the pan. However, in sections where the audio is overly loud or too quiet, I lower the volume entirely in those areas. Because the envelopes overlap each other in most sections, I find it difficult to select the envelope I need. For example, if the volume envelope is selected but I need to use the pan envelope, the volume envelope covers the pan envelope, making it a hassle for me to select the latter. I have attached a photo for reference.

I am using 19.0 (Build 651).


john_dennis wrote on 9/27/2024, 1:50 AM

Have you tried the p and/or v key?

rraud wrote on 9/27/2024, 9:48 AM

Hi @StealthStarSwag, the 'P' key is the show/hide for the pan envelope whilst the 'V' toggles the volume envelope. Ctrl+Shift+E toggles all the envelopes.
All the above depends on the track's envelope(s) being enabled.

You can also assign custom keyboard shortcuts and the envelope colors.

StealthStarSwag wrote on 11/7/2024, 10:57 PM

Hi @john_dennis and @rraud,

I apologize for the late reply. Thank you for the tips. Switching between the P and V keys was as close as I came to a solution at the time I edited my video. Also, I had no clue you could assign custom keyboard shortcuts until just now! Again, I appreciate your help. 🙂