How is VEGAS Pro 22? Could you share your reviews and experiences?

Comments wrote on 8/1/2024, 12:06 PM

Just installed and tested multicam sync by audio: none (Mixed audo/Music/Speech) worked correctly for me.

colin-m wrote on 8/7/2024, 2:52 PM

I am a Vegas Pro user since v11. About 3 years ago I bought an Asus Ryzen 7 gaming laptop with Nvidia geoforce 1660ti graphics to replace my old gen 2 i7 desktop. I was unable to get Vegas 19-21 to run with ant stability. 4K files would render distorted, trimmer would crash etc no matter what footage was imported from 4 different camera brands I own. I tried everything with tech support (drivers, dynamic ram, turning off GPU...) pretty much gave up and started using Davinci, or used Vegas 13, which was stable. Tested version 22 and am pleased to say its working fine. Very stable. Trimmer not crashing. I believe the key update is under the options/preferences/deprecated features tab. This allows you to run discontinued features. I think the programmers correctly identified and isolated some of the legacy features that were causing instability. You can enable them if you need to edit older projects etc. but it gives you options if things don't work. Decided to buy the subscription. Will continue working and see how things evolve.

fr0sty wrote on 8/8/2024, 12:15 AM

Another key update since 19 is the use of new decoders for AVC and HEVC media (mxcompoundplug.dll vs so4compoundplug.dll), which speed up decoding a lot, and increase stability in many cases as well. Still a few kinks being worked out of the new system, but it's definitely more stable as a whole than it used to be. These decoders are enabled by default, so if you're one that likes to tinker with settings, just remember that "enable legacy AVC decoders", "enable experimental HEVC decoders", and "enable direct GPU import path" DISABLES the new decoder, even though the HEVC one sounds like it might be enabling it. That needs to be renamed IMO.

Last changed by fr0sty on 8/8/2024, 12:16 AM, changed a total of 1 times.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

Leupold wrote on 9/4/2024, 8:04 PM

Hi. I'm on trial version. Trying to edit toolbars. Add delete button, etc. not changing anything. Yes I know how to change toolbar settings by adding and removing buttons and saving. Another indispensable feature for me is to see the media info below explorer window when clicking on file. Not seeing that either. As I experience now is have to left click to remove (delete) a file. Is it possible these options would appear if I ended up buying?