I found the solution to Vegas Pro 8 and Vista


blink3times wrote on 10/29/2007, 7:31 PM
Why is this useless thread from this useless twit Coonass keep popping up???

Even the screen name is rather insulting. This knob is probably getting a kick out of watching this his stinking thread popping back up to the top again.

Wanna debate Macs... fine... start another thread... and let this jerk melt down into the abyss where he belongs.
bigcreek wrote on 10/29/2007, 8:23 PM
Amen. Quit already with the Mac vs. Windows. These are tools.

Can you imagine a construction worker who refused to use red hammers? or blue hammers? It's the results that matter!

And both Windows and Macs provide fine tools.

Now lets all get back to work. And make something great!
jwcarney wrote on 10/30/2007, 10:08 AM
This thread got too long, so I didn't read everything...
For those that don't know...coonass is slang for Cajun. But just like the N word, only Cajuns usually use it, and backwards ones at that.
Explains the love affair with Avid I guess.
FuTz wrote on 10/30/2007, 12:13 PM
...now to carry on about relevance of the topic:

I'm the 100th ! I'm the 100th !
deusx wrote on 10/30/2007, 12:14 PM

well, there you go. Pay $158 to make your mac unusable ( not that it's useful even when it does work ).

Way to go, it just works.

I miss the blue screen of death, haven't seen it since 2000, I guess Apple was so jealous of PCs, they had to even steal that. Now they should just give up OSX and come out of the closet, all the way.
Coursedesign wrote on 10/30/2007, 12:57 PM
Hoo-hoo, that just shows you that when a problem is found in OS X, it makes the news! :O)

(Deus, don't forget your blood pressure pills! :O)

From your linked article: ...compatibility problems with Unsanity's software caused many of the blue screen errors.

Unsanity's software patches OS X to allow greater control over the user interface. What a surprise that this wouldn't work when upgrading the underlying, patched OS!
daryl wrote on 10/30/2007, 5:38 PM
WOW. All of this was started by someone who is apparently 12 years old. Amazing!
Coursedesign wrote on 10/30/2007, 9:25 PM
And the children are our future...
apit34356 wrote on 10/30/2007, 11:00 PM
105--- " And the children are our future..." Boy, some of us are really screwed! ;-)
deusx wrote on 10/30/2007, 11:26 PM
Not children on Avid or Macs, though. No future there.
Coonass wrote on 11/1/2007, 4:59 AM
Nobody 12 years old here. I got socks older than that.
Have replaced VIsta with XP pro and as suspected, everything works fine. Vegas 7, that is. Not planning on putting 8 back on until the Sony geeks get their thumbs out of their ears and get the software right like they're paid to do. They use the "Bill Gates approach"...put out inferior productsand wait for some slobs on a forum to tell you what's wrong with it. The software should work when purchased and if there are issues with the program, they should not be the problem of the consumer.
Avid/Mojo and Final Cut are killers. Work great. On my Mac. Installed perfectly and they really hum.
Editing of 210 hours of television resumed, no thanks to Vegas.
In the real world, you stay with what works right all the time. When, and if, Vegas 8 ever works RIGHT, I might try it again. Emphasis on MIGHT. Planning on updating to a larger Avid system ASAP.
Vegas fine for editing weddings.
I don't do weddings.
blink3times wrote on 11/1/2007, 5:41 AM
"Nobody 12 years old here. I got socks older than that.
Have replaced VIsta with XP pro and as suspected, everything works fine. Vegas 7, that is. Not planning on putting 8 back on until the Sony geeks get their thumbs out of their ears and get the software right like they're paid to do."


Too many people get into the habit of blaming their own shortcomings on the product. As I said before... I'm running both Vegas 7 and 8 on Vista ultimate64 with NO issues what so ever. (had them on home 32 and worked fine, but decided to upgrade to 64).

The problem here is not the product... it's merely little more than operator incompetence. Not sure how you can hold Sony responsible for that. Are you SURE you are not 12??

And BTW... Avid Liquid is a better program than Mojo (Express) or even Avid Media..... and it's being discontinued.... which shows you just how well Avid is doing. Avid is old timers stuff... and Avid is JUST NOW beginning to see this. It MAY be too little, too late.
Coonass wrote on 11/1/2007, 6:52 AM
Hey blink 20 times:
I've been with Vegas since before Sony ruined it.
Own everything SonicFoundry ever put out and fairly apt at all of them.
Have edited major programs on Vegas 5, 6 and 7.
It just doesn't hold up to Avid or Final Cut Pro.
Everythinig else, particularly the Premiere junk, is a joke.
Live with it.
Or you could "move up to"Windows Movie Maker"......
deusx wrote on 11/1/2007, 7:04 AM
Vegas can do anything avid or FCP can do, but Vegas can do things those two can't even touch. If you don't know what those are, don't even bother replying.

Not being able to install and run Vegas on PC is like being in a bedroom With Angelina Jolie and not being able to get an erection.
I wouldn't brag about it.
Laurence wrote on 11/1/2007, 7:06 AM
WedVidMan wrote on 11/1/2007, 9:17 AM
Why so down on those who shoot weddings? I shoot weddings. Several in this forum shoot weddings. We do our job in front of 400 people, who witness ANY mistake we make. We get one chance to get the shot right - usually on the fly. We're working with minimal equipment because churches don't want the liability of someone tripping over our equipment. The bride is a tinderball ready to go off at the least interference in her perfect day. Which I better be able to show in the subsequent video. Even if her drunken 17 year old nephew wants to get in the picture half of the evening. Let me guess. You used to shoot weddings in the old days. But you moved on. I bet you moved on because you couldn't deal with the stress, when actually you couldn't consistently provide a good product. I've had several brides bring me a copy of their wedding video to fix. Why? The bride usually tells me, "Well, he said he was a cameraman for one of the local news channel and I thought he knew what he was doing." Well, if you wanted your wedding to be an 8 second video and sound bit, I'm sure your right. Shooting weddings is a different animal and extremely hard work. So take your snide comments, and ... since you seem to think your so competent, you can figure out what to do with them. Having used all the programs you say you have, I assume you're older, and its just plain difficult for older people to work with newer programs. Set in their ways, and all that. V8 and VIsta works great, its intuitive, and it supports windows themes, which allow you to customize color and hue-wise its UI. Does Avid? Don't like V8? Grow up and move on. Quit whinning about it to us. If you think AVID is better and got the money to waste, go, but please quit bothering the rest of us with your inane complaint YOU can't get it to work. This forum is a creative forum - to help others and to take Vegas forward. CA came on this forum to create... what? CA, please don't answer. Just keep you 2 cents worth to yourself because, frankly, its not worth 2 cents.
Coonass wrote on 11/1/2007, 9:34 AM
"Vegas can do anything avid or FCP can do, but Vegas can do things those two can't even touch. If you don't know what those are, don't even bother replying."

Yes it certainly can........
Crash in Vista every few minutes or less, conflicts with the Velvet Matter plugins constantly, color corrects like a blind hog and my favorite thing....VEGAS PRO 8 HAS STOPPED WORKING....
Avid and FCP don't do that.
deusx wrote on 11/1/2007, 10:14 AM
<<<Crash in Vista every few minutes or less<<<

>>>>Avid and FCP don't do that. <<<<

That's beacuse neither one even starts up in Vista. You gotta at least start before you can crash. No?
blink3times wrote on 11/1/2007, 11:32 AM
"Yes it certainly can........
Crash in Vista every few minutes or less, conflicts with the Velvet Matter plugins constantly, color corrects like a blind hog and my favorite thing....VEGAS PRO 8 HAS STOPPED WORKING...."

Like I said... operator incompetence... Sorry guy.... no matter how hard you try.... you just can't fix "stupid"
blink3times wrote on 11/1/2007, 11:35 AM
"<<<Crash in Vista every few minutes or less<<<

>>>>Avid and FCP don't do that. <<<<

That's beacuse neither one even starts up in Vista. You gotta at least start before you can crash. No?"

The guy is a two-bit phony that doesn't know a NLE from a dishwasher
Coursedesign wrote on 11/1/2007, 1:31 PM
It's sad when a potentially helpful debate (about the best way to run V8 on Vista) deteriorates into fact-free personal attacks.

All NLEs have problems from time to time. There isn't one of them that is bug free.

And statements like, "Vegas can do anything avid or FCP can do, but Vegas can do things those two can't even touch," don't help and are not fact based either.

Vegas was designed to different criteria. Focus was on working fast, using a different paradigm borrowed from DAWs. It has succeeded beyond anyone's imagination in this respect.

FCP and Avid came from environments that were more focused on teamwork, with multiple staff working on the same footage, so they put in a lot of support for this.

FCP is no longer sold as a separate product, it's all FCS (Final Cut Studio) now, and that package can do a number of things things that Vegas can't do (although not everyone needs those features).

FCP (and to a slightly lesser extent, Avid) have had to deal with a lot of different codecs used professionally, so they put those in early on.

Vegas came from a pure DV background, and slowly (because of low volume) added a few intermediate codecs and HDV. If you work on footage in these few formats, you can do really well with Vegas, otherwise it's time to swallow your pride and fire up FCP or Avid.

I think Avid is on the slow way down as a company. Their pricing will come down more quickly, and you can expect more horses in their stable to be put out to pasture (or more likely served on sandwiches). In most parts of the world, they are getting eaten alive by FCP.

Avid Media Composter is a fine product, and the Script Sync feature is absolutely killer for those working with long form scripted material. Today, it's $5,000. Tomorrow it will be less than $2,000 imho.

Avid Express? I can't see it surviving. Too much trouble.

But FCP will keep growing for a long time to come, in spite of its warts. Even though there are quite a few of those, the overall package is hard to resist, especially if you have to work with other professionals outside your own company, 95% of whom work on FCP.

deusx wrote on 11/1/2007, 2:14 PM
>>>Vegas was designed to different criteria. Focus was on working fast, using a different paradigm borrowed from DAWs.<<<

and that is exactly why my statement is based on facts. Vegas can do everything that avid and fcp can do ( edit video ) but those two cannot touch the audio or DAW side of vegas. And it can be a huge advantage if you use one app for both. In some situations I can do in 15 minutes in Vegas something that will take a day, 3 people and at least 2 apps for guys working with FCP and whatever else on a mac.

If they can agree on how to even approach the problem before the next day. They may have to call a late meeting to figure out what is going on. Ridiculous.
bigrock wrote on 11/1/2007, 3:04 PM
There is a much simpler solution that would work for you:

1. Drive on highway until encountering Road Side Stop.
2. Go in outhouse at Road Side Stop.
3. Jump down hole in outhouse.
4. Stay there loser.

Avid Xpress is the biggest piece of crap there is, unless you are from the Stone Age. Even Avid people know that. I suspect Avid Xpress will end up product discontinued as Avid rationalizes it's line of Stone Age editing tools.
Coonass wrote on 11/1/2007, 7:31 PM
I never said Avid or FCP work on a Vista. You did.

Must be another wedding editor.