Woke this morning to some crashes. Then saw the SCS homepage. I really hope they have time to squeeze in one more update before the next version but it seems unlikely.
Oh well, struggle through and keep incremental saving.
I am using 9c so that I can smart render AVCHD. However, if I insert still images into the timeline with AVCHD already present, then some stills show black, while the thumb on the event may or may not be red. As I fiddle around, I get the bad still to show correctly but then some others go bad. My workaround is put the stills into its own project, render to AVCHD and place on the timeline.
My brief testing is that v10 doesn't misbehave like that, but it doesn't smart render AVCHD.
Version 11 will be available in "fall 2011". What is the generally accepted definition for "fall"? 21 September to 21 December? (When I was young, the seasons started on the 21st but sometime when I wasn't looking, someone changed that to the 1st. I wonder if it was the same guy who made Sunday the last day of the week instead of the first!)
"Vegas Pro leverages the GPU for video FX, transitions, compositing, pan/crop, and track motion. Vegas Pro 11 supports GPU devices from AMD and NVIDIA to accelerate your workflow."
Sounds to me like we're finally getting our hands on a video playback improvement that utilizes GPU, if that's true, that's a pretty huge undertaking to accomplish and I'd give them money this time around just to support them doing something I've wanted forever.
"If Sunday is the first day, there are millions of christians resting on the wrong day!"
Lot of folks out there do think that actually, there's a few groups that set themselves apart under that very practice actually, but that's besides the point. Days of the week are just days of the week IMO :).
(And actually according to the calendar I'm looking at, Sunday is the start of the week :) )
It depends where you start. The Jewish Sabbath is the seventh day of the week. I understand that sabbath means 7th. Academics go on sabbatical leave notionally each 7 years. Jesus was crucified on Friday and lay in the tomb during the Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest (yes, Jesus and his friends were Jews, not Christians). On Sunday morning he was found to have risen. The disciples then began to meet together each Sunday, the first day of the week, to celebrate this. Christians then made Sunday their day of rest, and is sometimes known as The Lord's Day. Muslims came along next and had to have a different day of rest and they chose Friday.
I don't need anything more than 10 provides and like some, still use 9c for smart rendering of AVCHD. It would have to be something really cool for me to not skip 11 when it comes out. Minor tweeks and things like 3D don't mean anything to me really. If it ran MUCH faster rendering times through special effects it might be something I would consider.
I'll let others guinea pig 11. 3d? Meh. Titling? Meh. GPU acceleration? hmm, ok, I like. Closed captioning? Meh. RAW photo support? Meh. Event synch sounds nice. But really, most of these bullet points are items that should be standard in any pricey video editing software, heck even entry-level ones. There's nothing there that makes me want to rush out and buy it.
I hope the new version will have bug fixes for the CONFIRMED Sony Bugs that I and many others here have reported.
It would be sad to pay for a version that doesn't have a few or any, bug fixes. ):<
On that note it would be sad to have to pay for an upgrade just for bug fixes. (>.<)
If not there's absolutely nothing in the V 11 that I need.
...hey beta testers out there, can you pls test/confirm/deny if my disapearing .png sequence is still alive and well?? ((:
It would be nice to have a bug fix list when V11 is released but I know it probably wishful thinking.
I hope the new version will have bug fixes for the CONFIRMED Sony Bugs that I and many others here have reported.
Odds are V11 started development back when B patch for 10 was released, if not earlier. So again, odds are, there will still be a confirmed bug or two in there.