
john_dennis wrote on 5/25/2013, 2:54 PM
I'm assuming you changed the playback rate of the timeline.

What you really want to do is change the time duration of the media on the timeline by using Control + drag the edge(s) of the media. Then, the timeline will render as you want.
newmediarules wrote on 5/25/2013, 3:16 PM
You know, I tried that, but strangely enough, it doesn't sound as clean/spot-on as the rate increase did. If I could simply record the new sound at the new rate, that would be perfect.

I thought I could do just that by opening another Vegas and arming it for record, but it's not seeing the sound from the other Vegas.

I'm not sure about any alternatives, but feel free to let me know. Thanks in advance.
musicvid10 wrote on 5/25/2013, 6:10 PM
If you can't find the "notch" while Ctrl+Dragging, open the Event Properties and set the Playback Rate back to 1.0
ChristoC wrote on 5/25/2013, 7:09 PM
> I increased the "rate" on my timeline...and incidentally, I like what it did to the sound (increased the speed and pitch of the music perfectly)

As you found, increasing Rate increases both speed and pitch of the audio; however it will not render.
Instead, you can do this:

Set Rate back to 1.00
Hold Ctrl+Drag the right boundary of the audio to the left - this invokes Time Stretch.
Right click on the Audio and select 'Properties'
In Properties dialog, for Time Stretch / Pitch shift check that
Method = 'elastique' (this is best quality time stretch)
Stretch Attributes = 'Pro'
and then select
Pitch Change = 'Lock to Stretch'

If you just prefer to speed up without the pitch change, do not select 'Lock to Stretch'.

The above works for VegasPro 9,10,11,12. (Elastique time stretch was not available in earlier versions.)

Unless you have very sophisticated soundcard you cannot pass signals between audio applications e.g. Play in one, Record in the other..... but you can have 2 instances of VegasPro open so you can compare your results e.g. have the "Rate" changed as you like it in one instance for comparison with what I outlined above.
Chienworks wrote on 5/25/2013, 7:14 PM
Do you have Sound Forge or ACID? Any of the three of them will record each other just fine. For some very very odd and inexplicable reason, Vegas won't record Vegas and Sound Forge won't record Sound Forge. I haven't tried ACID on ACID yet. (man, that sounds bad!)

The orange rate slider changes the speed and pitch together, just like speeding up a tape recorder or a record player. Ctrl-drag only changes the speed without changing the pitch, and if you change it too much the pitch correction algorithms start making it sound quite weird. However, if after doing Ctrl-drag, you right-mouse-button click on the audio event, go to Properties / Audio Event, change Method: to Classic, and click Lock to Stretch, that will make the pitch change with the speed and give you the same result as the rate slider.

This is another one of those cases where i wish Vegas had a global option to allow me to set it to *ALWAYS* do it that way. I rarely ever want to change the speed without changing the pitch.
jeremyk wrote on 5/26/2013, 11:49 AM
The above works for VegasPro 9,10,11,12. (Elastique time stretch was not available in earlier versions.)

The time stretch method isn't used when 'Lock to Stretch' is selected, so it doesn't matter which one you pick. I've used 'Lock to Stretch' for years to avoid time stretch artifacts when adjusting separately-recorded audio to match video. For small changes the pitch change is undetectable. Currently works fine on Vegas 7.

Chienworks wrote on 5/28/2013, 8:04 PM
When you have separately recorded audio that doesn't match the video and you need to "time stretch" it (change the speed) to fit, YOU DO WANT PITCH CHANGE!

I have no idea where the completely incorrect misinformation came from that you should preserve pitch when doing this operation, but it's utterly wrong. I suspect it's because programs like Vegas let you adjust the speed independently of the pitch that people somehow thought it was required, but if you preserve the pitch, it will be wrong.

If the separate audio doesn't match the speed, then the pitch is off too, by exactly the same amount as the speed. Correcting the pitch along with the speed makes the speed AND the pitch match. Therefore, "lock to stretch" is the ONLY way to do this correctly.

Speed = pitch; pitch = speed.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 5/28/2013, 8:28 PM
I just checked and you CAN have the playback speed in one instance of Vegas set to a different speed & use another instance of Vegas to record that audio.

It's the audio drivers that would limit you. You need to use the "Stereo Mix" or "loopback" source & mute the others.
PeterWright wrote on 5/28/2013, 8:54 PM
Kelly I'd like to clarify what you're getting at over the pitch change issue.

If, say, I record a performance on camera and separately on an audio device, and they don't quite match up in length on the timeline, this may be because of physical or sampling differences between the devices, but each will generally reproduce the music as "heard" by its mic. So if the music was played in the Key of concert A, both the video and audio devices will playback in concert A.

If I then need to change the length of one event to match the other, I don't want to put one of them out of tune, so why would I want to change the pitch?

If for some reason one or other recording was sharp or flat, then I'd need to change the pitch, but not as a general rule.

Or have I misunderstood something?
musicvid10 wrote on 5/28/2013, 9:40 PM
Kelly and I had the same discussion a while back, and I support Peter Wright's viewpoint, although not as eloquently as he.

As a qualifier, I never change event length or pitch when vertically aligning audio events exhibiting clock drift. I cut ~10 min. segments on the least exposed track (almost always the rear surround), finding a nearby quiet spot precisely at sample-level zero crossings, and align each to the locked reference track in Pluraleyes, creating micro- crossfades or gaps as they may be. If the cut zone is too noisy for gapping, I'll fill in with adjacent "quietness."

None of this takes nearly as long as it reads.

If that's not an endorsement for "not" changing pitch, then I truly am in the dark.

My aging ears cannot stand any Q noise, echo, flange, or general mush in any of my audio. Thus no stretch and /or pitch change in any of my audio. And that intolerance seems to become more pronounced with age. Color me old-school.

As Mr. Spock found out in Star Trek IV, sometimes the most illogical conclusion is the only correct one . . .
willqen wrote on 5/28/2013, 11:25 PM
I've been adding/replacing dialog for decades. Pitch change from one piece of dialog to another is very tacky and annoying.

Some times I find that I need to compensate for the time stretching I do by using the Elastique algorithms to make sure I end up with the right pitch in the replacement dialog.

Sometimes that's the last thing I want to do as the pitch is fine and needs to stay as it is.

I don't have time to figure out what the cause is as to why the pitch is different or not. I need to make it right !!

Vegas gives me that option, and I am grateful for it. Keep up the good work .........
Chienworks wrote on 5/29/2013, 6:12 AM
Sorry folks, all three of you are wrong.

If the duration as recorded by two different devices is different, then the devices ran at different speeds. Now, when you bring both recordings into the same device, it's going to play at least one of them back at a different speed than it was recorded. Think of it from the point of view of the old analog tape days. Suppose you were recording on two tape decks, one of which ran at 7.5ips and the other at 7.4ips. Now you bring these in to the studio and put them on the studio decks which both run at 7.5. The one recorded at 7.5 will be correct, while the one recorded at 7.4 will now run slightly faster, *AND* at a slightly higher pitch. In order to correct it this second deck will have to be slowed to match the original 7.4ips speed, which not only slows the playback, but reduces the pitch back to be correct!

Digital does not change this at all. If the two recording devices ran at different speeds and you now play them back on other devices, the speed *AND* the pitch are both off by the same proportional amount. If you have to fix the speed, then the pitch is incorrect as well and needs to be fixed too.

Fortunately, locking the pitch to the speed when you fix the speed corrects the pitch by exactly the right amount!

So, if you're maintaining the pitch, you're doing it wrong.

I suppose i could point out that if you think the pitch is right, it's probably just so close that you can't tell the difference. Suppose one camera recorded at 48013 while the other at 47992. This is enough to off by 1.6 seconds over an hour, which would produce a very noticeable sync error. However, the pitch is only different by .04%, which is about 1/150th of a semitone and would be undetectable by ear. So i suppose in this case maintaining pitch probably wouldn't make any noticeable difference, but technically it's still wrong.