i need the original batch script for 21
wrote on 9/25/2023, 1:41 PM
i accidentally just overwritten the batch file with a old batch file and vegas wont run batch. I need to get the original copy. could someone please upload it? Thank you!
/** * Sample script that performs batch renders with GUI for selecting * render templates. * * Revision Date: Jun. 28, 2006. **/ using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Forms; using ScriptPortal.Vegas; public class EntryPoint { // set this to true if you want to allow files to be overwritten bool OverwriteExistingFiles = false; String defaultBasePath = "Untitled_"; const int QUICKTIME_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH = 55; ScriptPortal.Vegas.Vegas myVegas = null; enum RenderMode { Project = 0, Selection, Regions, } ArrayList SelectedTemplates = new ArrayList(); public void FromVegas(Vegas vegas) { myVegas = vegas; String projectPath = myVegas.Project.FilePath; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPath)) { String dir = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); defaultBasePath = Path.Combine(dir, defaultBasePath); } else { String dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath); String fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectPath); defaultBasePath = Path.Combine(dir, fileName + "_"); } DialogResult result = ShowBatchRenderDialog(); myVegas.UpdateUI(); if (DialogResult.OK == result) { // inform the user of some special failure cases String outputFilePath = FileNameBox.Text; RenderMode renderMode = RenderMode.Project; if (RenderRegionsButton.Checked) { renderMode = RenderMode.Regions; } else if (RenderSelectionButton.Checked) { renderMode = RenderMode.Selection; } DoBatchRender(SelectedTemplates, outputFilePath, renderMode); } } void DoBatchRender(ArrayList selectedTemplates, String basePath, RenderMode renderMode) { String outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(basePath); String baseFileName = Path.GetFileName(basePath); // make sure templates are selected if ((null == selectedTemplates) || (0 == selectedTemplates.Count)) throw new ApplicationException("No render templates selected."); // make sure the output directory exists if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) throw new ApplicationException("The output directory does not exist."); List<RenderArgs> renders = new List<RenderArgs>(); // enumerate through each selected render template foreach (RenderItem renderItem in selectedTemplates) { // construct the file name (most of it) String filename = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, FixFileName(baseFileName) + FixFileName(renderItem.Renderer.FileTypeName) + "_" + FixFileName(renderItem.Template.Name)); //check to see if this is a QuickTime file...if so, file length cannot exceed 59 characters if (renderItem.Renderer.ClassID == Renderer.CLSID_CSfQT7RenderFileClass) { int size = baseFileName.Length + renderItem.Renderer.FileTypeName.Length + 1 + renderItem.Template.Name.Length; if (size > QUICKTIME_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH) { int dif = size - (QUICKTIME_MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH - 2); //extra buffer for a "--" to indicated name is truncated. string tempstr1 = renderItem.Renderer.FileTypeName; string tempstr2 = renderItem.Template.Name; if (tempstr1.Length < (dif + 3)) { dif -= (tempstr1.Length - 3); tempstr1 = tempstr1.Substring(0, 3); tempstr2 = tempstr2.Substring(dif); } else { tempstr1 = tempstr1.Substring(0, tempstr1.Length - dif); } filename = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, FixFileName(baseFileName) + FixFileName(tempstr1) + "--" + FixFileName(tempstr2)); } } if (RenderMode.Regions == renderMode) { int regionIndex = 0; foreach (ScriptPortal.Vegas.Region region in myVegas.Project.Regions) { String regionFilename = String.Format("{0}[{1}]{2}", filename, regionIndex.ToString(), renderItem.Extension); RenderArgs args = new RenderArgs(); args.OutputFile = regionFilename; args.RenderTemplate = renderItem.Template; args.Start = region.Position; args.Length = region.Length; renders.Add(args); regionIndex++; } } else { filename += renderItem.Extension; RenderArgs args = new RenderArgs(); args.OutputFile = filename; args.RenderTemplate = renderItem.Template; args.UseSelection = (renderMode == RenderMode.Selection); renders.Add(args); } } // validate all files and propmt for overwrites foreach (RenderArgs args in renders) { ValidateFilePath(args.OutputFile); if (!OverwriteExistingFiles) { if (File.Exists(args.OutputFile)) { String msg = "File(s) exists. Do you want to overwrite them?"; DialogResult rs; rs = MessageBox.Show(msg, "Overwrite files?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (DialogResult.Cancel == rs) { return; } else { OverwriteExistingFiles = true; } } } } // perform all renders. The Render method returns a member of the RenderStatus enumeration. If it is // anything other than OK, exit the loop. foreach (RenderArgs args in renders) { if (RenderStatus.Canceled == DoRender(args)) { break; } } } RenderStatus DoRender(RenderArgs args) { RenderStatus status = myVegas.Render(args); switch (status) { case RenderStatus.Complete: case RenderStatus.Canceled: break; case RenderStatus.Failed: default: StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Render failed:\n"); msg.Append("\n file name: "); msg.Append(args.OutputFile); msg.Append("\n Template: "); msg.Append(args.RenderTemplate.Name); throw new ApplicationException(msg.ToString()); } return status; } String FixFileName(String name) { const Char replacementChar = '-'; foreach (char badChar in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { name = name.Replace(badChar, replacementChar); } return name; } void ValidateFilePath(String filePath) { if (filePath.Length > 260) throw new ApplicationException("File name too long: " + filePath); foreach (char badChar in Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) { if (0 <= filePath.IndexOf(badChar)) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid file name: " + filePath); } } } class RenderItem { public readonly Renderer Renderer = null; public readonly RenderTemplate Template = null; public readonly String Extension = null; public RenderItem(Renderer r, RenderTemplate t, String e) { this.Renderer = r; this.Template = t; // need to strip off the extension's leading "*" if (null != e) this.Extension = e.TrimStart('*'); } } Button BrowseButton; TextBox FileNameBox; TreeView TemplateTree; RadioButton RenderProjectButton; RadioButton RenderRegionsButton; RadioButton RenderSelectionButton; DialogResult ShowBatchRenderDialog() { const float HiDPI_RES_LIMIT = 1.37f; // based on the original HiDPI changes for DVP-667 float dpiScale = 1.0f; Form dlog = new Form(); // Determine if DPI scale adjustments need to be made (ref. DVP-667) Graphics g = ((Control)dlog).CreateGraphics(); if (g != null) { dpiScale = (float)g.DpiY / 96.0f; g.Dispose(); if (dpiScale < HiDPI_RES_LIMIT) // only apply if DPI scale > 150% dpiScale = 1.0f; } dlog.Text = "Batch Render"; dlog.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; dlog.MaximizeBox = false; dlog.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; dlog.Width = (int)(610 * dpiScale); dlog.FormClosing += this.HandleFormClosing; int titleBarHeight = dlog.Height - dlog.ClientSize.Height; int buttonWidth = (int)(80 * dpiScale); int fileNameWidth = (int)(460 * dpiScale); FileNameBox = AddTextControl(dlog, "Base File Name", titleBarHeight + 6, fileNameWidth, 10, defaultBasePath); BrowseButton = new Button(); BrowseButton.Left = FileNameBox.Right + 4; BrowseButton.Top = FileNameBox.Top - 2; BrowseButton.Width = buttonWidth; BrowseButton.Height = BrowseButton.Font.Height + 12; BrowseButton.Text = "Browse..."; BrowseButton.Click += new EventHandler(this.HandleBrowseClick); dlog.Controls.Add(BrowseButton); TemplateTree = new TreeView(); TemplateTree.Left = 10; TemplateTree.Width = dlog.Width - 35; TemplateTree.Top = BrowseButton.Bottom + 10; TemplateTree.Height = (int)(300 * dpiScale); TemplateTree.CheckBoxes = true; TemplateTree.AfterCheck += new TreeViewEventHandler(this.HandleTreeViewCheck); dlog.Controls.Add(TemplateTree); int buttonTop = TemplateTree.Bottom + 16; int buttonsLeft = dlog.Width - (2*(buttonWidth+10)); RenderProjectButton = AddRadioControl(dlog, "Render Project", 6, buttonTop, true); RenderSelectionButton = AddRadioControl(dlog, "Render Selection", RenderProjectButton.Right, buttonTop, (0 != myVegas.SelectionLength.Nanos)); RenderRegionsButton = AddRadioControl(dlog, "Render Regions", RenderSelectionButton.Right, buttonTop, (0 != myVegas.Project.Regions.Count)); RenderProjectButton.Checked = true; int buttonRightGap = (int)(dpiScale*5); Button okButton = new Button(); okButton.Text = "OK"; okButton.Left = dlog.Width - (2*(buttonWidth+20)) - buttonRightGap; okButton.Top = buttonTop; okButton.Width = buttonWidth; okButton.Height = okButton.Font.Height + 12; okButton.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; dlog.AcceptButton = okButton; dlog.Controls.Add(okButton); Button cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"; cancelButton.Left = dlog.Width - (1*(buttonWidth+20)) - buttonRightGap; cancelButton.Top = buttonTop; cancelButton.Width = buttonWidth; cancelButton.Height = cancelButton.Font.Height + 12; cancelButton.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel; dlog.CancelButton = cancelButton; dlog.Controls.Add(cancelButton); dlog.Height = titleBarHeight + okButton.Bottom + 8; dlog.ShowInTaskbar = false; FillTemplateTree(); return dlog.ShowDialog(myVegas.MainWindow); } TextBox AddTextControl(Form dlog, String labelName, int left, int width, int top, String defaultValue) { Label label = new Label(); label.AutoSize = true; label.Text = labelName + ":"; label.Left = left; label.Top = top + 4; dlog.Controls.Add(label); TextBox textbox = new TextBox(); textbox.Multiline = false; textbox.Left = label.Right; textbox.Top = top; textbox.Width = width - (label.Width); textbox.Text = defaultValue; dlog.Controls.Add(textbox); return textbox; } RadioButton AddRadioControl(Form dlog, String labelName, int left, int top, bool enabled) { Label label = new Label(); label.AutoSize = true; label.Text = labelName; label.Left = left; label.Top = top + 4; label.Enabled = enabled; dlog.Controls.Add(label); RadioButton radiobutton = new RadioButton(); radiobutton.Left = label.Right; radiobutton.Width = 36; radiobutton.Top = top; radiobutton.Enabled = enabled; dlog.Controls.Add(radiobutton); return radiobutton; } static Guid[] TheDefaultTemplateRenderClasses = { Renderer.CLSID_SfWaveRenderClass, Renderer.CLSID_SfW64ReaderClass, Renderer.CLSID_CSfAIFRenderFileClass, Renderer.CLSID_CSfFLACRenderFileClass, Renderer.CLSID_CSfPCARenderFileClass, }; bool AllowDefaultTemplates(Guid rendererID) { foreach (Guid guid in TheDefaultTemplateRenderClasses) { if (guid == rendererID) return true; } return false; } void FillTemplateTree() { int projectAudioChannelCount = 0; if (AudioBusMode.Stereo == myVegas.Project.Audio.MasterBusMode) { projectAudioChannelCount = 2; } else if (AudioBusMode.Surround == myVegas.Project.Audio.MasterBusMode) { projectAudioChannelCount = 6; } bool projectHasVideo = ProjectHasVideo(); bool projectHasAudio = ProjectHasAudio(); int projectVideoStreams = !projectHasVideo ? 0 : (Stereo3DOutputMode.Off != myVegas.Project.Video.Stereo3DMode ? 2 : 1); foreach (Renderer renderer in myVegas.Renderers) { try { String rendererName = renderer.FileTypeName; TreeNode rendererNode = new TreeNode(rendererName); rendererNode.Tag = new RenderItem(renderer, null, null); foreach (RenderTemplate template in renderer.Templates) { try { // filter out invalid templates if (!template.IsValid()) { continue; } // filter out video templates when project has // no video. if (!projectHasVideo && (0 < template.VideoStreamCount)) { continue; } // filter out templates that are 3d when the project is just 2d if (projectHasVideo && projectVideoStreams < template.VideoStreamCount) { continue; } // filter the default template (template 0) and we don't allow defaults // for this renderer if (template.TemplateID == 0 && !AllowDefaultTemplates(renderer.ClassID)) { continue; } // filter out audio-only templates when project has no audio if (!projectHasAudio && (0 == template.VideoStreamCount) && (0 < template.AudioStreamCount)) { continue; } // filter out templates that have more channels than the project if (projectAudioChannelCount < template.AudioChannelCount) { continue; } // filter out templates that don't have // exactly one file extension String[] extensions = template.FileExtensions; if (1 != extensions.Length) { continue; } String templateName = template.Name; TreeNode templateNode = new TreeNode(templateName); templateNode.Tag = new RenderItem(renderer, template, extensions[0]); rendererNode.Nodes.Add(templateNode); } catch (Exception e) { // skip it MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } } if (0 == rendererNode.Nodes.Count) { continue; } else if (1 == rendererNode.Nodes.Count) { // skip it if the only template is the project // settings template. if (0 == ((RenderItem) rendererNode.Nodes[0].Tag).Template.Index) { continue; } } else { TemplateTree.Nodes.Add(rendererNode); } } catch { // skip it } } } bool ProjectHasVideo() { foreach (Track track in myVegas.Project.Tracks) { if (track.IsVideo()) { return true; } } return false; } bool ProjectHasAudio() { foreach (Track track in myVegas.Project.Tracks) { if (track.IsAudio()) { return true; } } return false; } void UpdateSelectedTemplates() { SelectedTemplates.Clear(); foreach (TreeNode node in TemplateTree.Nodes) { foreach (TreeNode templateNode in node.Nodes) { if (templateNode.Checked) { SelectedTemplates.Add(templateNode.Tag); } } } } void HandleBrowseClick(Object sender, EventArgs args) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; saveFileDialog.AddExtension = false; if (null != FileNameBox) { String filename = FileNameBox.Text; String initialDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); if (Directory.Exists(initialDir)) { saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = initialDir; } saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = Path.GetExtension(filename); saveFileDialog.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); } if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK == saveFileDialog.ShowDialog()) { if (null != FileNameBox) { FileNameBox.Text = Path.GetFullPath(saveFileDialog.FileName); } } } void HandleTreeViewCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs args) { if (args.Node.Checked) { if (0 != args.Node.Nodes.Count) { if ((args.Action == TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard) || (args.Action == TreeViewAction.ByMouse)) { SetChildrenChecked(args.Node, true); } } else if (!args.Node.Parent.Checked) { args.Node.Parent.Checked = true; } } else { if (0 != args.Node.Nodes.Count) { if ((args.Action == TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard) || (args.Action == TreeViewAction.ByMouse)) { SetChildrenChecked(args.Node, false); } } else if (args.Node.Parent.Checked) { if (!AnyChildrenChecked(args.Node.Parent)) { args.Node.Parent.Checked = false; } } } } void HandleFormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs args) { Form dlg = sender as Form; if (null == dlg) return; if (DialogResult.OK != dlg.DialogResult) return; String outputFilePath = FileNameBox.Text; try { String outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFilePath); if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) throw new ApplicationException(); } catch { String title = "Invalid Directory"; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.Append("The output directory does not exist.\n"); msg.Append("Please specify the directory and base file name using the Browse button."); MessageBox.Show(dlg, msg.ToString(), title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); args.Cancel = true; return; } try { String baseFileName = Path.GetFileName(outputFilePath); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseFileName)) throw new ApplicationException(); if (-1 != baseFileName.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())) throw new ApplicationException(); } catch { String title = "Invalid Base File Name"; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.Append("The base file name is not a valid file name.\n"); msg.Append("Make sure it contains one or more valid file name characters."); MessageBox.Show(dlg, msg.ToString(), title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); args.Cancel = true; return; } UpdateSelectedTemplates(); if (0 == SelectedTemplates.Count) { String title = "No Templates Selected"; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.Append("No render templates selected.\n"); msg.Append("Select one or more render templates from the available formats."); MessageBox.Show(dlg, msg.ToString(), title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); args.Cancel = true; return; } } void SetChildrenChecked(TreeNode node, bool checkIt) { foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes) { if (childNode.Checked != checkIt) childNode.Checked = checkIt; } } bool AnyChildrenChecked(TreeNode node) { foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes) { if (childNode.Checked) return true; } return false; } }