Is there any extra benefit to buy an updated version of Vegas?

RyuJin wrote on 2/5/2024, 5:37 PM

It's Vegas I bought as a steam edition, is there any extra benefit to buy an updated version of Vegas?
While making a video using Vegas 14 until last week, I thought I wanted to update it to Vegas 21.
So, when I searched Vegas Pro 21 Steam Edition, there were a lot of posts telling me not to buy it because there is a possibility that the updated version will be lower than Vegas 21, which will be updated later. 
So I actually entered the Vegas site, and the price difference was very big..
Is there any additional benefit for purchasing an updated version of Vegas?



mark-y wrote on 2/5/2024, 10:08 PM

If you're just doing basic editing with legacy (before 2018) video formats, and have no interest in HDR10 or AI effects, Vegas Pro 14 is a stable product and nimble.

Much of the modern prosumer and smartphone footage will not open in Vegas Pro 14, however, so it's good to have a recent version installed, as well.

RogerS wrote on 2/5/2024, 10:13 PM

Are there benefits? Of course, the newer versions have a lot of bug fixes and improvements including much better GPU support than 14.

Would I buy it on Steam? The price doesn't seem great and isn't it limited to one computer/license? Personally I'd get VP 19 on sale here and then upgrade to 21 or a later version when there is a sale price and skip Steam:

Otherwise the Smartscription is nice as you get access to the VEGAS 365 online features like captioning and at the end of it can keep using the software (without the online features).