I would like to get Vasst's Gearshift so my older laptop will perform better. You can no longer buy it from Vasst's website. My editing computer does well with proxies but my older laptop still struggles with them.
Did you mean your older laptop still struggles with the original files (not proxies)?
I don't see GearShift on the VASST site any more.
In Vegas Pro 12 and 13 you have the built-in Smart Proxy functionality.
One free alternative to GearShift would be Rosebud's Proxy Stream. I'm not 100% sure that version 1.5 works in VP13 (try it), but I think it's good up to VP12. It's simple and I used to use it habitually even though I had GearShift.
Vegasaur has Proxy Media Builder functionality, and loads of other great features for Vegas, but isn't fee.
Thanks Nick. My older laptop struggles with even the built-in proxy files once I add any effects to to the clips. I'll take a look at those you posted. I downloaded the trial of Gearshift under legacy products at Vasst but I do not see any way to purchase the serial number. If anyone wants to sell me a copy of their's they aren't using I'd appreciate it.
I just tried Rosebud's Proxy Stream and works great in Vegas 11 but will not fully work in Vegas 13, It converts the files to proxies fine but hangs when you try to switch them back to the original source.
I really like Rosebud's Proxy Stream. Its free and flexible. Very easy to convert and switch to whatever proxy or intermediate you want. If it fully worked in Vegas 13 I'd be set. Mabey he could update it to work fully with Vegas 13. Vegasaur looks nuce but at $100 its a little overkill for what I need.
Gearshift? When changing a folder name and re-pointing vegas at alternate files is so easy. Just put all masters in one folder, and proxies in another. Then when vegas is closed rename the masters folder and reopen vegas, and point at the proxies.. Switch back in the reverse order. Maintain the same file names or some aspect of the master file name in the proxy naming. If the naming kept tight, you only should need to find the 1st proxy and Vegas should prompt to use the others in the folder.
The functionality in GearShift is also in Ultimate S Pro and it is more powerful in Ultimate S Pro. GearShift was an HD solution that was limited to using AVI files as proxies. In Ultimate S Pro you can use MXF files or any other file you see fit as a proxy. Since Vegas Pro has built-in proxy support now, the need for solutions like GearShift has dwindled which is why we removed it from our catalog.
For others, Greg has contacted us via email and we are working on a way to sell him a copy of GearShift even though its no longer in our catalog (because we still support it). Perhaps we should make a FasstApp that contains the improved proxy functionality that Ultimate S Pro has? I'll look into that.
Like Greg, I am interested to buy a copy of the old Gearshift 1.5, in order to edit hdv files with Vegas 6 under an old XP machine. Is it possible ? Moreever, I have downloaded the old Ultimate S 2 demo (2.3.0) and it seems to be very fine. I am also interested to buy It, if it is possible. I have done some audio work with Vegas 4 under W98 and now I use Vegas 6 for DV and audio working, together with Sound Forge 6.