
nedski wrote on 3/31/2012, 2:15 AM
I notice that most of the interior is in focus so I would guess that it has a small sensor. The exposure range is pretty good, the highlights and shadows look pretty good.
Maybe a three chip Panasonic model such as the HDC-TM900?
Grazie wrote on 3/31/2012, 2:42 AM
Well, seeing its reflection in the Flower Vases, it is a . . . . . .


NickHope wrote on 3/31/2012, 2:57 AM
Go on then, Mr Bionic Eyes...
ushere wrote on 3/31/2012, 5:51 AM
anyone care to guess which make of keyboard i'm typing this on?

btw. dslr
amendegw wrote on 3/31/2012, 6:01 AM
I love these types of threads!

First, imho that is very nice some footage. The sharpness of the images and the dynamic range was impressive.

I would guess it is not your D5100 as I don't see a bit of moiré in any of those scenes.

My inclination would be to agree with Nick Hope that it's a GH2, based upon some recent posts you've made. However, nedski makes an asute observation that it's probably not a dslr based upon the depth-of-field.

So, I'm going to guess it's a 4K camera based upon the "clue" in the OP (resized to 720p). Maybe the JVC GY-HMQ10? Has that been released yet?


System Model: Alienware Area-51m R2
System: Windows 11 Home
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz, 3792 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Memory: 64.0 GB
Display Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super (8GB), Nvidia Studio Driver 527.56 Dec 2022)
Overclock Off

Display: 1920x1080 144 hertz
Storage (12TB Total):
OS Drive: PM981a NVMe SAMSUNG 2048GB
Data Drive1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB
Data Drive2: Samsung SSD 870 QVO 8TB

USB: Thunderbolt 3 (USB Type-C) port Supports USB 3.2 Gen 2, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3

Canon R5
Canon R3
Sony A9

paul_w wrote on 3/31/2012, 6:33 AM
I'm no detective but, you did say 'I'm videoing you', indicating he may not have noticed. So i'm going for a DSLR format camera. DOF is deep, so possibly stopped way down, F16.. recording in 1080p downrezed to 720 for vimeo.
Which one? tough question. it has an ever so slight colour tint that we tend to see with the GH2 (its a panasonic thing?), very slight. So i'm going with that :)
good fun!

paul_w wrote on 3/31/2012, 6:56 AM
@ushere, since you are a video editor, i'd say its black to cut down on reflections. And since us editors tend to go for Pro brand quipment when we can, i'm going for a Microsoft keyboard :))

Laurence wrote on 3/31/2012, 7:05 AM
>I would guess it is not your D5100 as I don't see a bit of moiré in any of those scenes.

That is truly funny! Yes this camera has far less aliasing and moiré than my DSLR. The aperture change is a whole lot smoother too!

I think the camera mic sounds really good as well.

No it isn't a GH2. Any other guesses?
farss wrote on 3/31/2012, 8:30 AM
I was going to say F3 or C300 but that smooth aperature change hint makes me say F3.

Laurence wrote on 3/31/2012, 8:53 AM
I think I was misleading with the phrase "smooth aperture change". My D5100 jumps in levels of brighness when you are shooting even when I'm in aperture priority mode and the aperture size is fixed. I am in the habit about calling any change in light sensitivity "aperture change" even though these days it is more likely a change in shutter speed and gain. This is a habit left over from my camcorder days I'm sure. In this case, what I meant is that the brightness changes smoothly, unlike my Nikon which has to be locked down because it changes in jumps. Not an F3 or C300. Think cheaper.
amendegw wrote on 3/31/2012, 9:19 AM
"I think the camera mic sounds really good as well.... Think cheaper"I'm I allowed another guess? Let's go the other extreme - the new iPad?


System Model: Alienware Area-51m R2
System: Windows 11 Home
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz, 3792 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Memory: 64.0 GB
Display Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super (8GB), Nvidia Studio Driver 527.56 Dec 2022)
Overclock Off

Display: 1920x1080 144 hertz
Storage (12TB Total):
OS Drive: PM981a NVMe SAMSUNG 2048GB
Data Drive1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB
Data Drive2: Samsung SSD 870 QVO 8TB

USB: Thunderbolt 3 (USB Type-C) port Supports USB 3.2 Gen 2, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3

Canon R5
Canon R3
Sony A9

Laurence wrote on 3/31/2012, 9:29 AM
>"I think the camera mic sounds really good as well.... Think cheaper"

... and we have a winner! :-)

Quickly edited and uploaded from the same device.
amendegw wrote on 3/31/2012, 12:20 PM
Heh, I wish I could claim some great insight. However, I just followed your clues. As you can see in my first post, my first guess was 180° wrong.

I must say that is some impressive footage - I can't wait to see what the future brings.


System Model: Alienware Area-51m R2
System: Windows 11 Home
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz, 3792 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Memory: 64.0 GB
Display Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super (8GB), Nvidia Studio Driver 527.56 Dec 2022)
Overclock Off

Display: 1920x1080 144 hertz
Storage (12TB Total):
OS Drive: PM981a NVMe SAMSUNG 2048GB
Data Drive1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB
Data Drive2: Samsung SSD 870 QVO 8TB

USB: Thunderbolt 3 (USB Type-C) port Supports USB 3.2 Gen 2, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3

Canon R5
Canon R3
Sony A9

paul_w wrote on 3/31/2012, 5:16 PM
Just watched a TV programme on ITV british TV here and it was all done with DSLRs. Prime time viewing. You could see the DSLRs in the shots, 2 cams, cut with an overhead none DSLR. Looked pretty good. So if you are getting footage that good on your iPad, the mind boggles whats coming next! Exciting times ahead indeed.

ushere wrote on 3/31/2012, 5:43 PM
@ paul_w - close - logitech g110 back lit with 12 programmable keys*. absolute joy to work with!

*the keys, used in conjunction with my wacom make for fast, effortless, editing. the only 'problem' was getting used to remembering what key did what ;-)
Laurence wrote on 3/31/2012, 5:57 PM
Well, the window in our dining room faces east and there is lots of light in the morning in that room. The DSLR pulls way ahead when the lighting gets dim.
deusx wrote on 3/31/2012, 9:42 PM

You can get footage of that quality with a phone or a $150 camcorder. Not exactly news.

Like you say, it won't do very well under less than perfect conditions, especially low light and you want to avoid that "I really look like an idiot when holding an iPad in front of my face shooting video" look.

What the future will bring ( e-mail part may already be in the newest top of the line Canons or Nikons ) is editing and e-mailing footage directly from your camera and thus eliminating any need for tablets or phones.

It will be tablets and phones pushed out of the business, not DSLRs. At least out of the portable pro market.
paul_w wrote on 4/1/2012, 6:59 AM
The difference is, Laurence's footage is way better looking quality wise than "Click on line", and thats on a BBC channel. Another bad use of of 'cheap' cameras has to be "The Gadget Show". Both these programmes are great with content (and thats really what matters right?) but the image quality of these programmes is frankly awful! Not sure how they get away with such low bitrate blocky content. This iPad footage looks clean in comparison. So i think thats the point, this is an indicator of whats comming. Phones will get better along with iPads, DSLRs and the rest... all will improve and we will be able to make professional content for broadcast from a $300 device very soon i think (a few years perhaps). But - it will acutally look as good as an F3 or c300!
Time will tell i guess.

Laurence wrote on 4/1/2012, 7:40 AM
I kind of judge cameras not just by the end quality, but by how much light it takes to achieve that quality. With my 1/3" sensor camcorder I can get excellent results indoors, but I need to light things to get that result. With the much larger sensor on my DSLR, I can usually get great results without extra lighting. I have a bunch of commercials I did with my Nikon D5100 and no extra lighting here:

My pre-DSLR videos (Sony HVR-Z7U) look almost as good, but I had to light the heck out of things to make that happen.

The iPad obviously needs light and has the limitations of all small sensor cameras. Give it some light though, and boy does it look good!
deusx wrote on 4/6/2012, 4:51 AM
Here you go: Just saw this one.

iPad is already obsolete as a photo/video editing platform or anything. It was a logical step after all. You either edit for real on a laptop or a workstation or if you need on the spot edit and send you use something that really is portable and shoots better images/videos in the first place..

That's just the beginning. We'll probably see GH2 quality portables with on board edit/send features within 12 months. maybe GH3?

Just a matter of time. Flip out screen on the GH3 or 4 becomes an android device and you have a real camera with basic editing features and wireless on board. The only thing left to figure out is how to safely dispose of all those useless tablets.
Laurence wrote on 4/6/2012, 7:27 AM
That's cool. As the Android OS becomes a feature that is added onto cameras instead of the other way around, we could indeed see it added to some very good cameras.