I'ld like to hear about other users experiences using external Hardware midi devices to control software. I recently had a short discussion with Dave Hill about how I feel not having Vegas support midi Hardware control surfaces has always been a show stopper for pro users. My digital mixer (Yamaha 03D) has a "Midi Remote" function, where I can control external devices, like other mixers, and software. It specifically says in the manual I can control "Protools" and "user defined" commands for other software with this function. It will control Faders, Mutes, Solos,Pans and transport controls.
With my understanding of MIDI, I've always thought midi commands, where in a standard format, so my view has always thought that all mixers that have this functionality, most likely had to stick to some kind of midi guideline. Therefore, implementing this functionality in software would not be that difficult, because you could just develope this without having to develope for each particular mixer/control surface available. Dave informed me that, that is not the case.
So I'm looking for feedback from other users, that may be using this function with other software that has this functionality like Sonar,Nuendo,Cubase or Cool Edit Pro. If you have a digital mixer like a Yamaha 02R, 03D, or 01V and have used this functionality with other software, I'ld like to hear your experiences and feedback. I just don't have a lot of knowledge in this area and would like to clear up some grey areas, because I haven't been able to try these things out because I'm a Vegas user and don't feel like going back to using Pro Tools, because I like Vegas so much better and plus I'm a PC guy who likes my choice of Sound Cards without having to pay the big bucks for the Digi Design hardware.
Dave said, they've been working on hardware controler support for Vegas, but was looking for a hardware designer to jump on board with them. This made me think of Mackie HUI, or I just saw a Demo of Reason 2.0 with a USB hardware control surface which was specially designed for Reason. So basically this meant 1 hardware control surface, specially designed to function with that software. Where my thinking has always been and the reason why MIDI has been around for 20 years, is that it's a STANDARD, low cost solution. I've not worked with the Mackie HUI, but thought this also connected Via MIDI and was a reason why Steinberg software was able to support this control surface, along with the Yamaha options available.
Any insight about Midi Remote hardware control surfaces would be greatly appreciated.
With my understanding of MIDI, I've always thought midi commands, where in a standard format, so my view has always thought that all mixers that have this functionality, most likely had to stick to some kind of midi guideline. Therefore, implementing this functionality in software would not be that difficult, because you could just develope this without having to develope for each particular mixer/control surface available. Dave informed me that, that is not the case.
So I'm looking for feedback from other users, that may be using this function with other software that has this functionality like Sonar,Nuendo,Cubase or Cool Edit Pro. If you have a digital mixer like a Yamaha 02R, 03D, or 01V and have used this functionality with other software, I'ld like to hear your experiences and feedback. I just don't have a lot of knowledge in this area and would like to clear up some grey areas, because I haven't been able to try these things out because I'm a Vegas user and don't feel like going back to using Pro Tools, because I like Vegas so much better and plus I'm a PC guy who likes my choice of Sound Cards without having to pay the big bucks for the Digi Design hardware.
Dave said, they've been working on hardware controler support for Vegas, but was looking for a hardware designer to jump on board with them. This made me think of Mackie HUI, or I just saw a Demo of Reason 2.0 with a USB hardware control surface which was specially designed for Reason. So basically this meant 1 hardware control surface, specially designed to function with that software. Where my thinking has always been and the reason why MIDI has been around for 20 years, is that it's a STANDARD, low cost solution. I've not worked with the Mackie HUI, but thought this also connected Via MIDI and was a reason why Steinberg software was able to support this control surface, along with the Yamaha options available.
Any insight about Midi Remote hardware control surfaces would be greatly appreciated.