Sure does, if you want. When I first tested it the crossfades didn't appear. Then I realized that there was an icon on the toolbar and when selected the crossfades worked perfectly.
BTW this refers to the Plat. version, but believe it works the same in the regular version.
>Does the new v6 automatically crossfade multiple images when dragged to the timeline?
The new version allows you to add ANY transition to multiple still images. Just highlight the images you want to apply the effect to , and drag the desired transition to one of the junction points between two images, and the desired transition will be applied to all the images. You can set the transition length in the preferences section, prior to applying the transition. This worked on my Platinum version.
Just got the Sony email offering the upgrade price of $29.95 instead of $39.95; does anyone know whether there'll be a similar keycode for the platinum version (currently $59.95) as this is what I'm gonna have to get :-)
I got the same e-mail, for $29.95. Under the upgrade section of the website, though, it's still at $39.95. I guess that's the price for those of us who purchased version 4 recently. I got v4 back in February, so I've only had it for a few months. Kudos to Sony for this! It's a good thing I hadn't got around to the upgrade purchase yet - procrastination pays off!
I got an email offer for 6 Platinum this evening for $49.95, though the website still lists $59.95.
By the way, if you order at the higher price and then get the reduced price offer later, SONY is usually really good about giving you a refund. Email customer service and ask.
If, like me, you purchased Movie Studio + DVD 4.0 within the LAST 30 DAYS, Sony will give you a FREE upgrade to Movie Studio + DVD 6.0. Also, I was offered (on the phone with Sony) an upgrade to Platinum 6.0 for $30 even. Bought it and love it.
I've tried to e-mail Sony via their web site twice. Both times, after I hit the submit button, I'm redirected to a page where I can sign up for a support account. I don't know if my request to get my $10 back has gotten through or not.
I called and the rep was able to find my order and said they would issue the credit to my card for $10. Of course, my purchase hit my card the same day, but the credit still hasn't arrived (called on 8/19).
After a few e-mails back and forth with Sony, I finally found out that variable bit rate encoding for the Main Concept mpeg2 is available only in their professional version of the software and not Movie Studio 6 or Platinum.
Oh, that figures... Right after I finally upgrade to VMS 5.0! :o)
Funny thing is that I've joked over on the Cakewalk Sonar forum that they should go from version 4 right to version 6. Looks like Sony decided to try that.
Okay, I kicked down the $50 for the Platinum version. Seems like a great update, especially as I was needing some of the features of Vegas 6 but couldn't afford the price of that.
Checking out the demo of VMS6, one thing I miss is that in Make Movie, there is no longer a 1 Mbps option for WMV, and there is no longer the 'estimated file size'. Oh, well. But I hope to see those back again.
For those looking into either VMS or Vegas, Just throught I'd throw in a few more differences I've spotted while evaluating both VMS 6 Platinum and Vegas 6+DVD (I'm currently a Vegas 4 owner and I'm on the fence whether to do the Vegas 6 upgrade or save alot of $$$, as I'm only a hobbiest and don't do any pro video work).
That said:
* Vegas 6 adds velocity envelopes. In VMS, you can change the speed of an event, or even reverse it, but the speed is constant. With Vegas, you can gradually slow down, stop, speed up, whatever, by using velocity envelopes and keyframes
* Vegas 6 adds 3D track motion / compositing. This is something I'd probably never use, but it allows you to, say, take a photo and rotate it in 3D space.
* As far as track compositing goes, in VMS you only get a parent-child relationship, with no nested children. Also only two compositing modes. (and no, I don't know how to take advantage of any of the Vegas-only enhancements here - just pointing it out!).
It really looks like Sony simply turned off some features and repackaged Vegas - the user interfaces are just about identical.
I think the one of the most important VMS 6 (when compared to V6) does not have is also the Beizer Mask.
The DVDAS3, is really not much imrovement when compared to DVDAS2, half the quickstart manual is telling me, this so and so feature is only available in DVDA... bummer...quite a letdown DVDAS3