Moving on...


DavidMcKnight wrote on 4/19/2016, 9:24 AM
Thank you Peter for all your work. I and thousands upon thousands of SCS software users greatly appreciate it. While I edit less and less these days, my start with V4 came at a time when I'd tried Pinnacle Studio, Premiere, and whatever Pinnacle bought that was supposed to be their pro product.

None of them could do what Vegas did and does. Again, thank you.
winrockpost wrote on 4/19/2016, 7:32 PM
Thanks for trying to keep this Vegas thing going, and all your time you spent helping,
Good luck to you in your future endeavors!
monoparadox wrote on 4/19/2016, 8:24 PM
Thanks, Peter.

It was always a welcome sight to see you engaged in the forums. Your presence was appreciated.

-- tom
Barry W. Hull wrote on 4/20/2016, 3:26 PM
Peter, as a regular lurker and occasional poster, I've always enjoyed, and benefited by, your comments.

Thank you and good luck!

Barry Hull
Logan5 wrote on 4/20/2016, 4:11 PM
Thanks so much for your contributions and help!
TeetimeNC wrote on 4/21/2016, 5:07 AM
Peter, I echo what others have said and add that I am a bit saddened that our "inside guy" is moving on. But I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors.

Photography • Video
ReceptorDeceptor wrote on 4/21/2016, 10:45 AM
Thank you Peter!

All the best! Take care. Cheers!

FixitMad0 wrote on 4/21/2016, 1:50 PM
Thank you Peter!

Take care and thanks for everything you did.

Laurence wrote on 4/24/2016, 12:12 PM
I just wanted to chime in and say how much I've enjoyed your support over the years Peter. Thanks and good luck.