When I preview/render with default settings for Vegas 22 I get green/black frames in transitions between files (.mov) from my jvc GY-HM170E. Preview runs with best (full) and color corrections without a problem.
Setting the gpu to off in file io tab for hardware decoder to use solves the problem. But then I get a stuttering preview (even on preview auto!) and much slower rendering.
I am seeing that the mxcompoundplug.dll is used for this files.
Setting the option enable legacy AVC decoding on file IO tab results in using the so4compoundplug.dll. But immediately same problem, now black frames in transition.
What can I try further, while using the gpu on file io tab for hardware decoder, but not getting this problem?
Vegas pro 22 build 194
Windows 10, gpu RTX 3060, rog strix b440-f gaming (wifi), AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core, 64GB memory.