
ChipGallo wrote on 8/29/2012, 11:40 AM
I am clicking on the first track with my nested video underneath. Inserting generated media and choosing the NB Titler plug. Entering text, setting style, adding the falling letters effect. I don't do a new project. The crashes can happen anywhere in that process. I seem to have fewer if I work very slowly. I am not near the video edit system to give a more detailed description but can do so later.

Every time I send a report to Sony, so they must have a bunch from me. I wonder if doing this with the Mac version of Titler Pro would be better? Maybe it will be bundled with the Vegas for Mac ... (not serious but it *could* happen, right?).

jetdv wrote on 8/29/2012, 12:38 PM
Please send the information to a help ticket a
Arthur.S wrote on 8/29/2012, 1:08 PM
Trying to download 120815 but it's either sloooooooow or just stops. This on a 38meg connection. Are NBFX having server probs?
[r]Evolution wrote on 8/29/2012, 3:21 PM
Feels like NewBlue is trying hard over there. NBTP has been solid in Vegas 11 64bit.
They've even introduced a couple of new Style Packages as well.

fingers crossed that one of these updates will work on my system in Premiere.

jetdv wrote on 8/30/2012, 12:04 PM
Arthur, I don't know of any website issues and it appears to be working fine for me right now.