Numeric keypad keyboard reassignments

Rednroll wrote on 6/11/2019, 12:50 AM

Hi, I'm struggling with remapping some keyboard short-cuts. In the past I had a keyboard with a numeric keypad and I was used to using that keypad for all my event editing purposes. The problem I have now is that I have a laptop with no numeric keypad.

When I go into Vegas to edit keyboard short-cuts in the customize keyboard menu I'm struggling to find what I'm looking for. The problem is to find what you're looking for, you can press the currently assigned keyboard short-cut keys and the customize search will jump you to the assigned command. Well how do you jump to the command if you don't have a numeric keypad?

What I'm currently trying to customize and re-assign is the keyboard short-cuts for.

Slip trim selected events one pixel left/right = Alt+Numeric Keypad 4/6

I just can not find that assigned keyboard short-cut in the customize keyboard section to be able to re-assign it.


Grazie wrote on 6/11/2019, 1:08 AM

@Rednroll - Hi there! - Is this helpful?

I just type "pixel" into that Search bar.

Rednroll wrote on 6/11/2019, 7:14 AM

Nope, not that one. I already changed that one since that's an important one also on the Numeric keypad. That's "nudge", where I'm looking for "slip" and any of the words I searched on so far have come up empty.

For that nudge command you have shown, I assigned those to the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys. So it used to be NUM 4/6 as shown. So you may think that since "slip" is defined as "ALT" + "NUM 4/6", then I would just hold the ALT key + my new assignment LEFT, RIGHT arrow keys.....nope, doesn't work that way. If you press "ALT + Left" in the custom keyboard settings, that will display its current assignment of "CursorTo.LeftByFrame" and that's what it does.

If I had a numeric keypad, I should be able to enable the "NUM" key, and then either the 4/6 key and it would take me to that assigned command in the window you have shown...However, since I don't have a numeric key pad, finding that slip command seems allusive.

If you have a numeric keypad. What may be helpful is if you press and hold "ALT + NUM 4" so those combo of keys are displayed in the shortcut keys box you currently have displaying "Num 4"

ryclark wrote on 6/11/2019, 8:58 AM

Unfortunately Alt + Num 4 or 6 doesn't point to any assigned commands in the Default keyboard shortcut set up.

Rednroll wrote on 6/11/2019, 9:22 AM

Unfortunately Alt + Num 4 or 6 doesn't point to any assigned commands in the Default keyboard shortcut set up.

Thanks for looking. So it is starting to sound like if I want to use those keyboard short-cuts, I need to add a numeric keypad to my laptop. I was hoping to avoid that scenario when I was originally shopping for a laptop, by getting one with a onboard numeric keypad since it was one of the important items for editing in Vegas but I ran into a situation where I was getting 6 of 1 or 1/2 dozen of the other with the laptop and figured I would be able to at least work around getting a laptop without the num keypad in that Vegas had its custom keyboard assignments but it's now looking like yes, Vegas has that feature but is undefined for the ones I need. Figures.

There goes my portable setup I was hoping to have.

Grazie wrote on 6/11/2019, 1:37 PM

@Rednroll - Would you fancy using the Contour Shuttle Pro2? I'm almost sure I could experiment and get your Command be assigned to a Button. Plus you get a Shuttle and inner Jog wheel thrown in for free!

Just say and I'll have a go for you 😎 .

Marco. wrote on 6/11/2019, 2:28 PM

It's not that you couldn't assign numeric keyboard commands to different keys, but you can only assign processes which are in that list and Slip Trimming is not.

Several choices, Grazie mentioned one of them. Also many notebooks allow to switch to the numeric mode, don't know if yours offer that.

Another way is using a simple macro software like AHK to generally re-assign Alt+4/6 to different keys. Maybe I could send you an AHK script EXE file which includes the AHK executive so you would not even have to install AHK yourself. Then simply running this file would re-assign your keys.

Rednroll wrote on 6/11/2019, 3:00 PM

@Rednroll - Would you fancy using the Contour Shuttle Pro2? I'm almost sure I could experiment and get your Command be assigned to a Button. Plus you get a Shuttle and inner Jog wheel thrown in for free!

Just say and I'll have a go for you 😎 .

I'm not really interested in a contour shuttle pro2. Sitting to the right of my laptop's built in keyboard is a mouse, and a Behringer X-Touch One. That's already 3 pieces of input devices for 1 software program sitting on my desk. If anything I'm currently looking at just picking up one of these.

It will cost less that a CSP2, eliminate another cable running across my desk, and not occupy a USB port on my laptop. However, now I'm up to 4 input devices and now my right arm is too short and the devices are starting to fall off the right side of my deck.

The reason for getting a laptop is so I could do remote recording. It gets more difficult to do that when your laptop has a bunch of devices hanging off of it with all the extra stuff to lug around. I was hoping to be able to do some quick editing while out in the field by just re-assigning the keys on my laptop keys that I use most often for editing. So really a CSP2 doesn't solve that is the problem. ;)

Rednroll wrote on 6/11/2019, 3:17 PM

It's not that you couldn't assign numeric keyboard commands to different keys, but you can only assign processes which are in that list and Slip Trimming is not.

Several choices, Grazie mentioned one of them. Also many notebooks allow to switch to the numeric mode, don't know if yours offer that.

Another way is using a simple macro software like AHK to generally re-assign Alt+4/6 to different keys. Maybe I could send you an AHK script EXE file which includes the AHK executive so you would not even have to install AHK yourself. Then simply running this file would re-assign your keys.

I'll check further to see if my laptop allows switching into numeric mode, it's a good suggestion but even if it does, the keyboard layout of the top row numbers of a QWERTY keyboard doesn't lend itself to an easy to remember left/right input layout like the numeric pad....2=Left? 4=right?, 1=Left, 3=right?...and what was the modifier key again, was it Shift,Alt, Cntrl, or a combination?

What I had hoped to do was set SHIFT+LEFT/RIGHT arrow to the Slip Left/Right edit functions but they're not assignable in Vegas like you stated. I have LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys currently assigned to NUDGE LEFT/RIGHT which also works when I enable Trim event edges LEFT/RIGHT.

AHK sounds like it may be a workable solution but what happens to the key assignments when I work outside of Vegas? Do I have to have multiple AHK scripts for each program I need to switch between?

Likely my best workaround is to punt on the keyboard short-cut keys assignment which I've grown accustom to using for fine tuning editing capabilities and instead of working that way, grab the slip edit cursor tool with my mouse and go back to editing with a mouse while I'm doing in the field recording/editing, then just purchase a separate numeric keypad when I'm editing at home.

Former user wrote on 6/11/2019, 3:28 PM

If you can't find that particular command under the customize keyboard, that means it is not available to be customized. You would need to assign the keystrokes of "alt-num keypard 4/6' to a hotkey or create a macro.

When I type in the alt numeric command it shows no command assigned to that keystroke. That means it is an internal keystroke not designed to be customized.

If on your behringer you can program one of the function keys to make this keystroke, that would work.


Marco. wrote on 6/11/2019, 4:31 PM

Here is the link for the AHK EXE file. Download, unzip and run "46.exe". This will affect Vegas Pro 16 only. It will assign Alt+Numpad 4/6 to Shift+Cursor Left/Right in Vegas Pro 16 (for every other program Shift+Cursor Left/Right works as before).

Rednroll wrote on 6/11/2019, 4:39 PM

If you can't find that particular command under the customize keyboard, that means it is not available to be customized. You would need to assign the keystrokes of "alt-num keypard 4/6' to a hotkey or create a macro.

When I type in the alt numeric command it shows no command assigned to that keystroke. That means it is an internal keystroke not designed to be customized.

If on your behringer you can program one of the function keys to make this keystroke, that would work.


Unfortunately, the behringer doesn't support keyboard key assignments, it's strictly an MCU command control button assignable device.

Where/how would I go about creating a hotkey or a macro?


"When I type in the alt numeric command it shows no command assigned to that keystroke. That means it is an internal keystroke not designed to be customized."

Yes and thanks. This needs to be updated in Vegas in my opinion. The majority of laptops out there don't have a numeric keypad. I'm sure when the keyboard customization was originally implemented, the majority of us didn't have this problem since we needed a full size PC to run Vegas which all came with a full size keyboard with a numeric keypad. Probably time for Vegas to come up to speed and better align with the devices many of us are now using with Vegas. They obviously thought about NUM+1/3, 4/6, 7/9 to be custom assignable at that time. Probably time to for Magix to pick up the ball where Sony dropped it and complete it by adding ALT+NUM 1/3, 4/6, 7/9 to be assignable as well.


Rednroll wrote on 6/11/2019, 4:42 PM

Thanks Marko! I'll try this out. How do I undo the changes if I find it's not working to what I'm trying to achieve?

Here is the link for the AHK EXE file. Download, unzip and run "46.exe". This will affect Vegas Pro 16 only. It will assign Alt+Numpad 4/6 to Shift+Cursor Left/Right in Vegas Pro 16 (for every other program Shift+Cursor Left/Right works as before).


Marco. wrote on 6/11/2019, 4:52 PM

You'd either kill the "46.exe" background process via the task manager or right-click the AHK symbol in the Windows Task bar and select "Exit".

Marco. wrote on 6/20/2019, 9:15 AM

Does it work?

Rednroll wrote on 6/26/2019, 9:17 PM

Does it work?

Hi Marko,

I've been busy exploring other options and haven't tried it out but I'm now coming back to exploring what I can do with AHK.

So here's where I'm at and what happened. I purchased this Bluetooth Numeric Keypad.

I paired it up with my laptop and there were 2 problems I observed.

1. The keypad had very slow response to key presses which made it unuseable. I had to wait 1.5 seconds between key presses for the key presses to be recognized.

2. When I attempted to use ALT+NUM 4/6 to perform slip editing it didn't work. I was unsure if that was due to the slow response of the keypad or if it was due to I have to press ALT on my built-in laptop keyborad and NUM 4/6 on the keypad.

I wrote an Amazon 1 Star review, and posted a 1 minute video with it showing the problem I was observing with the slow responsiveness of the keypad where I was planning on shipping it back. The seller contacted me offering to solve the problem in exchange of me removing my 1 star review. I was unsure if the problem was due to a defective device or some bluetooth compatibility issue. However, I did try the keypad on another PC and observed the same problems. The seller offered to provide me a refund without having to send the device back, as well as told me I could have my choice of keypad replacements they sold if I didn't want a replacement of the same keypad.

I decided to go with the same keypad but used 2.4Mhz wireless instead of bluetooth. I never had good luck with bluetooth mice/keyboards. So I got this keypad...essentially for free. The downside is that I now have to use up one of my USB ports for the wireless transceiver.

This one doesn't have problem 1, it works great and is very responsive. However, problem 2 still exists. I'm now wondering if this is common problem when attempting to do combo key presses between 2 separate keyboard input devices. I'm very unsure.

Anyways, your AHK solution got me thinking further of what I would now like to try to do with this Keypad. I would like to try to assign the keys that I use most often on my built in keyboard to this numeric keypad. I'm thinking if I'm able to assign ALT, SHIFT, and CTRL to keys I don't ever use on the keypad, then possibly ALT+NUM 4/6 would work since the key presses are coming from the same device. I'm currently going through which keys I use most on my keyboard and figuring out which keys I don't use on the keypad and would be layed out logically for me.

I don't really want to trouble you further with all these types of details, plus I would like the ability to reconfigure it in the future if needed.

Does this sound like something that I would be able to achieve with AHK?

What tools do I need to get to be able to do this myself?



Marco. wrote on 6/27/2019, 3:39 AM

I'm not sure if there are certain keys reserved by Windows which then cannot be re-configured but generally you could use AutoHotKey to reconfigure any assignment, e.g. I regular use an AHK script for simplified typing a bunch of special characters which else would need to type Shift+Fn+Alt plus a seqence of four numbers on my notebook.

All you should need is AutoHotKey itself. Then you'd edit some basic code into a text editor and save this script as *.ahk file. Done.
You then could compile this *.ahk file into an *.exe file so others could also use the script without having AHK installed (compiling AHK scripts is a feature of the AutoHotKey software). This is what I have done with that "46.ahk" file to let you use it without the need of having AHK installed.

BTW – the code of the "46" script I linked in the post above simply is:

#IfWinActive, ahk_exe vegas160.exe

+Left::Send !{Numpad4}
+Right::Send !{Numpad6}

The first line just ensures the re-assignment only affects Vegas Pro 16.


Rednroll wrote on 6/27/2019, 8:17 AM

I'm not sure if there are certain keys reserved by Windows which then cannot be re-configured but generally you could use AutoHotKey to reconfigure any assignment, e.g. I regular use an AHK script for simplified typing a bunch of special characters which else would need to type Shift+Fn+Alt plus a seqence of four numbers on my notebook.

All you should need is AutoHotKey itself. Then you'd edit some basic code into a text editor and save this script as *.ahk file. Done.
You then could compile this *.ahk file into an *.exe file so others could also use the script without having AHK installed (compiling AHK scripts is a feature of the AutoHotKey software). This is what I have done with that "46.ahk" file to let you use it without the need of having AHK installed.

BTW – the code of the "46" script I linked in the post above simply is:

#IfWinActive, ahk_exe vegas160.exe

+Left::Send !{Numpad4}
+Right::Send !{Numpad6}

The first line just ensures the re-assignment only affects Vegas Pro 16.


Thanks Marco. I downloaded AHK last night after some Googling and spent a good 2-3 hours reading up on how to use it and playing around creating some scripts. For the life of me, I can't figure out a way to get ALT + NUM 4/6 keyboard short-cut to work. At this point, I'm starting to question if it even works in VP16?

From Vegas keyboard short-cut definitions.

Slip trim selected events one pixel left/right = Alt+Numeric Keypad 4/6


In AHK I tried these remapping, to move the ALT key to a key on the numeric pad.


I then tried this, which is similar to the ones you created and just pressed NUM 4.

NumpadDot::Send !{Numpad4}

I also tried your script, and wasn't able to get a Slip trim edit operation Using SHIFT+ arrow keys either.

If I reassign the "s" SPLIT key to the same key as such.


This works where the "." key on the Numeric keyboard when pressed will now split the event at the cursor location.

My next step is to go see if I can find an old USB keyboard that I had which included a numeric keypad to see if ALT+NUM 4/6 actually works in Vegas. At this point, I have my doubts it does and I've been chasing a ghost.

Any ideas?


Marco. wrote on 6/27/2019, 8:55 AM

Strange. If you use the EXE version of my 46-script which I linked two weeks ago, what exactly happens (assumed you did select an timeline event before pressing Shift+Arrow)?

I tested it with VP16 on two different notebooks both without a numpad and on both of it it works fine. So maybe someone else could test that EXE version.

Rednroll wrote on 6/27/2019, 9:01 AM

Strange. If you use the EXE version of my 46-script which I linked two weeks ago, what exactly happens (assumed you did select an timeline event before pressing Shift+Arrow)?

I tested it with VP16 on two different notebooks both without a numpad and on both of it it works fine. So maybe someone else could test that EXE version.

I haven't tried the EXE you sent since I now have AHK installed and running.


Marco. wrote on 6/27/2019, 9:05 AM

It would help testing that EXE version to ensure we use exactly same code with different results.

Rednroll wrote on 6/27/2019, 9:27 AM

Ok, I tried the 46.exe. I'm seeing the same not working results.

Holding SHIFT key while pressing the right/left arrow keys just moved the selected event left/right along the timeline. It would be the same as pressing the NUM 4/6 keys as if the ALT key press is not being detected. It's giving me the Nudge event functionality and not the Slip edit event function I'm after.

Marco. wrote on 6/27/2019, 9:37 AM

Oops, I see what you mean and what I must have been missed all the time. I'll re-check here.

Former user wrote on 6/27/2019, 10:05 AM

I am not sure what the SLIP Trim is supposed to do as opposed to the nudge. I tried on my keyboard and using the alt and not using the alt seems to do the same thing. Maybe this is a bug?

Former user wrote on 6/27/2019, 10:11 AM

Ahh, I think I discovered the problem, in order for the Keyboard ALT-NUM 4 or 6 to work, you have to be in the expanded layer edit mode. It does not work in normal edit mode.