
JohnnyRoy wrote on 4/18/2008, 3:11 PM
> I see there is a reference on the sign in the VASST Kiosk picture to a plugin called "Broadcast Assistant". Does anyone have any details about this?

I was showing an Alpha version of Broadcast Assistant at the show. It's an automation tool for processing video files and outputting in various formats. Let's say you have a bunch of videos that you need to apply some video or audio fx to (maybe a film look), then convert to widescreen, and finally add a network bug and render into 5 different formats for DVD and the web. Broadcast Assistant will do this for you; processing each file with the options you've selected and outputting with no intervention from you.

MarkWWW wrote on 4/18/2008, 4:55 PM
Ah, thanks Johnny.

Serena wrote on 4/18/2008, 6:00 PM
>>but if this video isn't proof, I don't know what is :) <<

Looks like Dick Cheney away from the office, I'd say. Maybe the original video has some detail in the highlights?
kairosmatt wrote on 4/18/2008, 7:30 PM
"Panasonic P2 is low on SCS's priority list. Then again, Panasonic P2 is low on Panasonic's priority list. Sony and Panasonic developed AVCHD together, and that is the direction that Pannie is headed, so be ready for better support of Pannie's products, and less excuses."


I realize that P2 is low on SCS's list, but it doesn't seem low on Pany's list, as they've just shown a bunch of new cameras and equipment (including HVX200a). They also seem to be pushing P2 products in a lot of different fields (news gathering, TV, indies etc).

It seems like their AVCHD Pro cameras are more budget than the P2 cameras, but they should all work in Vegas.

Also, I'm waiting for more info on Raylight Ultra, to see what it brings to the Vegas/P2 workflow.


UlfLaursen wrote on 4/18/2008, 10:35 PM
Any news reg. the AVCUpShift from VASST / NewBlueFX that should be at NAB too. Did anybody see it?

Konrad wrote on 4/18/2008, 11:29 PM
"Any news reg. the AVCUpShift from VASST / NewBlueFX that should be at NAB too. Did anybody see it?"

No I did not see it. I asked about it and was told it was in development.
UlfLaursen wrote on 4/18/2008, 11:37 PM
Thanks Konrad - guess we will get e-mail from VASST when ready to roll.

jrazz wrote on 4/19/2008, 9:03 AM
It was there and demo-able. Basically you just bring in your avchd files and it will convert the files to M2T files for you. This is not necessarily needed for Vegas as it can handle AVCHD, but it is beneficial for Premiere or Avid or even Final Cut (you will need to convert on a windows based system and then bring the files over onto your mac system).

It is a standalone program and has a very simple user interface. If I recall right, it is around 60 USD.

j razz
Spot|DSE wrote on 4/19/2008, 9:40 AM
Actually, Vegas users benefit significantly from AVCUpShift, as it converts the files to as much as a 60Mbps stream with I-frame only (or a longer GOP structure, user-defined) and is very fast for Vegas to decode. We've just got a few more minor details to iron out and we'll be shipping.
Seth wrote on 4/19/2008, 10:28 AM
To add to Spot's comment, using an m2t file would be faster to re-encode after you've locked picture too, since Vegas Smartrender doesn't do straight AVCHD. I hadn't heard of it till now, but if I were shooting AVCHD I would definitely use this before trying to edit in Vegas.
UlfLaursen wrote on 4/19/2008, 12:52 PM
[i]We've just got a few more minor details to iron out and we'll be shipping[/I]

Sounds good, Spot :-)
