
MUTTLEY wrote on 5/11/2012, 1:20 PM
Jay, never said you didn't have the right, only said you've become a bitter ex-girlfriend. Your reply does nothing to deter me from thinking that with the only addendum being that you've become the bitter ex-girlfried who makes an occasional booty call.

- Ray
Underground Planet
robwood wrote on 5/11/2012, 2:04 PM
must be great to have a gig where you only need one NLE... i work with Vegas, Premiere and FCP (...tho not last while...)

I have problems with Vegas 10 handling sRGB 4:4:4 image sequences in 32-bit. CC'ing in 8-bit can leave banding and other errors once a CC has too many layers/masks/filters/whatever. Sony hasn't fixed this since introducing 32-bit; most Vegas users don't care cuz most of them work with camcorder footage.

Adobe Premiere doesn't have this problem. So should I be impressed with Adobe, unimpressed with Sony... or grateful I bailed on FCP in 2004 and moved to Sonic Foundry's Vegas Video.

The answer is somewhere inbetween;

1) if an NLE isn't stable, it's not pro. Sorry, that's MY definition of professional. Vegas used to be stable, not-so-much now.

2) Premiere gui has always given me headaches... but haven't used CS6 yet so I'm waiting to see what CC is like firsthand before grumbling as usual.

3) If a potentially better/useful tool is available why not check it out? isn't like Sony is making anywhere near the effort Adobe is at winning over the NLE community in film/post, broadcast, wedding/event, etc, etc.

...all that said, I use Vegas way too often to just walk away from it unless my workflow changed a LOT; just sucks it doesn't get the attention it did with SF. c'est la vie
winrockpost wrote on 5/11/2012, 3:05 PM
I use both vegas and premiere and they both give me good video edits and heartburn, just for different reasons, will say though my heatburn from vegas is still with 10 , 11 may have given more than heartburn. Both have their ups and downs. Adobe blows vegas away for sure in two areas, marketing and training.
just my opinion
NicolSD wrote on 5/11/2012, 3:33 PM
I use both Vegas and Premiere. Both programs have their strengths and weaknesses. I prefer editing in Vegas, I find it a lot faster and intuitive. Having previews of the effects and transitions is great as well. I also prefer the titling in Vegas.

On the other hand, Premiere is more solid and renders videos much faster than Vegas. My videos always take less time to render than the actual duration when I use Premiere. Vegas 11 is fast but nothing like Premiere. The Mercury engine is just mind blowing.
dxdy wrote on 5/11/2012, 4:31 PM

Wow, I love your instructional video. May I ask about the two lavalier mics? Are you just trying to pick up the speaker no matter what direction he is facing, or is it part of your mic'ing for the guitar?

What other mics were you using and where were they set?

Gene Aum wrote on 5/11/2012, 5:35 PM
Adobe: Pay upgrade price to patch critical bugs

Stunning announcement from Adobe

[r]Evolution wrote on 5/11/2012, 6:36 PM
As always, I'll continue to use Vegas for certain things but... Dynamic Link + Mercury Playback = CS6 for me!
farss wrote on 5/11/2012, 7:08 PM
"Adobe: Pay upgrade price to patch critical bugs"

SCS: Pay upgrade price and critical bugs don't get fixed.

Leee wrote on 5/11/2012, 8:26 PM
I think the OP's comment was totally appropriate for this situation. Yes there is some bitterness and frustration, but even a totally mellow, laid back person (like myself ;) ) is bound to get frustrated with the current version of Vegas 11. And only those experiencing these time/money work stoppages can truly understand that frustration.

And to mention an alternative NLE is (again in my opinion) a totally helpful thing to do. Many Vegas users live in a bubble and don't often realize what other new products might be available to them.

And as far as posting things that are appropriate or not appropriate, I would say that the Vegas users that are not having any problems who constantly interject their opinions into these threads about how bad of experience using Vegas 11 can be, and talking about possible alternatives and work-arounds, I think it is THOSE people that are posting the inappropriate comments, making us "problem users" feel like we're doing something wrong.

The Vegas 11 stability issues are not our fault, we should not be discouraged for speaking our mind, and we definitely should not be made to feel like it's not okay to talk about other ways of getting our work done.

I'm a long time loyal Vegas user, despite all the recent problems, I'm still sticking with it. And if it wasn't for all the other folks having problems and posting about them, I'd probably have given up on Vegas by now. At least I know someone cares enough to want to get this thing fixed, once and for all.
Laurence wrote on 5/11/2012, 8:27 PM
Seems like both companies are the same on this. V10 black frame and replace footage will never be fixed, just like the problems in Adobe CS 5.5.
Guy S. wrote on 5/11/2012, 8:52 PM
<<you've become the bitter ex-girlfried who makes an occasional booty call>>

I owe a debt of gratitude to every editor who has helped me work through hardware and software issues and learn new features and techniques. To put it bluntly, I simply wouldn't be doing video professionally without the selfless help of those on this and other forums. And part of that help includes hearing about alternate editing solutions...

A decade ago I heard about Vegas on a forum dedicated to a Premiere-based real time hardware editing platform. Users were frustrated because Premiere was constantly crashing. A few had discovered Vegas and shared their experience. I gave Vegas a try and the rest is history.

As a way of thanking the many who have helped me, I try to contribute to positive and constructive forum experiences by giving others the benefit of the doubt and by limiting my comments to only those things that I would say to another member face to face.

As a final thought, I work for a manufacturing company and I check our user forums daily. If I see an issue that our marketing, engineering, or service support group needs to know about, I forward the post to them right away. Customer feedback absolutely matters to us because satisfied customers built our brand. Though they may not respond, I'd be willing to bet that SCS is listening, too, because it would be folly not to. Developers can't work in a vacuum; pleasant or not they to know how we feel about our experience with Vegas.

Zeitgeist wrote on 5/11/2012, 8:53 PM
Laurence that snarky attitude leaves me to leave you alone with your problems not caring at all. :) Be a person & take some responsibility for your problems & stop blaming Vegas. Just the fact that you copy your project from Vegas 11 to Vegas 10 shows you are not too bright & are only asking for trouble. Your workflow & your attitude leaves a lot to be desired. Thank god you don't work for my company or you would be out of job. I guess there is one in every forum & YOU are the one in the Vegas forum. Take some time off from posting on the forum & reexamine everything that is YOU especially your lazy copy/paste worfklow & sarcastic attitude. Friendly advice.
Laurence wrote on 5/11/2012, 9:22 PM
>And as far as posting things that are appropriate or not appropriate, I would say that the Vegas users that are not having any problems who constantly interject their opinions into these threads about how bad of experience using Vegas 11 can be, and talking about possible alternatives and work-arounds, I think it is THOSE people that are posting the inappropriate comments, making us "problem users" feel like we're doing something wrong.

Well said Lee.
ushere wrote on 5/12/2012, 12:55 AM
well, to throw a bit of balance in here (humour-wise), this was just posted over on the adobe board cs6 board:

How soon before the cs6.1 release for PPcs6?

feel like it might be out of the frying pan into the fire ;-(

Jay Gladwell wrote on 5/12/2012, 7:26 AM
And the reply was:

There are many new users who have bought the latest version or use the trial version, but make one big mistake and the majority of the flurry of posts here at this moment come from these new users.

Some more balance and humor... ;o)

david-ruby wrote on 5/12/2012, 9:26 AM
I did not feel jay did any such thing. The truth hurts. I have been with sonic foundry when there was no vegas. I have supported this NLE for it's whole life span.
I also do this proffesionally and MUST have a working NLE that doesn't slow down a deadline. There has now come a time here where Sony is dropping the ball. Will they pick it up and punt a smokin field goal? I don't know. Do I have time to be a beta tester while working for a living? NO. Sure I am not happy but I was able to install ppcs6 and get my backlog caught up with no hiccups or crashes. So yes I am having to put my poor vegas down for now till there is some progress. Still loyal to the Sonic/Sony team members who are still around like Dave Hill, etc. They established the passion we had for Vegas. Then Sony took over. Well they are in the hole and are probably cutting back on workers. You do what you have to do to get yur work done. Period. Fingers crossed but work first.
deusx wrote on 5/12/2012, 10:04 AM
>>>>must be great to have a gig where you only need one NLE... i work with Vegas, Premiere and FCP<<<

Even better when that NLE is your DAW as well. What does the competition do there? Force you to use yet another program from some suite?

Laurence wrote on 5/12/2012, 12:52 PM
Yeah I love the way Vegas works for audio. I love my collection of scripts. I love how easy it is to do things like ungroup the audio, separate the in and outpoints for the audio, then group it back together with the video. I love how I can keyframe stills and spin things around in three dimensions without going to another program. I really have no desire to learn another system at all. I just want it to work!
Leee wrote on 5/12/2012, 3:32 PM
Laurence that snarky attitude leaves me to leave you alone with your problems not caring at all. :) Be a person & take some responsibility for your problems & stop blaming Vegas. Just the fact that you copy your project from Vegas 11 to Vegas 10 shows you are not too bright & are only asking for trouble. Your workflow & your attitude leaves a lot to be desired. Thank god you don't work for my company or you would be out of job. I guess there is one in every forum & YOU are the one in the Vegas forum. Take some time off from posting on the forum & reexamine everything that is YOU especially your lazy copy/paste worfklow & sarcastic attitude. Friendly advice.
I just don't understand this post at all. I don't understand what its implying and I don't understand the hostility.

If Vegas 11 is not rendering properly for a user, finding a work-around such as taking into Vegas 10 is not only a clever and usable procedure, but I fail to see where any "laziness" comes into play. If anything it's taking an EXTRA step to complete a project.

And the "snarky attitude" comment is beyond absurd, given the entire context of the message. You ever hear of the expression, "The pot calling the kettle black"?
And to tack on "Friendly advice" on the end is even more absurd.

This post is the perfect example of what I was talking about previously. The fact that Vegas 11 users, who are reporting crashes, issues and workarounds, are literally under attack from the self-appointed "we-have-no-issues-with-Vegas-11" fanboys, is....well....I just can't think of another word....absurd. The only way these attacks make any sense is that if SCS were paying people to plant these messages in the forum to balance out the comments about bugs and crashes. But I'm sure SCS wouldn't do that kind of thing and they have much better things to do with their time than to worry about posts that are actually trying to help FIX the problems.

I might suggest that certain other people might also find a better use of their time and energy than to waste it by posting near-troll-like messages, that serve absolutely no purpose, no constructive criticism, no helpful information and only tend to make a bad situation worse. Just some "friendly advice"! Y'know?
[r]Evolution wrote on 5/12/2012, 3:48 PM
There are many new users who have bought the latest version or use the trial version, but make one big mistake and the majority of the flurry of posts here at this moment come from these new users.

I totally agree with whomever said that!
Being a trained analog editor that can run any NLE that is based on said training, I had a hard time getting into Vegas Video at first. FCPx does not follow this convention therefore it sits on my box yet has only been opened a few times to remind to how awful it is. ACID & Vegas Audio was my companion DAW to ProTools, so this helped me transition into Vegas' GUI & quirks a bit. I've always liked its 'Edit Anything' approach and because of this truly Open Timeline, it has continued to get used during my career no matter what NLE was the chosen 'House Editor'.

Premiere has been in my arsenal since v4 and has always been one of the Top Dogs in my circles as Avid was too expensive and FCP was Mac. Other NLE's were rarely spoke of but known to exist. At one point, post houses I knew were selling their (1) Avids to buy (2-3) Premiere or FCP rigs.

Now, jump ahead some 15yrs later and taking a look at my editing past, I feel that Adobe & Premiere has a proven track record of positive change. FCP recently fell off the Professional map... Vegas never was there... Avid lost it's customer base... other NLE's are around but IMHO, not in the same league.

Although I too would like to stay in 1 program to do it all... is that truly possible?
For me to roundtrip to another program to fix Audio, add Special FX, author DVD, export various Formats, etc... is perfectly fine. Especially now that Adobe's (1 click) Dynamic Link makes it so quick & easy to do. The interaction of their Suite is Sweet.

I hardly ever get choppy playback in Premiere but always get it in Vegas. Once I stack up too many layers in Premiere I can quickly render and view it flawlessly. Premiere is way more collaborative than Vegas being that I can import XML's.

Vegas has always been my 'go-to' for 'conforming' files via Batch Render but as Premiere adds more of the Vegas features I like... I tend to go to Vegas a lot less than I used to. As Premiere becomes more widely used (thanks FCPx), I become more marketable.
ushere wrote on 5/12/2012, 6:58 PM
+ 1 [r]evolution
Editguy43 wrote on 5/12/2012, 7:40 PM
I have tried CS 6 and overall it looks quite good the new interface is nice and clean and the ability to change the buttons is good. One thing I did notice is the speed at which it launches the new 64 bit has really speed things up.

For the life of me I cannot get used to the way, some things work in it as well as other NLE's compared to Vegas. I just have to have the mouse zoom and in PPro you have to hold the Alt key and still it works weird,

I do not feel the precision when trimming on the timeline like I do with Vegas, and can anyone tell me why only in Vegas can you add a crossfade so easily I mean come one how hard is it to figure out OH drag one clip over another and BAM crossfade.. I use it every single day in my editing with Vegas, and when I use some other editing software, I keep trying to do it and end up cutting off part of the clips AHHH.

In PPro it takes two or more steps just to add a crossfade. Vegas has been for the most part stable for me, I have had it crash and the weird bugs, I have not had the media swap thing yet, thankfully.

I have had a few renders crash, and new Blue has caused some problems, but I am far from jumping ship, Vegas is still for me the best fit with the type of editing I do and the media I edit.

I do like the integration and tools available in Adobe CS 6 and may look into adding it to my workflow ( I really want to learn After Effects) but it is still out of reach financially. (anybody have a spare Two Grand just laying around)

Any way I Like Vegas, I use Vegas every day, and I will continue to for the foreseeable future, and after 2 years of trying I finally got my wife to start using it, she likes Vegas.

Paul B
My 2 pennies in.
ushere wrote on 5/12/2012, 8:19 PM
i really don't think ANY of us wants to leave vegas - i certainly don't. i'm following cs6 tutes at the moment trying to get my head around it's methodology, admiring certain things, appalled at others (adding dissolve!), but whether you're experiencing major bugs (in my case media swapping), or niggling, inexplicable little quirks they are a distraction from the job at hand.

let me state clear and loud, i WANT to use vegas, i think it is streets ahead of the competition in many areas (though they're all trying to play catch-up), but 11 needs to be sorted out in its next iteration because if it isn't i just don't have the time or patience to hang on any longer...
Leee wrote on 5/12/2012, 8:36 PM
There are many new users who have bought the latest version or use the trial version, but make one big mistake and the majority of the flurry of posts here at this moment come from these new users.

I can only hope that "the majority of the flurry of posts here at this moment come from these new users" was not talking about the crashing problems a lot of us are experiencing? Because I haven't really seen any other flurry of posts that has NOT been talking about that.

Because if we take that statement one step further, one could say that all the people that are experiencing crashes are Warez/Torrent downloaders who have been using a corrupted version of Vegas 11. Although I'm sure clients that come into our studios or edit suites and see a hand-written CD with "Illegal Copy of Vegas 11" scribbled on it, might not have the greatest confidence in our services. (I'm honestly surprised we haven't seen more of those type of accusations from this highly critical bunch)

If however you were speaking of posts that are asking things about "Why can't I see the text overlaid on my video?" then I'll have to agree with the OP's statement. That is kind of a newbie question. Except, as I said, I haven't really seen a "flurry" of those kinds of questions.