
Former user wrote on 3/5/2018, 12:13 PM

Copy one of your project files with a different name and download the 15 trial and give it a try. There are a lot of variables that can affect compatibility including which effects might have been used.

Jayboy75 wrote on 3/5/2018, 12:22 PM

Okay, that's a good idea. Assuming the version 15 trial won't overwrite or interfere with the unregistered version of 10 I currently have installed...

NickHope wrote on 3/5/2018, 9:09 PM

It shouldn't overwrite or interfere with VP10. I have both 10 and 15 (and 12, 13 & 14) installed. My VP10 projects all open in VP15. One problem you might have is if you have used a 3rd-party FX in your project that is not supported in VP15.