
riredale wrote on 6/15/2004, 10:06 AM

With all due respect, if you would take your head out of the sand, remove your pinko-treehugger glasses, step back and see the Big Picture, then you'd really see that it...

Matt_Iserman wrote on 6/15/2004, 10:42 AM

That made me laugh; I have never been called a pinko-treehugger in all my life. Nonetheless, it is plain to see that it is...


Although, maybe you just can't understand since your name-calling has clearly revealed you to be too immature to understand an issue of this depth you facist, pigheaded, right-wing tool (no offense intended, of course).

HeeHee wrote on 6/15/2004, 11:59 AM
Let's face it everyone. Politics is evil because people run for office for the power that comes with it and not necessarily to make this a better country or world.

Filmakers make films to convey a story or a point of view to entertain others. Moore isn't any different from us video heads. I choose weddings and family type events for my video topics. Moore chooses politics. I don't agree with everything he says and don't really like him, but he does have the right to document and show his films just the same as I have a right to document and show my videos.

This is coming from a conservative. So, don't think I'm a liberal sticking up for another liberal. I don't plan on watching Moore's film, but I do think he is funny with a wierd political sense of humor, all be it one-sided. Nonetheless, the one-sidedness is what makes him funny. I just hope he doesn't think he is a journalist, fimmaker of fictional documentaries he is, but not a journalist.
BillyBoy wrote on 6/15/2004, 1:05 PM
I've only seen a few minutes of Moore's other work here and there. I always seem to miss "Bowling for Columbine" when its on TV.

What else has he done?

What peaked my curiousity is all the right wing buzz trying to put down Moore simply because his next subject happens to be Bush... a guy I simply detest with a passion because I think little Georgie is a world class idiot.

So you would think all the hard core right wingers would shut-up because the more they try to put down Moore before his film even plays the more people are going to want to see it.

For example in the past couple weeks I've gone from probably won't see it, to maybe will see, to a must see. All because of the noise and also because two film critics I respect because they tell it like it is and don't pull punches, both Ebert and Ropers gave it a 'thumbs way up' so that pushes it into the category of what are right wingers fearful is going to be in the film they don't want anyone to see?

My other truth detector is listening to Rush Limbaugh every once in awhile. The more that jerk rants and screams about something the more I know he's trying to distort the truth.
HeeHee wrote on 6/15/2004, 1:56 PM
Just think, wouldn't this be a boring world if we didn't have extreme lef-wingers like Moore or extreme right-wingers like Limbaugh. Us middle guys can just sit back and get a laugh from the blowhards.
TomE wrote on 6/15/2004, 2:03 PM
BillyBoy If I were you I wouldn't waste any money seeing the film. Since you already hate little georgie as you say then Moore will not be able to convince you to hate him with his film. The people that haven't made up their minds yet about which camp they belong to are the ones that might change after seeing it. All the others will just reaffirm their beliefs. Which is kind of what happens when you talk politics anyway.

Did Moore use Vegas to edit this? Did he do it on a plane or did he do it while he was stuffing his face full of cheesburgers or donuts. Do you think he'll use the new bezier mask to make himself look like less of a pig?

Okay well, trying to keep it on topic.
BillyBoy wrote on 6/15/2004, 3:09 PM
Curious choice of words you have for Moore. Also I didn't say I hate Bush, rather I detest him. I think most know I have no use for self-important arrogant types. Especially when they get "installed" in a postion that is far over their head and they're unable to do the duties of the job. That's little Georgie.

I''m trying to figure out what is about Moore that YOU and others hate and its clear by the words you use when talking about Moore that seems to be the correct emotion you're expressing.

OK, I've seen his picture, the guy's fat. If that's the yardstick for judging intelligence what's you opinion of Rush Limbuagh (a ex blimp)

and Dick Cheney

, still a pudgy guy? Two FAT right wingersfor sure. Speaking of fat, have you had a seen a side view of the Speaker of the House DennisHasterd

or Henry Hyde?

Those guys got some serious beef they carrying around. I wonder how many cheesburgers or donuts they eat.

Oh and Michael Moore
Jackie_Chan_Fan wrote on 6/15/2004, 3:12 PM
"There is a BIG difference between "making a point" and telling a lie."

Not really.

But the point of what i was saying is.... lies are a matter of perspective, as is truth.

To state truth, does not mean one lies on purpose... nor does it mean its truth.

Michael Moore deals with information, information that he uses to tell his point of view.

Information is just information. Truth is often a matter of perspective. The article linked in the post, comes from an opposing view. A view that is trying to make a point, wether you think they're telling the truth, depends on what you're willing to beleive as truth.

BillyBoy wrote on 6/15/2004, 3:17 PM
Right wingers have NO sense of humor at all. So they won't like this picture:
HeeHee wrote on 6/15/2004, 3:18 PM
All this talk about lies, truth and perspective make me think of the Saturday Night Live cartoons with the real audio and cartoon spoof of politicians and celebrities doing odd things. Just, hilarious!
BillyBoy wrote on 6/15/2004, 3:29 PM
or this one, so warm and outgoing, that's little Georgie
Jackie_Chan_Fan wrote on 6/15/2004, 3:52 PM
"BillyBoy If I were you I wouldn't waste any money seeing the film. Since you already hate little georgie as you say then Moore will not be able to convince you to hate him with his film. The people that haven't made up their minds yet about which camp they belong to are the ones that might change after seeing it. All the others will just reaffirm their beliefs. Which is kind of what happens when you talk politics anyway.

Waste money? IF ANY film out this year... is worth seeing for its actual relevance to our lives... then this would be it.

How many political films are released each year under major studios?

Spider-man2 is a waste of money. This film actually SAYS SOMETHING.

Wether or not you beleive in it, is for you to decide... But you need to SEE it first :)

It is not a waste of money... It is what many film makers DREAM about. Making a film that says something political about our current existance. A look at ourselves, not in the usual fictional manner through characters we identify with... But with actual real footage, interviews, and politics relevant to todays world!

I dont care if you switch sides and join the Moore camp...

The very thing that makes this film that much more important than any other this year, is that it says something!

This isnt American Idol, Survivor, JAG, CNN, FOX NEWS... :) This is someone SAYING something. Its important, its grand, and it is so RARELY done in film.

Damn folks... Chaplin would have killed to have the freedom Moore does today. This is the very thing many film makers dream of. Its American at its fullest.

"Waste of money" ? BAH. Even if you love bush, this film is worth seeing. Or are you the kind of person that turns their eyes away from our wounded soldiers who do the dirty work for our benefit, just because you "dont want to see it". Do you avoid listening to opposing views because you've already decided you disagree?

This is what film can be, and often should be but never is. This film is not a waste of money.

riredale wrote on 6/15/2004, 8:30 PM

Okay, truce.

I'll buy you a beer the next time you're in Oregon (but not a light beer).
FuTz wrote on 6/15/2004, 8:33 PM

mmm... CNN... Michael Moore...
All in the same article...

emeli wrote on 6/15/2004, 8:50 PM

Thanks, but, uh... I don't like beer. (No, I'm not joking.) Nonetheless, if we could overcome the gulf between our divergent opinions, maybe there is hope for the rest world.

apit34356 wrote on 6/15/2004, 9:19 PM
JC Fan, are you Jeff Giffs, M.Moore writer/internet guy? Your postings are similiar to some done on each of Moore's earlier projects to promote emotional interest in his work. Your story line about "truth" reminds me of the Clinton's War Room approach. I thought you said he would help promote your book,(.......), before you would write for him again? 6 years later...what happen?
And if you are Jeff, give this forum a break from the PR line. Email me about the MM's high school teacher/field research/promoter in Davision, remember the difference between 451 and 951...

tdillard wrote on 6/16/2004, 8:19 AM
Just out of curiosity, who would you refer to as ultra-liberal?
Cunhambebe wrote on 6/16/2004, 11:35 AM
Is this the Vegas forum? Am I in the right place? I don't know why so many people seem to hate Mr. Moore the most. In fact I guess if Mr. Moore were so bad, he wouldn't have won La Palme D'Or in Cannes. By the way, where is Cannes? lollllll
rextilleon wrote on 6/16/2004, 1:55 PM
Cannes is a little village outside Oskosh, Wisconsin. It's actually a nudist colony. Yes Moore is all of the above but like Fox News, Al Jazerrah, CBS, the New York Times etc there is an element of truth to his madness. You just need to learn how to discern it. By the way, if you want to see a tremendous documentary on the news coverage of the Iraqi War, check out the Control Room. It's about Al Jazerrah---very interesting.
BillyBoy wrote on 6/16/2004, 2:28 PM
Dave is pulling your leg. Cannes is actually in Southern France. Very pretty area. They had a major film festival there for many years. VERY expensive.

The real reason Michel Moore is getting trashed is because:

a. He's fat, ugly and outspoken (I know the feeling)

b. He not a Republican and for sure he is anti-establishment

c. He put a movie together that won the top prize at Cannes and all the the right wingers have been in a tizzy ever since because its going to make Bush look bad, as if Bush needed help in that department.

d. There's apparently a lot right wingers in the forum and they don't want anybody to see a movie in a major release on the big screen that for sure will have major political overtones.

Like any film maker Moore takes some liberties in telling his "story" which may mean he stretches the truth. Since I haven't seen the film and neither has anyone else yet, that remains to be seen. Ditto with Steven Speilberg with " Band of brothers", "Saving private Ryan", etc..

On the matter of stretching the truth, its like Bush claiming "major fighting over" a year ago, odd that more of our servicemen died after little Georgie blubbered that whopper then before. Of course if your're a Republican you tend to ignore those lies like the lies Bush used to start his war in Iraq

I just think its so damn funny those on the right are so worried that people will see this movie and think less of Bush. That would be hard to do.

Hint: ITS A MOVIE. Unlike Dittoheads (strange right wing creatures that have been know to foam at the mouth) that listen to Rush Limbaugh for instructions on what to think, most people can make up their own minds.

If or not Moore made a "documentary" or a fairytale REMAINS TO BE SEEN. Coming to a big screen near you on 6/25

MJhig wrote on 6/16/2004, 3:47 PM
Limbaugh, Liddy, Hannity, Bork = Liars.

Anyone who votes Republican these days falls into one or more of these categories;

1.) I'm rich, I've got mine and want more, screw the handicapped, disadvantaged, future generation's debt and their inevitable environmental hardships.

2.) I have no regard for the Constitution, separation of church and state, my religion is the only religion and should be imposed on everyone.

3.) I'm not rich nor do I have any particular religious agenda but I'm stupid.

rextilleon wrote on 6/16/2004, 4:33 PM
I think that there are many sincere people out there who vote Republican because they ascribe to the the theory that government is to big, taxes are to high, America should not be in the business of nation building, deficits are bad, etc. Unfortunately, this president really doesn't represent them--That's why I find there defense of his policies so perplexing.
Cunhambebe wrote on 6/16/2004, 5:01 PM
I'd like to apologize folks because no one understood my joke. I am sorry. (Very special thanks to BillyBoy - Yes, Bily, I know where it is, I am
Sincerely, it's very sad to read someone saying Cannes is a village in the USA. There can be a town with the same name in the USA too, but I was talking about Cannes, CANNES the one of the film festival and yes I was joking (sorry for that - the ones who've seen interviews will undertand it, though).
In fact, Cannes is located in southern France, more exactly in a department called Alpes-Maritimes, known worldwide as Côte D'Azur. The region is the ancient Provence, which had it's own romantic language called "provençal". I still do not understand why some people insist to talk about such topic around here. As far as I know, politcs should be kept outahere!!! I mean, this forum is intended to help other users with Vegas. I guess it wouldn't be polite to post messages here, related to other countries' politics. Would a new-yorker be interested in Pakistan politics? So please, be more polite and think the whole world may not be interested at all in this kind of silly discussion, "specially around here". There are other places to do this...
MJhig wrote on 6/16/2004, 5:32 PM
I've only seen a few minutes of Moore's other work here and there. I always seem to miss "Bowling for Columbine" when its on TV.

I'm familiar with Roger And Me, Bowling At Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11. There may be more.