OT: H264 Wedding Videographer's website.


Tim Stannard wrote on 5/3/2007, 8:34 AM
A couple of points which have not been raised (in this particular thread, at least)

1. Videographers who include pirated (for that is what it is) music in their productions are making their clients accessories to the crime - whether or not the clients are aware. And this includes all to whom the client distributes copies. What a gig. You pay me money to make you and your friends criminals!

2. Putting aside the rights of the musicians, composers and producers to receive a royalty, what about their rights to decide how their music should be used. I can't imagine Yusaf Islam (nee Cat Stevens) being too happy about "Wild World" being used in an extremist anti-Muslim propaganda film.

[edited for punctuation]
Dan Sherman wrote on 5/3/2007, 9:12 AM
Thanks for the idea Tim!