ot . . Oh dear me . . .On the early knowledge

Grazie wrote on 4/30/2013, 5:00 AM
. . of the death of a good friend and relative - Brian. My sister called me 2 hours ago . . .

This is NOT my work, but kinda sums up Brian and the family . . . .

Full Moon Silhouettes by Mark Gee

. . g


Richard Jones wrote on 4/30/2013, 5:05 AM

That is a stunning video. Thank you for sharing it.

I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you and the family can quickly learn to cope but I do know how difficult it is.

My thoughts are with you and yours.

PeterWright wrote on 4/30/2013, 5:43 AM
Thanks for sharing that wonderful video Grazie - in the context in which you posted, it was an inspiring experience .... the beauty and preciousness of what we have and share.
ushere wrote on 4/30/2013, 6:44 AM
stunning vid and my sympathies graham...
farss wrote on 4/30/2013, 6:48 AM
Sorry for your loss Graham and thanks for the link to the video.
It reminded me to get out more and take in the wonders of the universe we live in.

Laurence wrote on 4/30/2013, 9:23 AM
Sorry for your loss Grazie. That video is stunning!
Grazie wrote on 4/30/2013, 9:37 AM
Hi Guys . . . . Thank you.

Brian was, and the memory of him is still rather poignant. He was a real "Gentle-Man". As "Uncle Graham" I shot and edited his grandson's Barmi. We always had fun kibbutzing (joshing, gossiping) about shooting video. He came over from Israel for his Son's 50th. I was with him on Sunday. Now, back in Israel, he died this morning.

Again, thanks guys.

Graham "Grazie" Bernard

Larry Clifford wrote on 4/30/2013, 9:54 AM

Death take many family and friends too early. You can see that many of your friends on this forum are sorry for your loss.

About the video, It was very well done. The picture of the moon was beautiful, but I belive the silouhette of the people added to the beauty of everything.
Nobody wrote on 4/30/2013, 10:07 AM
Thank you for sharing, on all levels.

JasonATL wrote on 4/30/2013, 12:01 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thank you for sharing the video. It is a fitting tribute to those who have have touched our lives for the better.
NickHope wrote on 4/30/2013, 2:01 PM
Condolences Grazie.

I watched that video when it first came out and it's still clearly etched in my mind. It's a little masterpiece.
Duncan H wrote on 4/30/2013, 5:30 PM
Thanks for sharing a wonderful video Grazie. Sorry to hear of your loss, good that you were able to catch up prior to his passing.


Tom Pauncz wrote on 4/30/2013, 9:58 PM
So sorry Graham. But thanks for posting. Amazing video.
Ron Windeyer wrote on 4/30/2013, 10:12 PM
An awesome video Graham; thanks for posting. As has been said so eloquently by others, my sincere sympathy for your loss, and I hope you and your family can move on from this, and have good memories of your friend.
Rory Cooper wrote on 5/3/2013, 7:04 AM
Grazie that’s heavy. I saw this clip awhile back as I was filming some moon shots and was getting a lot of haze etc did some research etc when I saw this clip my initial reaction was it’s an animation… it’s too good.
FixitMad0 wrote on 5/3/2013, 12:55 PM
Sorry for your loss Grazie. That is Stunning and a beautiful video. Thanks for sharing!