
BillyBoy wrote on 4/12/2005, 2:57 PM
Using XP SP2 no problems. Seems to work fine for me with eveything from legacy old style Windows applications limited to reading eight dot three file name applications to Vegas, DVD Architect, Photoshop CS, Corel Draw, Flash MX, Poser 5, older versions of Office, tons of shareware dozens of other graphic applications, etc..
randy-stewart wrote on 4/12/2005, 2:57 PM
Yes, using on an old Dell 866mhz, 512mb ram, nVidia 32mb graphics, 240GB of hard drive space on 3 drives (2 internal, 1 firewire), and Dell monitor. Only thing that bugs me is the security blockers for e-mail which catches some e-mail I want to receive sometime. Otherwise, runs very stable.
DGrob wrote on 4/12/2005, 3:01 PM
Dell Precision M60 - XP Pro, Vegas 5d, DVDA2, VirutalDub, Photoshop, Particle Illusion, Bluff Titles, Ulead Cool 3D, Nero 6, etc. No problems at all. Updated SP2 and all as soon as available. Darryl
biggles wrote on 4/12/2005, 3:37 PM
I'm running Vegas 5, Nero 6, Bluff Titler, Excalibur, Spicemaster etc - no problems with SP2 here.
cbrillow wrote on 4/12/2005, 3:39 PM
Running SP2 on 2 home machines, no problems. Heck, even Pinnacle Studio 9 works with it on my system. THAT'S saying something...

I had USB2-related delayed write failures while on SP1, but that appears to have been a problem with an add-in USB2 card, and is a different animal than the firewire problem discussed in the other thread.
rique wrote on 4/12/2005, 3:44 PM
I did a clean install of XP SP2 & all current updates a couple of months back and no problems so far.
B_JM wrote on 4/12/2005, 4:09 PM
ive always said to use only odd numbered service packs - this has kept me safe on more than one occasion and i'm sticking to it ..

Yoyodyne wrote on 4/12/2005, 4:14 PM
I thought that rule only applied to good Star Trek movies - or maybe it's even numbers...something like that...
p@mast3rs wrote on 4/12/2005, 4:21 PM
Doesnt matter because today is the last day to block XP SP2 download according to MS.
B_JM wrote on 4/12/2005, 4:35 PM
easy - turn off automatic updates in both services and mms --- always a god idea anyway on a production machine --

nothing worse than in a the middle of project , windows wants to update itself ..
rontvs wrote on 4/12/2005, 4:36 PM
Been using XP SP2 since it was released and everything has been A-OK.
Orcatek wrote on 4/12/2005, 4:43 PM
I think this fix address the firewire issues.

Harold Brown wrote on 4/12/2005, 6:44 PM
I have XP Pro w/SP2 and no problems. I did have delayed write failures because a driver for my Promise card was over written with an older driver. Don't know if that was SP2 or the new video card I put in. However, I put the new driver back in place and all was well.
Serena wrote on 4/12/2005, 7:18 PM
No problems I've found with either my laptop or on the production desktop.
prairiedogpics wrote on 4/12/2005, 7:38 PM
No problems with XP SP2. PIII 866 mhz, 512 MB RAM.
Vegas 5, DVDA2, Photoshop 7, Particle Illusion SE.
I was scared, but no problems since I updated 2 months ago.
Redd wrote on 4/12/2005, 9:36 PM
S/P2 is okay on two XP Home machines and one XP Pro, and like cbrillow even runs with Studio 9 Plus. >;-}
DCV wrote on 4/13/2005, 8:11 AM
All is good here now, no problems after patches installed.

cacher wrote on 4/13/2005, 8:15 AM
P4 3.0 ghz 512 mb ram Dell XP SP2, no problems at all.
BrianStanding wrote on 4/13/2005, 9:58 AM
Thanks for the responses so far. Any AMD users?

(I've checked the "System Specs" on the forum user page, so if you've filled that out, no need to respond to this question.)
Former user wrote on 4/13/2005, 10:08 AM
Running SP2 on two AMD Athlon machines. After a little tweaking, everything is running fine.

Dave T2
SonyTSW wrote on 4/13/2005, 10:42 PM
For some unknown reason, about a month ago on my home machine I started getting the dreaded VidCap lockup when that app starts up. That machine is an older computer, originally WinXP, then updated with SP1, and then SP2 late last fall. Captures had worked under SP2 at one time, I'm not sure what changed.

Rolling back to an older MSDV.SYS fixed the problem, as described in this Knowledge Base article:

Problems capturing from DV devices after installing Windows XP Service Pack 2
rique wrote on 4/13/2005, 11:06 PM
Thanks for the tip. Btw, the link on that page to the patch from MS doesn't work.
cbrillow wrote on 4/14/2005, 3:48 AM
BrianStanding -- both of the machines I'm running SP2 on are AMD-driven.
J_Mac wrote on 4/14/2005, 4:42 AM
Dual AMD 2000+ Processors, older Tyan Tiger mobo, XP pro, Sp2. Had initializing MBA problems about a year ago, but I had 2 masters on one channel, my bad. No OS problems. All my hardware and software are playing nice. Good Luck, John.